When we transfer an asset from one unit to another unit with the company code –we have to transfer at cost HYD BGL
Capitalization date 20/04/2008
To transfer asset on 01.05.2008 to BGL
To transfer acquisition value
To transfer accumulated depreciation from the date of receipt (From 01/08) depreciation will be calculated in Bangalore unit
1st Method 2d Method
Two step procedure one step procedure
A) Creation of asset master in BGL (AS01) Creation of asset master and transfer values
B) Transfer values
Path: Accounting –Financial accounting –Fixed assets –Posting –Transfer –Transfer with in company code (ABUMN)
Give your company code :AML
Give the asset no. 200001 Sub No.0
Document date :01.05.2008 |
Posting date :01.05.2008 | à Today’s date
Asset value date :01.05.2008 |
Text :Asset Transfer
Select new asset radio button
Give the description :Machine no.1
Asset class :AML2000 Dept A
Select master data button
Give the business area :AMLB
Select additional data button
Give the capitalized on 01.05.2008
Select depreciation area tab
Give the depreciation key :AML1
Useful life :20 years
Period :5 months
Ordinary depreciation date :01.05.2008
Select back arrow
Select save button or Ctrl+S
Go and see the document FB03
Give the document no.30
Company code :AML1
Fiscal year :2008
1) When we want to transfer no. of assets at a time go for two step procedure
2) When the asset has to be created in the receiving unit as a sub asset goes for two step procedure.
Asset scrapping
200000-1 Motor in Hyderabad unit 29.11.2008
This can’t be sold transferred /used we can scrap the asset
Scrap asset on 01.01.2009
It calculates depreciation up to 31.12.2008
The net book value will be charged to P & L Account
Impairment of assets (AS28)
If the expected relation of the asset is less than net book value and future cash flows are negative, we have to impair the asset for the difference.
To check motor value as on 31.12.2008 (Tr code is S_ALR_87011965)
Press all selections button
Give the company code :AML
Business area :AMLH
Report date :31.12.2008
Select execute button
Double click on Dept A
Asset Scrapping:
Path :Accounting –Financial accounting –Fixed Assets –Posting –Retirement- Asset retirement by scrapping (Tr code ABAVN)
Give the asset no.200001 Sub No.1
Document date :01.01.2009
Posting date :01.01.2009
Asset value date :01.01.2009
Text :Asset scrapping
Go and see the document (FB03)
Document no. :31
Company code :AML
Fiscal year :2008
Capital work in progress line item settlement
Machinery 01.11.2008 Debit to CWIP Machine No.5
Freight charges 05.11.2008 Asset commissioned as machine no.5 on 31.12.2008
We settle from CWIP to respective asset
Commissioning charges This is linked with CO this will be covered in the 30.11.2008 end