
SAP Trainings contact or 091-9916083157, 001-210-399-8414

SAP FICO Issue-4

Issue : 4
How can you add a new column in an open item clearing transaction with T-code F-03? Right now you have a document number, document date, document type, posting key, and amount. You need to add a posting key and amount in the transaction fields in the screen.

1. Go to the Clearing G/L Account Process Open Item screen using T-code F-03 from the menu bar.

2. Select --Settings and Change line layout
3. Select the Create button.
4. Give the line layout a name and description, and press Enter
5. Select the Insert after button to view the available fields.
6. Select the required field by double-clicking on that field. The required field is automatically listed under your own layout.
7. Repeat the process for each field required to create your layout and save.
8. Go back to the Clearing G/L Account Process Open Item screen, and select the Editing option button under the line layout variant for the G/L account clearing transaction.
9. Give your variant a name and save.