Document type and no. ranges
In normal accounting, account person only will pass all the entries. He will get voucher no’s continuously. In SAP voucher we call it as document.
FI Accounts Person MM Stores Person SD Sales Person
Material Receipt 1
Payment 2
Sales 3
Receipt 4
To get document number serially SAP has given document type
Doc.type SA RE RV
No.Range 01 02 03
No.Range interval 1-100000 100001-200000 200001-300000
We are getting the document no’s continuously by seeing the document number we can tell where it is generated.
In a year 100000 vouchers are consumed system gives a message we give available numbers 300001-400000
Path:SPRO-Financial accounting-Financial accounting Global settings –Document –Document Header-Define Document Types (Tr.code:OBA7)
Select position button
Document type select : SA
GL Account document
Select type :SA
Select details button (Ctrl+Shift+F2)
Number range :01
Select number range information button
Give the company code : AML
Select change intervals button (↓)
Select interval button
No.range :01
Year :2008
From number :1
To Number :100000
Current number :0
Deselect external(Ext) check box
If we select external check box, we have to give at the time of posting what should be the document number.
Select press enter.
Select save button or Ctrl+S
Ignore warning message press enter
Number range interval can’t be transported to production client – what ever number for development client for testing.
1. Consultant is an outsider – he does not know how many document numbers are required for each area.
2. All the departments want to have 1—100000 which is not possible. In live environment, before going live all the department heads sit together and decide for production client.
What should be FI document number
What should be MM document number
What should be SD document number.
SAP have given two options.
Opetion1: Year specific Option 2: Common to all years
01-2007-1-100000 500000 500001 01-9999-1-100000
01-2008-1-100000 3000 3001 53000-53001-53002
1st Entry
Date:24.09.2008 9999 means any year
Posting date:24.09.2008 in 2nd option we don’t know how many
2nd Entry
Entry date:29.09.2008 Documents we have posted for each year
Posting date:31.03.2008
Note: companies follow 1st option.