Issue No.: 39
The user is trying to post unplanned depreciation for an asset for depreciation area 33, i.e., the depreciation area for group currency, using the transaction type 643 and T-code ABAA. While posting, the following message pops up: "In Dep. Area 01, you can post manual depreciation up to the amount 0.00 only." The assets explorer shows the net book value as $1800.
This error generally appears after posting the unplanned depreciation when the net book value of those assets after considering the planned depreciation becomes negative. Depreciation does not allow negative book values.
The user is trying to post unplanned depreciation for an asset for depreciation area 33, i.e., the depreciation area for group currency, using the transaction type 643 and T-code ABAA. While posting, the following message pops up: "In Dep. Area 01, you can post manual depreciation up to the amount 0.00 only." The assets explorer shows the net book value as $1800.
This error generally appears after posting the unplanned depreciation when the net book value of those assets after considering the planned depreciation becomes negative. Depreciation does not allow negative book values.