
SAP Trainings contact or 091-9916083157, 001-210-399-8414

SAP Transaction Code - Starts with -- W

WA/A   SAPMV13B       Mess.Deter.; Alloc Tbl: Creat.Cond.
WA/B   SAPMV13B       Mess.Deter.;Alloc Tbl: Chng Cond.Re
WA/C   SAPMV13B       Mess.Deter.Alloc Tbl: Displ Cond.Re
WA/1   SAPMV12A       Create Mess. Cond. Tbl; Alloc Notif
WA/2   SAPMV12A       Ch. Mess. Cond. Tbl; Alloc. Notif.
WA/3   SAPMV12A       Displ. Mess. Cond. Tbl; Alloc Notif
WAA01  BUSSTART       WA Create (Auth-Apprvd Waste Genrtr
WAA02  BUSSTART       WA Change (Auth-Apprvd Waste Genrtr
WAA03  BUSSTART       WA Display (Auth-Apprvd Waste Gnrtr
WAA04  BUSSTART       WA Extend (Auth.-Appr. Waste Gener.
WAA10  BUSSTART       WA Create (Auth-Apprvd Waste Dispsr
WAA11  BUSSTART       WA Change (Auth-Apprvd Waste Dispsr
WAA12  BUSSTART       WA Display (AuthApprvd Waste Dispsr
WAA13  BUSSTART       WA Extend (Auth.-Appr. Wst Disposer
WAA19  BUSSTART       WA Create (AuthApprvd Waste Transp.
WAA20  BUSSTART       WA Change (AuthApprvd Waste Transp.
WAA21  BUSSTART       WA Display (AuthApprvd Waste Trnsp.
WAA22  BUSSTART       WA Extend (Auth.-Appr. Wst Transp.)
WAA23  BUSSTART       WA Create (Authority)
WAA24  BUSSTART       WA Change (Authority)
WAA25  BUSSTART       WA Display (Authority)
WAA26  BUSSTART       WA Extend (Authority)
WACBA  RWLWRPLS       Archive Posting Lists
WACBL  RWLF5002       Restore Posting Lists
WACBLR RWLF4002       Delete Posting Lists from Archive
WACCIA RWLWRCINV      Archive Customer Settlements
WACCIR RWLF4006       Delete Archived Customer Settlement
WACLA  RWLWRILS       Archive Remuneration List
WACLF  RWLF5001       Restore Vendor Billing Documents
WACLFA RWLWRINV       Archive Vendor Billing Documents
WACLFR RWLF4001       Delete Billing Documents frm Archiv
WACLR  RWLF5003       Restore Remuneration Lists
WACLRR RWLF4003       Delete Remuner. Lists from Archive
WACO02 RMWBP00        Waste Workbench
WACRL  RWLF5005       Restore Settlement Request Lists
WACRLA RWLWRSLS       Archive Settlement Request Lists
WACRLR RWLF4005       Delete Settle. Req.Lists frm Archiv
WACSIA RWLWRSINV      Activate Expense Settlements
WACSIR RWLF4007       Delete Archived Expense Settlements
WACZR  RWLF5004       Restore Settlement Request
WACZRA RWLWRSMR       Archive Settlement Requests
WACZRR RWLF4004       Delete Settlem. Request from Archiv
WAE01  SAPLEHSWA_100  Create Entry Document
WAE02  SAPLEHSWA_100  Change Entry Document
WAE03  SAPLEHSWA_100  Display Entry Document
WAE10  EHSWAR_115_100 Easy Entry
WAFS   RBDSEMCD       Send Merchandise Category to AFS
WAHD1  RWAHD001       Load Alternative Historical Data
WAHD2  RWAHD002       Change Alternative Historical Data
WAHD3  RWAHD002       Display Alternative Historical Data
WAHD4  RWAHD004       Delete Alternative Historical Data
WAKC   RWMFA003       Maintain promotion themes
WAKN   RWNASTVP       Output bundling promotions
WAKV   RWAKT009       Promotion announcement preview
WAK0   MENUWAK0       Promotion management
WAK1   SAPMWAKA       Create promotion
WAK10  SAPMWAKA       Send reply f. promo. for each plant
WAK11  SAPMWAKA       Display promotion for each plant
WAK12  SAPMWAKA       Maintain promotion items
WAK13  RWAKT400       Promotion Change Documents
WAK14  RWAKT310       Report RWAKT310 (Promo for mat.)
WAK15  RWAKT320       Report RWAKT320 (promos for plant)
WAK16  RWAKT200       Price activation in background
WAK17  RWAKT210       Batch Allocation Table Generation
WAK18  RWAKT220       Batch Promotion Listing
WAK19  RWAKT230       Batch Promotion Announcement
WAK2   SAPMWAKA       Change promotion
WAK20  RWAKT240       Batch Supply Source Determination
WAK3   SAPMWAKA       Display promotion
WAK4   SAPMWAKA       Delete promotion
WAK5   SAPMWAKA       Initial screen - Subseq. processing
WAK6   SAPMWAKA       Initial scr.: overv. prices margins
WAK7   SAPMWAKA       List promotion materials for plant
WAK8   SAPMWAKA       Plant - materials in promotion
WAM01  SAPLEHSWA_200  Create Disposal Documents
WAM02  SAPLEHSWA_200  Edit Disposal Documents
WAM03  SAPLEHSWA_200  Display Disposal Documents
WAM04  SAPLEHSWA_200  Find Disposal Documents
WAM05  SAPLEHSWA_200  Disposal Documents List Display
WAPRL  RWLF9005       Settlement Request List - ApplStatu
WAPZR  RWLF9004       Payment Docs for Application Status
WAP1   RWAPPT10       Edit Appointments Worklist
WAP2   RWAPPT01       Change Appointments
WAP3   RWAPPT02       Display Appointments
WAP4   RWAPPT04       Appointments: Overview
WAP5   RWAPPT01       Appointment; Departure
WAP6   RWAPPT05       Change Appointment(Indiv. Maintnce)
WAP7   RWAPPT06       Appointments: Plnd/Actual Compariso
WAST   MENUWAST       Copied to CBWABDT (Copy BP Config
WA00   MENUWA00       Allocation Main Menu
WA01   SAPML01A       Create Allocation Table
WA02   SAPML01A       Change Allocation Table
WA03   SAPML01A       Display Allocation Table
WA04   SAPML01A       Alloc Tbl Processing: Plant Reply
WA05   SAPMW03A       Alloc Tbl FDG: Generate POs
WA06   SAPMW03A       Alloc Tbl FDG: Generate Deliveries
WA07   SAPMW03A       Alloc Tbl FDG: Generate Wrhse Order
WA08   RWWGENFB       Generate Alloc. Table Follow-On Doc
WA09   RWSDEL1T       Deletion of Allocation Tables
WA09H  RWSDEL2T       Allocation Table Emergency Deletion
WA11   RWSNASTV       Message Bundling; Allocation Table
WA12   RWSMAHNG       Create Reminders/Accept Plnd Qties
WA14   SAPMWRUECK     Reply; Plant
WA15A  SAPMV13B       Mess.Deter.; Alloc Tbl: Creat.Cond.
WA15B  SAPMV13B       Mess.Deter.;Alloc Tbl: Chng Cond.Re
WA15C  SAPMV13B       Mess.Deter.Alloc Tbl: Displ Cond.Re
WA21   SAPMW02A       Create Allocation Rule
WA22   SAPMW02A       Change Allocation Rule
WA23   SAPMW02A       Display Allocation Rule
WA30   RWSAVI1T       Allocation Tables for Objects
WA35   RWSOPAAW       Allocation Instruction
WA40   RWAUFNWE       Adjust Alloc Tbl After Entering GR
WA50   RWAUREGE       Generate Allocation Rule
WA51   RWAUREFV       Reassign Gen. Alloc Rules/Plant
WA52   RWAUFR00       Alloc Rule Lists
WA53   RWSVZUKT       Create Selection Variants
WA54   RWSARGEN       Generate Alloc Rule / Test RIS-L
WA56   RWSGENAR       Generate Allocation Rule (SAP BW)
WA60   RWWAGENB       Create Selection Variant for PO
WA61   RWWAGENL       Create Sel. Var. for Del. Generatio
WB/A   SAPMV13B       Message deter. promo:create
WB/B   SAPMV13B       Mess.deter.Promo: chng conditon rec
WB/C   SAPMV13B display cond. rec
WB/1   SAPMV12A       Sub. cond.;cr. tab; promo announ.
WB/2   SAPMV12A       Sub.cond.;change tbl; promo ann.
WB/3   SAPMV12A       Sub. cond.; disp. tab; promo ann.
WBBA   RWBBANAS       Assortment List: Analyze Dates
WBBR   RWBBVDEL       Reorganize Assort. List Versions
WBBS   RWBBSHOW       Display Assort. List Versions
WBB0   MENUWBB0       Assortment list applicatiom menu
WBDEMO WB_USER_INTERFAWorkbench Demo: Template Interface
WBF1   RWBEF100       IS-R: Stock Overview; Empties
WBF2   RWBEF200       Display GI/GR Diff. for Stck Trans.
WBLR   RWLF2010       Create posting lists using report
WBLRB  RWLF1013       Posting Lists for Remuner. List
WBLS   SAPLWLF2       Posting List Cancellation
WBL1   SAPLWLF2       Create posting list manually
WBL2   SAPLWLF2       Change posting list
WBL3   SAPLWLF2       Display posting list
WBL4   RWLF2009       Release blocked posting lists
WBST   MENUWBST       SAP Retail: Inventory Management
WBTE   RWBTRAEX       Export plant data (file transfer)
WBTI   RWBTRAIM       Import plants (file transfer)
WBVK   MENUWBVK       Subsequent settlement
WBWF   SAPLWB2_WORKFLOTrading Contract: Workflw Workbench
WB00   MENUWB00       Subsequent settlement
WB01   SAPMWBE3       Create plant
WB02   SAPMWBE3       Change plant
WB03   SAPMWBE3       Display plant
WB06   SAPMWBE3       Archiving flag; plant
WB07   SAPMWBE3       Change plant/customer assignment
WB08   SAPMWBE3       Change plant/vendor assignment
WB2C   RWBNWT01       Messages - Target Group: Customer
WB2L   RWB2MATPOS01   Long Short Analysis
WB2M   RWBNWT02       Messages for Management
WB2R   RWB2BCUST01    Global Trade General Control
WB2V   RWBNWT03       Messages for Vendor
WB20   MENUWB20       Global Trade
WB21   SAPLWB2A       Trading contract: Create
WB22   SAPLWB2A       Trading contract: Change
WB23   SAPLWB2A       Trading contract: Display
WB24   RWB2B001       Trading contract: Coll. status proc
WB25   RWB2B001       Trad. contract list: Contracts list
WB26   RWB2B002       Trading Contract: Document Flow
WB27   RWB2B002       Trading contract: Standard analysis
WB28   RWB2B004       Trading contract: Change history
WB30   RWWMASMG       Mass maintenance MG to plant
WB31   RWB2B006       Trading Contract: Fincl Documents
WB35   RWWROLAY       Layout overview
WB40   RWWKLASS       List analysis for classes
WB50   SAPMWBE2       Plant group; create alloc tbl
WB51   SAPMWBE2       Plant group; change alloc tbl
WB52   SAPMWBE2       Plant group; display alloc table
WB53   SAPMWBE2       Plant group; delete alloc tbl
WB54   SAPMWBE2       PG Maintain allocTbl; plant to clas
WB55   SAPMWBE2       PG AllocTbl; maintain class to clas
WB56   SAPMWBE2       PG AllTbl; maintain plants in class
WB57   SAPMWBE2       PG AllocTbl display plants in class
WB58   SAPMWBE2       PG Alloc tbl display class to class
WB59   SAPMWBE2       PG AllocTbl display plants in class
WB60   SAPMWBE2       Plant group; create promotions
WB61   SAPMWBE2       Plant group; change promotions
WB62   SAPMWBE2       Plant group; display promotions
WB63   SAPMWBE2       Plant group; delete promotions
WB64   SAPMWBE2       PG Promotion; maint. plants to clas
WB65   SAPMWBE2       PG Promotion; maint. class to class
WB66   SAPMWBE2       PG Promotion; maint. plants to clas
WB67   SAPMWBE2       PG Promotion; maint. plants to clas
WB68   SAPMWBE2       PG Promotion; displ. class to class
WB69   SAPMWBE2       PG Promotion; displ. plants in clas
WB70   SAPMWBE2       Create assortment class
WB71   SAPMWBE2       Change assortment class
WB72   SAPMWBE2       Display assortment class
WB73   SAPMWBE2       Delete assortment class
WB74   SAPMWBE2       Maintain assortments to classes
WB75   SAPMWBE2       Maintain classes to classes
WB76   SAPMWBE2       Maintain assortments in class
WB77   SAPMWBE2       Display assortments to classes
WB78   SAPMWBE2       Display Class for Classes
WB79   SAPMWBE2       Display assortments in class
WB80   SAPMWBE2       Create plant group Other
WB81   SAPMWBE2       Change plant group Other
WB82   SAPMWBE2       Display plant group Other
WB83   SAPMWBE2       Delete plant group Other
WB84   SAPMWBE2       PG Other; maint. plant to classes
WB85   SAPMWBE2       PG Other; maint. class to classes
WB86   SAPMWBE2       PG Other; maint. plant in class
WB87   SAPMWBE2       PG Other; displ.plant to classes
WB88   SAPMWBE2       PG Other; class to class
WB89   SAPMWBE2       PG Other; displ. plants in class
WCCA   RIWC0014       Generate Print Settings
WCCB   RIWC0015       Create/Delete Applications
WCC1   RIWC0003       Maintain Conflict Rules
WCC2   RIWC0012       Assistant for Model Selection
WCC3   RIWC0013       Generate Basic Settings
WCC8   RIWC0001       Assign Technical Objects
WCC9   RIWC0002       Assign Operational Conditions
WCI1   RIWC0008       WCM: Check - WCCO
WCI2   RIWC0009       WCM: Check - WCCOR
WCI3   RIWC0011       WCM: Check - WCCO <-> WCCOR
WCI4   RIWC0007       WCM: Check - WCCA
WCLA   RIWCWW02       WCM: WAP (List Editing)
WCLB   RIWC0010       WCM: (Multi-Level List Editing)
WCLC   RIWCWD02       WCM: WCD (List Editing)
WCLD   RIWCWD02       WCM: WCD (List Editing)
WCLE   RIWC0010       WCM: (Multi-Level List Editing)
WCLF   RIWC0017       WCM: Operational Log
WCL1   RIWCWD02       WCM: WCD Template (List Editing)
WCL2   RIWCWD02       WCM: WCD Template (List Editing)
WCL3   RIWCWD02       WCM: Op. WCD (List Editing)
WCL4   RIWCWD02       WCM: Op. WCD (List Editing)
WCL5   RIWCWA02       WCM: WCA (List Editing)
WCL6   RIWCWA02       WCM: WCA (List Editing)
WCL7   RIWCWA02       WCM: WAPI (List Editing)
WCL8   RIWCWA02       WCM: WAPI (List Editing)
WCL9   RIWCWW02       WCM: WAP (List Editing)
WCM    MENUWCM        Work Clearance Management
WCMA   RMCW1500       RIS: OTB - Selection
WCMB   RMCW1500       RIS: OTB - Selection
WCMC   RMCW1500       RIS: OTB - Selection
WCMCP  MENUWCMCP      Category Manager Workbench - Exampl
WCMD   RMCW1500       RIS: OTB - Selection
WCME   RMCW0300       RIS: STRPS/Mvmts + Stock - Selectio
WCM1   RWWCATM1       Define CM area of responsibility
WCM2   RWWCATM2       Display worksheet for CM
WCM3   RWWCATM3       Display CM area of responsibility
WCM4   RWWCATM4       Delete CM area of responsibility?
WCPC   SAPMWWMC       Customizing Internet product catalo
WCRA   SAPLWCFE       WCM: Create WAP for WAP
WCRB   SAPLWCFY       WCM: Create WCD Template for WAP
WCRC   SAPLWCFY       WCM: Create Op. WCD for WAP
WCRD   SAPLWCFA       WCM: Create WCA for WAPI
WCRF   SAPLWCFE       WCM: Create WAP for WCD
WCRG   SAPLWCFY       WCM: Create Op. WCD for Order
WCRH   SAPLWCFY       WCM: Create WCD Template with Order
WCRJ   SAPLWCFI       WCM: Create WAPI for Order
WCRK   SAPLWCFI       WCM: Create WAPI for WAP
WCR1   SAPLWCFY       WCM: Create WCD Template for WCD
WCR2   SAPLWCFY       WCM: Create WCD Template for WAPI
WCR3   SAPLWCFY       WCM: Create Op. WCD for WAPI
WCR4   SAPLWCFY       WCM: Create Op. WCD for WCD
WCR5   SAPLWCFA       WCM: Create WCA for Order
WCR6   SAPLWCFA       WCM: Create WCA for WAP
WCR7   SAPLWCFA       WCM: Create WCA for WCD
WCR8   SAPLWCFE       WCM: Create WAP for Order
WCR9   SAPLWCFE       WCM: Create WAP for WAPI
WCSO   SAPLWSSA_DOC   SAP Retail Store: Consumer Order
WCSOD  SAPLWSSA_DOC   Deliver Sales Order
WCSOS  SAPMV45X       SAP Retail Store: Cons. Order Statu
WCTC   SAPLWCFE       WCM: Display WAP
WCTM   SAPLWCFA       WCM: Display WCA
WCTP   RIWCWW01       WCM: Assignment of WAP
WCTQ   RIWCWA01       WCM: Assignment of WCA
WCTR   RIWCWD01       WCM: Assignment of Operational WCD
WCTS   RIWCWA01       WCM: Assignment of WAPI
WCTU   RIWCOR01       WCM: Assignment of Order
WCT1   SAPLWCFY       WCM: Create WCD Template
WCT2   SAPLWCFY       WCM: Change WCD Template
WCT3   SAPLWCFY       WCM: Display WCD Template
WCT6   SAPLWCFY       WCM: Create Operational WCD
WCT7   SAPLWCFY       WCM: Change Operational WCD
WCT8   SAPLWCFY       WCM: Display Operational WCD
WCUM   SAPMWWCC       Maintain customer
WCU1   SAPMWWCC1      Maintain customer
WCU2   SAPMWOSD       SAP Retail Store: Customer Mainten.
WCWBNR SAPMSNUM       Number Range Maintenance: W_CWB
WCW1   RIWC0004       WCM: 'DLFL' Status Conversion
WC01   SAPLCTMV       Edit Characteristic
WC02   SAPMSNUM       Number Range for SP Calculation
WC03   SAPMSNUM       Number range; allocation rule
WC04   SAPMSNUM       Number ranges; Promotions
WC05   SAPMSNUM       Number ranges; allocation table
WC06   SAPMSNUM       Number Ranges Status Tracking
WC07   SAPMSNUM       Number ranges for free goods
WC08   SAPMSNUM       Number ranges layout promo/plant
WC10   RWVKP008       Batch Worklist for Pricing
WC11   RWSORT07       Batch Changes; Assortments
WC12   RWMBON01       Batch Settlement for Arrangements
WC13   RWMBON02       Batch List Output for Arrangements
WC14   RWMBON03       Batch Vendor Bus. Volume for Arrngm
WC15   RWMBON04       Batch Detailed Stmnt for Arrangemen
WC16   RWMBON05       Batch Extension Val. Period/Arrngmn
WC17   RWMBON06       Batch Update Vendor Business Volume
WC18   RWMBON10       Batch Check Open GR Qty for Arrngmn
WC19   RMCENEUA       Batch Stat. Recomp. Vendor Bus. Vol
WC20   RWMBON07       Batch Stat. Recom. on Individ. Lev.
WC21   RMCVISCP       Batch Reorg Data in LIS
WC22   RWVKU001       Batch List Rtl Changes for Material
WC23   RMBABG00       Batch IV; Immediate Cyclic Check
WC24   RWDPOSUP       Batch POS Outbound
WC25   RWDBBUPD       Batch Assortment List/Shelf-Edge La
WC26   RMPROG00       Batch Forecast
WC27   RMMRP000       Batch Requirements Planning per Pln
WC28   RWWLOCKD       Batch Set Central Block
WC29   RWSNASTV       Batch; Alloc Tbl Message Bundling
WC30   RWNASTVP       Batch; Promotion Message Bundling
WC31   RFPUMS00       Batch Preparation of Adv. Tax Retur
WC32   RWDPOSIN       Batch POS Outb. Ini
WC33   RWDBBINI       Assortment List: Initial. & FullVer
WC34   RBDAPP01       Batch repeat terminated upload
WC35   RBDMANIN       Batch repeat incorrect upload
WC41   RMEBEIN4       Batch worklist for doc. index
WC63   SAPMSNUM       Number Range for SP Calculation
WDBI   RWDBBINI       Assort. List: Full Vers. and Init.
WDBM   RWDBBMAN       Assort. List.: Manual Request
WDBU   RWDBBUPD       Assortment List: Change Message
WDFR   SAPMWOG1       Create Perishables Planning
WDFR2  SAPMWOG1       Change Perishables Planning
WDFR3  SAPMWOG1       Display Perishables Planning
WDH1   RVKNVH00       Maintain plant hierarchy (SD)
WDH2   RVKNVH00       Display customer hierarchy (SD)
WDIS   MENUWDIS       Materials Planning for SAP Retail
WDKR   RWDEBRET       Create customers from vendors
WDLS   RWPUDLST       Delete Error Messages
WDRD1  RWDRD001       Determine Delivery Relationship
WDRD2  RWDRD002       Change Delivery Relationship
WDRD3  RWDRD003       Display Delivery Relationship
WDRD4  RWDRD004       Delete Delivery Relationship
WDSR   RWDPOSRS       Reorg of download status tracking
WDTS   RWPUDTST       Delete Status Information
WEBU   RTLABELB       Printing Labels via Assortment List
WEKF   MENUWEKF       Purchase order SAP Retail
WENA   RT70AWEA       Messages on Basis of Changes
WESO   RTLABELD       Special Request for Labels
WETI   MENUWETI       IS-R Labeling
WEWU   SAPMWEWU       EMU conversions in retail
WE02   RSEIDOC2       Display IDoc
WE05   RSEIDOC2       IDoc Lists
WE06   RSEIDOCA       Active IDoc monitoring
WE07   RSEIDOCH       IDoc statistics
WE09   RSEIDOC9       Search for IDoc in Database
WE10   RSEXARCS       Search for IDoc in Archive
WE11   RSETESTD       Delete IDocs
WE12   MSEIDOC0       Test Modified Inbound File
WE14   RSEOUT00       Test Outbound Processing
WE15   MSEIDOC0       Test Outbound Processing from MC
WE16   MSEIDOC0       Test Inbound File
WE17   MSEIDOC0       Test Status File
WE18   MSEIDOC1       Generate Status File
WE19   SAPMSED7       Test tool
WE20   SAPMSEDIPARTNERPartner Profiles
WE21   SAPMSEDPORT    Port definition
WE23   RSEDICATT      Verification of IDoc processing
WE30   SAPMSED5       Development IDoc Type
WE31   SAPMSED4       Development IDoc Segment
WE32   SAPMSED6       Development IDoc View
WE40   RSECFG00       IDoc Administration
WE42   RSECODIN       Process codes; inbound
WE45   RSELOGAD       Forward (inbound) (V3; EDILOGADR)
WE46   RSECFG00       IDoc administration
WE47   MSESTA00       Status Maintenance
WE56   RSECFG00       IDoc Administration
WE60   SAPMSEDIDOCU   Documentation for IDoc types
WE61   SAPMSEDIDOCU   Documentation for IDoc record types
WE62   SAPMSEDIDOCU   Documentation for segments
WE63   SAPMSEDIDOCU   Documentation
WE64   SAPMSEDMESTYP  Documentation message types
WFCS01 WFCS_FCAST_PARARun Sales Forecast
WFCS02 WFCS_FCAST_PARADelete Sales Forecast
WFCS03 WFCS_TABLES_DISDisplay Data for Sales Forecast
WFCS04 WFCS_TADST_COPYSales Forecast: Consumption from MR
WFIL   MENUWFIL       Store Order for SAP Retail
WFL1   RWLF7001       Document flow; vendor billing docs
WFL2   RWLF7002       Document flow; posting lists
WFL3   RWLF7003       Document Flow; Remuneration Lists
WFL4   RWLF7004       Document flow; settlement requests
WFL5   RWLF7005       Document flow; request lists
WFRE   RETVERT1       Distribution of Returns
WF00   SAPWFPR2       Workflow: Choose Processes
WF01   SAPWFPR0       Workflow: Process
WF02   SAPWFPR0       Workflow: Rule Editor
WF03   SAPWFPR0       Workflow: Display Process
WF04   SAPWFPR0       Workflow: Process in Background
WF05   SAPWFPR1       Workflow: Queue
WF10   SAPMWFRM1      Collective Purchase Order
WF10A  SAPMWFRM1      Collective PO Without Tabstrips
WF20   SAPMWFRM6      Change Distribution
WF30   SAPMWFRM4      Merchandise Distribution: Monitor
WF40   RCLEANFRET     Delete Distribution
WF50   SAPMWFRM7      Adjust Distribution
WF50A  SAPMWFRM2      Adjust Distribution
WF51   SAPMWFRM9      Modify Distribution (in Background)
WF60   SAPMWFRM3      Create Outbound Deliveries
WF70   SAPMWFRM5      Create Distribution Orders
WF80   R_FRM_APPL_LOG_Merchandise Distribution Log
WF90   R_FRM_APPL_LOG_Delete Merch. Distrib. Applic. Log
WGCL   MENUWGCL       Classification system; Retail
WGRT   RWWATRAT       Transport of classifiable objects
WGSE   RBDSEWGR       Sending material group hierarchy
WGUS   RWWGH002       Where-used list MG hierarchy
WG21   SAPMWWG2       Create material groups
WG22   SAPMWWG2       Change material groups
WG23   SAPMWWG2       Delete material groups
WG24   SAPMWWG2       Display material groups
WG26   SAPMWWG2       Create assignments
WG27   SAPMWWG2       Change assignment
WG28   SAPMWWG2       Delete Assignments
WG29   SAPMWWG2       Display assignments
WI00   MENUWI00       Physical Inventory for SAP Retail
WJB3   RWJBIDIN       Test: Import Assortment List IDoc
WJB5   RWJBDISP       Display Assortment List
WKK1   RWWKK001       Create Market-Basket Price Calc.
WKK2   RWWKK002       Change Market-Basket Price Calc.
WKK3   RWWKK003       Display Market-Basket Price Calc.
WKK4   RWWKK004       MB Price Calc. Price Activation
WKON   MENUWKON       Conditions/Arrangements SAP Retail
WKUN   MENUWKUN       Customer
WK00   MENUWK00       Subsequent settlement
WLACI  RWLRECINV      Read Customer Settlements From AS
WLACII RWLF3006       Read Customer Settlements From AS
WLAM   SAPLWLAM       Layout Maintenance
WLAN   RWSORT20       Listing Conditions for Layout Modul
WLASI  RWLRESINV      Read Expense Settlement From Archiv
WLASII RWLF3007       Read Expense Settlement From Archiv
WLAY   RWLAYINF       Space Management: Display Layout
WLA1   RWLREILS       Read Remuneration Lists from Archiv
WLA2   RWLREPLS       Read posting lists from the archive
WLA3   RWLRESLS       Read settlm req. lists from archive
WLA4   RWLRESMR       Read settlement req. from archive
WLA5   RWLF3003       Archived Remuneration List Items
WLA6   RWLF3004       Archived payment document items
WLA7   RWLF3005       Archived settlement req. list items
WLA8   RWLF3002       Archived posting list items
WLBA   RWVLB00A       Check Program for LB
WLBB   RWVLB00B       Tool for Vendor Service Level
WLBC   RWVLB00C       Reorganization of Condition Pointer
WLB1   RWVLB002       Investment buying
WLB13  RWVLB013       Automatic Load Building
WLB2   RWVLB008       Investment buying analysis
WLB3   RWVLB007       Autom. opt. PO-based load building
WLB4   RWVLB014       Results list for auto. load buildin
WLB5   RWVLB003       Combine POs in a logical load
WLB6   RWVLB004       Test invest. buy. return on investm
WLB7   RWVLB006       Analysis for Service Level
WLB8   SAPLMDR1       Simulation for Quantity Optimizing
WLCH   RWLMVERCOM     Communicating Layout Changes
WLCM   RWLAY002       Delete LayoutListConds. for Assort.
WLCN   RWLAY001       Delete Listing Conditions from LM
WLCPAR RWLC_PROCESS_INExternal Parallel Processing
WLFA   RWDIWLFA       IMG vendor billing document
WLFB   RWLF1001       List header data billing document
WLFC   RWLF1002       List billing documents
WLFD   RWLF1003       List Remuneration List Header Data
WLFE   RWLF1004       Display Remuneration List Data
WLFF   RWLF2001       Mass release payment documents
WLFG   RWLF1005       Display payment header data
WLFH   RWLF1006       Display payment documents with item
WLFI   RWLF2002       Cancellation of payment documents
WLFJ   RWLF2003       Mass reversal of vendor billing doc
WLFK   RWLF2004       Mass release vendor billing docs
WLFL   RWLF2005       Mass Release Remuneration List
WLFLK  RWLF2013       Mass release remunertn list custome
WLFM   RWLF2006       Create Remuner. List from Bill. Doc
WLFN   RWLF2007       Create Rem. Lists from Payment Docs
WLFO   RWLF1007       List of payment list header data
WLFP   RWLF1008       List of payment list data
WLFQ   RWLF1009       List of posting list header data
WLFR   RWLF1010       List of posting list data
WLFS   RWLREINV       Read archived vendor billing docs
WLFT   RWLF3001       Archived billing docs with items
WLFU   RWLFFLOW       Document flow information
WLFV   RWLF2011       Create RemunLists from Posting List
WLFW   RWLF2012       Complete Settlement Request Lists
WLF1   SAPLWLF1       Create vendor billing document
WLF1D  SAPLWLF1       Create vendor billing document
WLF1K  SAPLWLF1       Obsolete - No Longer Exists
WLF2   SAPLWLF1       Change vendor billing document
WLF2D  SAPLWLF1       Change vendor billing document
WLF2K  SAPLWLF1       Change Customer Settlement
WLF3   SAPLWLF1       Display vendor billing document
WLF3D  SAPLWLF1       Display vendor billing document
WLF3K  SAPLWLF1       Display Customer Settlement
WLF4   SAPLWLF1       Cancel vendor billing document
WLF4D  SAPLWLF1       Cancel Expense Settlement
WLF4K  SAPLWLF1       Cancel Customer Settlement
WLI1   RWLF1050       List Output Single Documents
WLI2   RWLF1051       List Output Agency Documents
WLI3   RWLF1052       List Output List Documents
WLM    RK_PEP_WLM_RUN Worklist Monitor
WLMM   SAPLWLMM       Layout Module Maintenance
WLMON  RK_PEP_WLM_RUN AV-Monitor - Direct Selection
WLMPS  RK_PEP_WLM_RUN Worklist Monitor for Project System
WLMV   RWLMVERM       Maintenance of Layout Module Versio
WLN1   RWLFWR01       Messages from vendor billing docs
WLN10  RWLFWR10       Messages Customer Settlement
WLN11  RWLFWR11       Messages Expenses Settlement
WLN12  RWLFWR12       Mess. Remun. List Customer Settlmnt
WLN13  RWLFWR13       Message Remuneration List Cost Sett
WLN14  RWLFWR14       Message Output Agency Documents
WLN2   RWLFWR02       Messages from posting lists
WLN3   RWLFWR03       Messages Remuner.Lists; Vend.BillDo
WLN4   RWLFWR04       Messages from settlement requests
WLN5   RWLFWR05       Messages from settlem. request list
WLN6   RWLFWR06       Messages Rem. List Settlement Req.
WLP1   RWLF8004       Profit simulation single requests
WLP2   RWLF8005       Profit simulation request lists
WLRA   RWLF1011       Rel. payment docs for Remuner. list
WLRB   RWLF1012       Rel. Invoices for Remuneration List
WLRS   SAPLWLF1       Cancellation of Remuneration Lists
WLR1   SAPLWLF1       Create Remuneration List
WLR2   SAPLWLF1       Change Remuneration List
WLR3   SAPLWLF1       Display Remuneration List
WLSE   SELAYTOP       Direct Sending: Layout Module
WLS1   RWLF6001       Go to vendor billing docs archive
WLS2   RWLF6002       Go to posting list archive
WLS3   RWLF6003       Go to Remuneration List Archive
WLS4   RWLF6004       Go to settlement request archive
WLS5   RWLF6005       Go to settlem. request list archive
WLS6   RWLF6006       Goto AS for Customer Settlement
WLS7   RWLF6007       Goto AS for Expense Settlement
WLWB   RWLAYWOB       Layout Workbench
WL00   MENUWL00       Vendor Master
WMBE   RWBWM001       Stock Overview: Value-only Material
WMB1   RWVKP015       Create Competitor Price Entry
WMB2   RWVKP015       Change Competitor Price Entry
WMB3   RWVKP015       Display Competitor Price Entry
WMB4   RWVKP015       Create Competitor Price Entry w/ Re
WMF0   MENUWMF0       Season management menu
WMF1   SAPMWMFA       Create Markdown Plan
WMF2   SAPMWMFA       Change Markdown Plan
WMF3   SAPMWMFA       Display Markdown Plan
WMF4   SAPMWMFA       Delete Markdown Plan
WMF5   RWMFA200       Price Activation Markdown Plan
WMF6   RWMFA210       Markdown Plan Price Calculation Tes
WMF7   RWMFA300       Markdown Plan Evaluation
WMNE   RWMBON12       Process Worklist
WMN9   RWMBON21       Subsequent Settlement Control
WMR1   SAPMWMFA       Create Markdown Rule
WMR2   SAPMWMFA       Change Markdown Rule
WMR3   SAPMWMFA       Display Markdown Rule
WMR4   SAPMWMFA       Delete Markdown Rule
WM00   MENUWM00       Material
WOB0   MENUWOB0       Stores
WOF0   MENUWOF0       Stores
WOG3   ISRLOCG1       Plant groups
WON1   RWCUST01       General Settings for Replenishment
WOPD   RWPPRODP       Assortment List: Display Log
WPCA   RFCCSSTT       Carry out settlement run
WPCC   RWPRDCHG       Prepare prod. catalog change IDocs
WPCD   RFCCDLOG       Delete settlement logs
WPCI   RWPRDCAT       Prepare product catalog IDocs
WPCJ   RWPRDPOS       Prepare product catalog IDocs
WPCW   RFCCRSTT       Repeat settlement run
WPC1   RWPCHEAD       Prepare product catalog IDocs
WPC2   RWPCITEMS      Prepare item IDocs
WPC3   RWPCHEADSMD    Prepare catalog change IDocs
WPC4   RWPCITEMSSMD   Prepare item change IDocs
WPC5   RWPCKEY        Convert product catalog
WPDTC  PDTC_REPORT    Planned Delivery Time Calculation
WPED   SAPMWPED       Sales Audit Editor
WPER   SAPMWPER       POS interface monitor
WPER2  RWDANALYSIS    POS: Analysis/Auxiliary Reports
WPHF   RWDPOSCK       Analysis report
WPIA   RBDMANIN       Repeat upload POS IDOCs
WPIE   RBDAGAIE       Inbound modified IDocs
WPLG   RWREGPRO       Space Management
WPMA   RWDPOSAN       POS Download: Manual Request
WPMI   RWDPOSIN       POS download: initialization
WPMU   RWDPOSUP       POS download: change message
WPOS   MENUWPOS       POS Interface SAP Retail
WPO1   RWPOB001       Close Back Orders
WPRI   RWCUST02       PRICAT on the Internet
WPRI6  RWCUST06       Templ.for Non-R/3 Fields at CatItem
WPRI7  RWCUST07       Templ. for Non-R/3 Fields at QtyIte
WPS1   DIWP_SELFTEST  Revision Planning
WPS2   DIWPS_REV_ORDERCreate Order as Report
WPUF   SAPMWPUK       Simulation inb. proc. FI/CO documen
WPUK   SAPMWPUK       POS simulation
WPUS   SAPMWPUK       Simulation: Inbound Processing
WPUW   SAPMWPUK       Goods movements simulation
WP00   MENUWP00       Sales and Operations Planning
WQ00   MENUWQ00       Value and Quota Scales Appl. Menu
WQ01   SAPMWMVC       Create Value Scale
WQ02   SAPMWMVC       Change Value Scale
WQ03   SAPMWMVC       Display Value Scale
WQ04   SAPMWMVC       Delete Value Scale
WQ05   SAPMWMVC       Reconcile with Characteristic
WQ11   SAPMWMVC       Create Quota Scale
WQ12   SAPMWMVC       Change Quota Scale
WQ13   SAPMWMVC       Display Quota Scale
WQ14   SAPMWMVC       Delete quota scale
WQ21   SAPMWMVC       Automatically Generate Quota Scales
WRAV   RWRCALAV       Update Reclassification Version
WRA1   RWRCALL1       Delete Reclassification Version
WRA2   RWRCALL2       Display Reclassification Version
WRA3   RWRCALL3       Change Reclassification Version
WRA4   RWRCALL4       Create Reclassification Version
WRBDL  RWRBADSL       Detailed Stock List
WRBDL2 RWRBADSL       Detailed Stock List
WRCK   RWRPLCHK       Store Replenishment: Check Program
WRCR   RETAIL_RECLASSIRetail Reclassification
WRCV   RWRECLAV       Update MG reclassification
WRC1   RWRECLA1       Delete MG reclassification
WRC2   RWRECLA2       Display MG reclassification
WRC3   RWRECLA3       Change MG reclassification
WRC4   RWRECLA4       Create MG reclassification
WRDL   RWRPLDEL       Replenishment run reorganization
WRFE   RWRPLPFE       Store Replen.: Preprocessing Progra
WRLS   SAPLWLF2       Cancel: Settlement Request List
WRL1   SAPLWLF2       Create payment list document
WRL2   SAPLWLF2       Create payment list request
WRL3   SAPLWLF2       Display payment list request
WRL4   RWLF2008       Mass release of settlem. req. lists
WRMD   RWRP_RRM_OUTBOUData Export for RRM Interface
WRMO   SAPMWRPM       Replenishment monitor
WRN1   SAPMSNUM       Number range maintenance: WFWFACTOR
WRPFMM MENUWRPFMM     Replenishment: Forecast (MM-IM)
WRP0   MENUWRP0       Replenishment
WRP1   RWRPLPRO       Replenishment: Procurement
WRSO   RWRPLVFB       Store Replen.: Follow-On Doc. Gener
WRSR   RWRPLSRP       Store Replen.: Requirem. Calculatio
WRST   RMMMMPOI       Transfer Master Data for Matl Maint
WRSTA  RMMMMPOIA      Materials Listing
WR30   RWRPL011       Replenishment: Generate wghtng prof
WR31   RWRPL010       Replen: Create frcst wghtng profile
WR60   RWRPL060       Replenishment: Parameter Overview
WSAD   RWSPMAPL       Space Management: No of Error Logs
WSAK   SAPMWAST       SAP Retail Store: Promotions
WSAU   SAPMWAUST      SAP Retail Store: Allocation Table
WSCM   MENUWSCM       Category Manager Workbench - Exampl
WSC1   RWMFA003       Customizing season codes
WSC2   RWMFA003       Customizing annual season
WSC3   RWMFA003       Customizing markdown types
WSE1   RWSORT40       Group-Wide Discontinuation
WSE2   RWSORT43       Vendor/material discontinuation
WSE3   RWSORT45       Material Discontinuation (Dist. Ch.
WSE4   RWSORT44       Material/Plant Discontinuation
WSE5   RWSORT41       Error log; discontinuation
WSE6   RWSORT48       Mat. Discontinuation for Assortment
WSE8   RWSORT46       Display discontinuation status
WSGM   SAPLWOSM       SAP Retail Store: Full Menu
WSHT   SAPLWSHT       SAP Retail Store: Time Recording
WSIN   RWSSOINI       Initialize Selection Variant
WSIS   MENUWSIS       Information system
WSK1   SAPMWSO3       Assortments IS-R; copy store astmts
WSK2   RWSORT36       Delete store assortments IS-R
WSK3   RWSORBT1       Assortment copy; batch input
WSK4   RWSORBT2       Delete Batch Input Assortment
WSLA   RWSORT12       Assortment Users per Assortment
WSLB   RWSORT13       Assortment per Assortment User
WSLC   RWSORT25       Display of causes of listing
WSLF   RWSORT28       Material per customer
WSLG   RWSORTA1       Compare promotion POs - sales order
WSLH   RWSORT33       Assortment modules for material
WSLI   RWSORT34       Display change doc. listing cond.
WSL0   RWSORT11       Consistency check for reference mat
WSL1   RWSORT01       Assortments; selection lists
WSL10  RWSORTK1       Materials in Assortment
WSL11  RWSORT64       WSL11
WSL2   RWSORT02       Check listing rules
WSL3   RWSORT03       Material listed in plant before?
WSL4   RWSORT32       Analyze material in module
WSL5   RWSORT22       Modules in plant
WSL6   RWSORT23       Assortment structure; Plants
WSL7   RWSORT31       Vendor material list
WSL8   RWSORT24       Assortment grade info
WSL9   RWSORT09       Listing conditions coming to an end
WSMP   MENUWSMP       merchandise planning menu - first s
WSM3   RWSORLIARTI    Recompil. of Listing acc. Material
WSM4   RWSORT07       Relist after ch. plant/ mat. grp ma
WSM4A  RWSORT07A      Relist After Changes to Assortments
WSM4B  RWSORT07B      Relist After Changes to Plants
WSM4L  RWSORT07L      Automatic Relisting of Layout Data
WSM6   RWSORTZ1       Delete Individual Listing; Material
WSM7   RWSORTZ1       Delete Individual Listing; Material
WSM8   RWSORALL       Setup assrt.owner assortment as WRF
WSM9   RWSORT53       Delete Expired Listing Conditions
WSM9A  RWSORT54       Delete Change Docs WLK1 and ASMODUL
WSN1   SAPMSNUM       Number range main.: WSORT
WSN2   SAPMSNUM       Number range maintenance: WSORTIMEN
WSOA1  SAPMWSO6       Create assortments
WSOA2  SAPMWSO6       Change assortments
WSOA3  SAPMWSO6       Display assortments
WSOA4  SAPMWSO6       Delete assortment
WSOA5  SAPMWSO6       Assign assortment to customer
WSOA6  RWSORT70       Assortment Maintenance Tool
WSOA7  SAPMWSOA7      Mass Maintenance of Table WRS6
WSO1   SAPMWSO2       IS-R Listing Create Module
WSO2   SAPMWSO2       Assortments IS-R; maintain module
WSO3   SAPMWSO2       Assortments IS-R; display module
WSO4   SAPMWSO2       Assortments IS-R; delete module
WSO5   SAPMWSO2       Astmts IS-R; maint. module-> store
WSO7   SAPMWSO2       IS-R Astmts; Display module-> store
WSPA   RWSORLIKON     Change listing conditions
WSPB   RWSORLIKON1    Combine listing conditions
WSPK   RWSORT19       Complete missing mat. segments log
WSPL   RWSORT18       Missing material master segments
WSP3   RWSORT06       Delete individual listing
WSP4   RWSORT14       Create indiv. listing; mat. - plant
WSP5   RWSORT15       Change ind. listing; mat. - plant
WSP6   RWSORT16       Delete ind. listing; mat. - plant
WSP7   RWSORT17       Mat. grp mat. listing in plant
WSR1   RWARCH01       Archiving worklist for assortments
WSR2   RWARCH02       Deletion assortment and listing
WSR3   RWARCH03       Reset assortment and listing
WSSW   SAPLWOSW       SAP Retail Store: Display Plant
WSS1   RWSORT10       General settings for Assortments
WSTA   SAPLWSAO_DYNP  SAP Retail Store: Orders
WSTE   SAPMWOSE       SAP Retail Store: Goods Receipt
WSTED  SAPLWOSE_DOGR  SAP Retail Store: Display open GR
WSTI   SAPLWOSI       SAP Retail Store: Physical Inventor
WSTL   ADDI_STWB_REQUESAP Retail Store Labeling
WSTN11 WSTN10         Maintain prepack allocation plannin
WSTN13 WSTN10         Display prepack allocation planning
WSTN14 RWSTRNPOSTPP   Process prepack allocation manually
WSTN15 RWSTRNDELALLOC Delete Alloc. Table  (PP Alloc Plan
WSTP   SAPLWSTP       Retail Store Sales Prices
WSTSA  SAPLWOSA       SAP Retail Store: Assortment List
WSTU   SAPLWOSI       SAP Retail Store: Revaluation
WSTV   SAPMWOSE       SAP Retail Store: Goods Movements
WSUP   WPLG_MAP_INTERFSpace Management Using Plan Data
WSUP1  RWSORT60       No. of Duplicate Listing Conditions
WSUP2  RWSORT63       WSOF Migration Tool
WSV2   SAPMWSO2       Create value contract module
WS00   MENUWS00       Assortment
WS11   RWSIDOCE       Send assortment modules
WS12   RWSIDOCLIKOND  Send listing conditions
WS13   RWSIDOCASORT   Send assortments
WTAD   MENUWTAD       Additionals
WTAM   ADDI_MONITOR   Additionals Monitor
WTAOC  ADDI_ORDERS_CREGenerate POs for Additionals
WTCA   ADDI_ANALYSIS_OChange Analysis for Additionals
WTEW   SAPLWB2_WB_VIEWTrading Execution Workbench
WTMG   SAPMFQMG       Conversion of Withholding Tax Data
WTRA2  WTRA_DELETE_PRORuntime Measurement: Delete Logs
WTRA3  WTRA_DISPLAY_PRRuntime Measurement: Display Logs
WTR1   ADDI_IDOC_REQUERequest for Additionals IDoc
WTR2   ADDI_PR_IDOC_RERequest Additionals IDoc for Promo
WTY    RWTYSTART      Warranty Claim
WTYCL  RWTYGULI       Create Credit Memo Lists
WTYNK  SAPMSNUM       Number Range Warranty Claim
WTYOQ  RWTYOPQU       Worklist Warranty
WTYRP  SAPLWTY11      Warranty: Part to Be Returned
WTYSE  RWTYSLCT_A     Search Claim
WUSL   RKCOWUSL       Where-Used List
WVA1   SAPMV13A       Create planned mark-up
WVA2   SAPMV13A       Change planned mark-up
WVA3   SAPMV13A       Display planned mark-up
WVA5   SAPMV13A       Create planned markup (price list)
WVA6   SAPMV13A       Change planned markup (price list)
WVA7   SAPMV13A       Display planned markup (price list)
WVB0   RWVKP012       Recompile doc. index (pricing docs)
WVEB   MENUWVEB       Valuation SAP Retail
WVER   MENUWVER       Shipping for SAP Retail
WVFB   SAPMWPUK       Inbound store order processing
WVFD   RWWVINVB       Process phys. inventory doc. furthe
WVFI   SAPMWPUK       Simulation: Store Physical Inventor
WVKF   MENUWVKF       Sales Order (extended copy)
WVM0   MENUWVM0       Replenishment
WVM1   RWVMIPRO       Execute customer replenishment
WVM2   RWVMIPAD       Transfer stock/sales figures
WVM3   RWVMIPAV       Display material data transferred
WVM4   RWVMIPAV       Display PROACT data received
WVM6   RWRPL060       Customer replen.: Parameter overvie
WVN0   RWVKP008       Generate pricing worklist
WVN1   RWVKP009       Pricing worklist for material
WVN2   RWVKP010       Pricing worklist for organization
WVTU   MENUWVTU       Sales Support for SAP Retail
WWCD   RWPCDDIS       Product catalog:Display change docs
WWFL   SAPLWLF_WORKFLOAgency Business:Workflow Workbench
WWG1   MENUWWG1       Main Material Group Hierarchy Menu
WWG2   MENUWWG2       Main Material Group Menu
WWMI   MENUWWMI       Product catalog area menu
WWM1   SAPLWWMM       Create product catalog
WWM2   SAPLWWMM       Change product catalog
WWM3   SAPLWWMM       Display product catalog
WWM4   SAPLWWMM       Copy product catalog
WWM5   SAPLWWMM       Delete product catalog
WWNA   SAPMV13B       Subs.Settl. -SettRun: Create Cond.S
WWNB   SAPMV13B       Subs. Settl.-Sett.Run: ChangeCond.S
WWNC   SAPMV13B       Subs. Settl. SettRun: DisplayCond.S
WWN1   SAPMV12A       Create cond.table Subs.Sett-SettlRu
WWN2   SAPMV12A       Chng Cond Table. Subs.Settl-SettlRu
WWN3   SAPMV12A       Displ.Cond.Table Subs.Settl.-SettRu
WWP1   RWWP001        Online Planning in Planning WB
WWP2   RWWP001        Settings for Planning Workbench
WWP3   RWWP001        Order Cancelation in Planning WB
WWRA   SAPMV13B       Agen.Bus. messages: Create cond. s.
WWRB   SAPMV13B       Ag. Bus. messages: Change cond. sch
WWRC   SAPMV13B       Ag. Bus. messages: Display cond. sc
WWR1   SAPMV12A       Create cond. tab. messages Agen.Bus
WWR2   SAPMV12A       Change messages Agency Bu
WWR3   SAPMV12A       Display messages AgencyBu
WWSA   SAPMV13B       Subseq.Settle.: Create Cond. Record
WWSB   SAPMV13B       Subseq.Settle.:Change Cond. Records
WWSC   SAPMV13B       Subseq.Settle.: Display Cond.Record
WWS1   SAPMV12A       Create CondTab. Subseq.Settlement
WWS2   SAPMV12A       Change CondTab. Subseq. Settlement
WWS3   SAPMV12A       Display CondTab Subseq. Settlement
WWTA   SAPMV13B       Messages Trading: Create CondRecord
WWTB   SAPMV13B       Messages Trading: Change CondRecord
WWTC   SAPMV13B       Messages Trading: Display CondRecs
WWT1   SAPMV12A       Message Cond.Tab. Create Trading
WWT2   SAPMV12A       Message Cond.Tab. Change Trading
WWT3   SAPMV12A       Message Cond. Tab. Display Trading
WWVT   MENUWWVT       Merchandise Distribution
WWY1   WWIACWY1       Web Transaction Tutorial 1
WWY2   WWIACWY2       Web Transaction Tutorial 2
WWY3   WWIACWY3       Web Transaction Tutorial 3
WWY4   WWIACWY4       Web Transaction Tutorial 4
WWY5   WWIACWY5       Web Transaction Tutorial 5
WWY6   WWIACWY6       Web Transaction Tutorial 6
WWY7   WWIACWY7       Web Transaction Tutorial 7
WWY8   WWIACWY8       Web Transaction Tutorial 8
WW10   SAPMWWMJ       IAC product catalog
WW20   SAPMWWMJ       IAC Online Store
WW30   SAPMWWMJ       SD part for IAC MM-SD link
WW31   SAPMBBPO       IAC Product Catalog for EBP
WXPE   WISP_EINSTIEG_NInitScreen Gen Layout Maintenance
WXPF   SAPMKKB5       Retail: Maintain Report Tree
WXPG   RKKBRPTR       Retail: Report Selection
WXPN1  WISP_NET_ENTRY1Plan Network Planning Scenario
WXPN2  WISP_NET_ENTRY1Design Network Planning Scenario
WXP0   MENUWXP0       Retail Planning
WXP01  RWIS_PLAN02    Retail Planning Current Settings
WXP02  SAPLWIS_PLAN   Create/Change Manual Planning
WXP03  SAPLWIS_PLAN   Display Manual Planning
WXP04  SAPMKES1       Create Retail Planning Layout (Lib)
WXP05  SAPMKES1       Change Retail Planning Layout (Lib)
WXP06  SAPMKES1       Display Retail Planning Layout (Lib
WXP1   SAPMGPSP       Create Time-Based Distribution Key
WXP11  SAPLWIS_PLAN_N Execute Link
WXP12  RWIS_PLAN03    Change Planning Hierarchy
WXP13  RWIS_PLAN03    Display Planning Hierarchy
WXP18  SAPLWIS_PLAN_N Execute Automatic Planning
WXP19  RWIS_PLAN03    PlHierarchy: TransData Auto Setup
WXP20  RWIS_PLAN03    PlHierarchy: Master Data Auto Setup
WXP21  RWIS_PLAN03    Copy Planning Hierarchy Version
WXP3   SAPMGPSP       Disply Time-Based Distribution Key
WXP37  RWIS_PLAN03    Delete Planning Hierarchy Versions
WXP4   SAPMGPSP       Delete Time-Based Distribution Key
WXP46  SAPLWIS_PLAN_N Execute Program/Transaction
WXP47  RWIS_PLAN08    Transport Time-Bsed Ditribution Key
WXP48  RWIS_PLAN04    Transport Planning Layouts
WXP49  RWIS_PLAN05    Import Planning Layouts
WXP57  SAPLWIS_PLAN   Manual Planning With Workflow
WXP58  SAPLWIS_PLAN_D Cross-Scenario Settings
WXP6   SAPLWIS_PLAN   Plan Version Maintenance: InitScree
WXP66  RWIS_PLAN12    Promotion Interface Logs
WXP67  RWIS_PLAN12    Allocation Table Interface Logs
WXP7   SAPLWIS_PLAN   Display Plan Version: Initial Scree
WXP70  RWIS_PLAN_REORGDelete File Names
WYL2   RWALEACU       Generate vert. model master + addr.
WYN1   SAPMV13B       Create Message: Warranty
WYN2   SAPMV13B       Change Message: Warranty
WYN3   SAPMV13B       Display Message: Warranty
WYP1   SAPMV13A       Create Condition
WYP2   SAPMV13A       Change Condition
WYP3   SAPMV13A       Display Condition
WYRL   RWDEBRET       Vendor for returns
WZFT01 RVEXWZ01       FT: Wizard - Declara. to Auth. (MM)
WZFT02 RVEXWZ02       FT: Wizard - Declara. to Auth. (SD)
WZFT03 RVEXWZ03       FT Wizard: Data Service - Upload
WZFT04 RVEXWZ04       FT: Data Service Wizard - Distribut
WZR0   MENUWZR0       Vendor Billing
WZR1   SAPLWLF2       Create settlement request
WZR2   SAPLWLF2       Change settlement request
WZR3   SAPLWLF2       Display settlement request
WZR4   SAPLWLF2       Cancel settlement request
W10E   MENUW10E       SAP Retail: Goods Receipt
W10F   MENUW10F       Store retailing
W10M   MENUW10M       SAP Retail
W10T   MENUW10T       SAP Retail main menu replcng S000
W4EM   SAPMSNUM       Maintain No. Ranges for Weight EANs
W4EN   SAPMSNUM       Maintain Number Ranges for EANs
W4E5   SAPMSNUM       Maintain No. Ranges 5-Fig. Wt EANs