
SAP Trainings contact or 091-9916083157, 001-210-399-8414

SAP Transaction Code - Starts with -- S

S-32   SAPMSTBM       _
S-33   SAPMSTBM       Display table
S_IWB  RSIWB310       Initial Screen Knowledge Warehouse
SAAB   SAPLSAAB       Activ. Assertions and Breakpoints
SADJ   SAPLSCT1       Customizing Transfer Assistant
SADP   SAPMSADR       Contact person addr.maint. init.scr
SADQ   SAPMSADR       Private address maint. initial scrn
SADR   SAPMSADR       Address maint. - Group required!
SAD0   SAPMSAD0       Address Management call
SAINT  SAPLSAINT_UI   Add-On Installation Tool
SAKB4  SAPRAKB_SHOW_EXCreate Usage Explanations
SAKB5  SAPRAKB_CI_TABCCheck Table Enhancements
SALE   RBDSALE2       Display ALE Customizing
SAMT   SAPRSAMT       ABAP Program Set Processing
SARA   SAPMAADM       Archive Administration
SARE   SAPLAINS       Archive Explorer
SARFC  RSARFCCHK      Server Resources for Asynchron. RFC
SARI   SAPLAINA       Archive Information System
SARJ   SAPLAS_ARC     Archive Retrieval Configurator
SARP   SAPMSERP       Reporting (Tree Structure): Execute
SARPN  SAPLBMEN       Display Report Trees
SART   SAPMSERP       Display Report Tree
SARTN  SAPLSRT_APPL   Display Report Trees
SA01   SAPMSNUM       Number range maintenance: ADRNR
SA11   SAPMSNUM       Number range maintenance: ADRV
SA12   SAPMSNUM       Number range maintenance: ADRVP
SA38   SAPMS38M       ABAP Reporting
SA39   SAPMS38M       SA38 for Parameter Transaction
SBAC   SAPLSF30       Edit Application Components
SBCA   SAPLBCOM_ADMIN Routing Server Administration
SBDS1  BDSBARCO1      Displaying Open Bar Codes
SBDS2  BDSBARCO2      Open Internal Bar Codes
SBDS3  BDSBARCO3      Open External Bar Codes
SBDS4  BDSBARCO4      Open Bar Codes with Keep Flag
SBDS5  BDSBARCO5      Internal Bar Codes with Keep Flag
SBDS6  BDSBARCO6      External Bar Codes with Keep Flag
SBDS7  BDSBARCOM      Compare Open Bar Codes
SBEA   MENUSBEA       BEAC corporate flight system
SBI1   RSAO0001       Maintain enhanced InfoSource
SBI2   RSAO0003       Maintain enhanced master data str.
SBI3   RSAO0007       Maintain append for InfoSource
SBI4   RSAO0008       Maintain append for master data
SBI5   RSAO0009       Delete InfoObjects
SBPT   MENUSBPT       Administration Process Technology
SBRAC  SAPLBCOM_R_ATTCCatalog of Routing Attributes
SBRT3  RSBCOM_SBRT3_STRBR Test Server - Configuration
SBTA   SAPMSSY2       Test background processing
SBWP   SAPMSSO0       SAP Business Workplace
SB01   ADITEST8       Business Navigator - Component View
SCAL   SAPMSFT0       Factory Calendar with GUI
SCASE  SAPCMGSTART    Case Management
SCAT   SAPMSCAT       Computer Aided Test Tool
SCA2   SAPMSFT2       Cannot be executed directly
SCA3   SAPMSFT3       Cannot be executed directly
SCA4_D SZC_HOLIDAY_MAICannot be executed directly
SCA4_U SZC_HOLIDAY_MAICannot be executed directly
SCA5_D SZC_HOLIDAY_CALCannot be executed directly
SCA5_U SZC_HOLIDAY_CALCannot be executed directly
SCA6_D SZC_FACTORY_CALCannot be executed directly
SCA6_U SZC_FACTORY_CALCannot be executed directly
SCCL   SAPMSCC1       Local Client Copy
SCC1   SAPMSCC1       Client Copy - Special Selections
SCC3   RSCCPROT       Client Copy Log
SCC5   SAPMSCC1       Delete Client
SCC7   SAPMSCC1       Post-Client Import Methods
SCC8   SAPMSCC1       Client Export
SCC9   SAPMSCC1       Remote Client Copy
SCDN   SAPMSNUM       Change Documents: Number Ranges
SCDO   SAPMSCDO       Display Change Document Objects
SCFB   GRM_START_FUNCTRole Manager: Start of a Function
SCID   SAPLS_CODE_INSPCode Inspector for Specified Object
SCII   SAPLS_CODE_INSPCode Inspector: Inspection
SCMA   SAPLSCMA       Schedule Manager: Scheduler
SCMATP SAPLSCMA       SchedMan: Task List Maintenance
SCMO   RKRUNMONI      Schedule Manager: Monitor
SCMP   SAPLSCT1       View/Table Comparison
SCMSMO SCMS_CS_MONITORKnowledge Provider Monitor
SCON   RSCONN07       SAPconnect - Administration
SCOT   RSCONN07       SAPconnect - Administration
SCP    RSCPSEGMENT_SHODisplay and Maintain Code Page
SCPI   MENUSCPI       Production Optimization Interface
SCPMIG RSCP0126       Character Conversion
SCPRAT SAPLSCPRMP     Change BC Set Value Attributes
SCPRIP SAPLSCPRMP     Delete Several BC Sets
SCPR10 SAPSCPR5       BC Sets: Compare after transport
SCPR20 SAPSCPR7       BC Sets: Activate
SCPR3  SCPR3          Display and maintain BC Sets
SCPR92 SAPSCPR6       BC Sets: Maintenance tool 2
SCRE   GRM_START_REPORRole Manager: Start of a Report
SCRK   SAPMSNUM       Number range maintenance: CSCR_KEYN
SCRM   SCRMSHOW       CRM-Relevant IMG in PlugIn of R/3
SCUA   SAPMSCUA       Central User Administration
SCUC   RSUSRSCUC      CUA: Synchronize company addresses
SCUG   RSUSLAND       Transfer Users
SCUL   SAPMUSLG       Central User Administration Log
SCUM   RSUSLAND       Central User Administration
SCU0   SAPLSCT1       Customizing Cross-System Viewer
SCU3   RSTBHIST       Table History
SCWB   SCWBENTR       Correction Workbench
SC38   SAPMS38M       Start Report (Remote)
SDBE   SAPMSDBE       Explain an SQL statement
SDCC   BDLSDDCC       Service Data Control Center
SDD1   SDDORD01       Duplicate Sales Documents in Period
SDMO   MSDMEN00       Dynamic Menu (old)
SDOCU  SAPLS_DOKU_HIERMaintain Documentation Structure
SDO1   SDORDE01       Orders within time period
SDPI   SAPMSNUM       Number Range Maint.: SD_PICKING
SDQ1   SDQUOT01       Expiring Quotations
SDQ2   SDQUOT02       Expired Quotations
SDQ3   SDQUOT03       Completed Quotations
SDV    SDV_VIEWER     Document Viewing
SDVK   SDCRSL01       Purchase Analysis Sales Documents
SDV1   SDCONT01       Expiring Contracts
SDV2   SDCONT02       Expired Contracts
SDV3   SDCONT03       Completed Contracts
SDWB   BDLDEVLP       Service Definition Work Bench
SDW0   MENUSDW0       ABAP Development WB Initial Screen
SD11   SAPMUD00       Data Modeler
SECATT SAPLECATT_MAIN Extended Computer Aided Test Tool
SECR   RSAUDIT0       Audit Information System
SECSTO RSECADMIN      Administration of Secure Memory
SENG   SAPLSF4E       Administration of External Indexes
SEPA   SAPLEPSS       EPS Server: Administration
SEPS   SAPLEPSC       SAP Electronic Parcel Service
SERP   SAPMSERP       Reporting: Change Tree Structure
SESS   SAPLSMTR_NAVIGASession Manager Menu Tree Display
SETB   RFFMSETB       Direct Input for BUSAB
SE01   RDDM0001       Transport Organizer (Extended)
SE03   SAPCTS_TOOLS   Transport Organizer Tools
SE06   RDDINSTR       Set Up Transport Organizer
SE07   RDDSTR01       CTS Status Display
SE09   RDDM0001       Transport Organizer
SE10   RDDM0001       Transport Organizer
SE11   DD_START       ABAP Dictionary
SE12   DD_START       ABAP/4 Dictionary Display
SE13   SAPMSEDS       Maintain Technical Settings (Tables
SE14   SAPMSGTB       Utilities for Dictionary Tables
SE15   RS_INFOSYSTEM_SABAP/4 Repository Information Syste
SE16   SAPLSETB       Data Browser
SE16N  RK_SE16N       General Table Display
SE17   SAPMSTAZ       General Table Display
SE18   BADI_START     Business Add-Ins: Definitions
SE19   BADI_START     Business Add-Ins: Implementations
SE21   PACKAGE_BUILDERPackage Builder
SE24   SEO_STARTUP    Class Builder
SE29   SAPMAPAD       Application Packets
SE30   SAPMS38T       ABAP Objects Runtime Analysis
SE32   RSTEXTELEMENTE ABAP Text Element Maintenance
SE33   SAPMS33C       Context Builder
SE35   SAPMSDIA       ABAP/4 Dialog Modules
SE36   SAPMSLDB       Logical Database Builder
SE37   SAPMS38L       ABAP Function Modules
SE39   RS_WB_SPLIT_EDISplitscreen Editor: (New)
SE39O  SAPMSEDC       Splitscreen Editor: Program Compare
SE40   SAPMSEUN       MP: Standards Maint. and Translatio
SE41   SAPMSMPE       Menu Painter
SE43   SAPLBMEN       Maintain Area Menu
SE43N  SAPLBMEN       Maintain Area Menu
SE54   SAPMSVIM       Generate table view
SE61   SAPMSDCU       R/3 Documentation
SE61D  RSE61D         Display of SAPScript Text
SE62   SAPMSBR0       Industry Utilities
SE63   SAPMTRAN       Translation: Initial Screen
SE64   SAPMTERM       Terminology
SE71   SAPMSSCF       SAPscript form
SE72   SAPMSSCS       SAPscript Styles
SE73   SAPMSSCO       SAPscript Font Maintenance
SE74   SAPMSSCU       SAPscript format conversion
SE75   SAPMSSCC       SAPscript Settings
SE76   SAPMSSCG       SAPscript: Form Translation
SE77   SAPMSSCG       SAPscript Styles Translation
SE78   SAPMSSCH       Administration of Form Graphics
SE8I   RSINFOLI       Lists in Repository Infosystem
SE80   SAPMSEU0       Object Navigator
SE81   SAPMSEU10      Application Hierarchy
SE82   SAPMSEU9       Application Hierarchy
SE84   RS_INFOSYSTEM_SR/3 Repository Information System
SE85   RS_INFOSYSTEM_SABAP/4 Repository Information Syste
SE89   SAPMSEUM       Maintain Trees in Information Syste
SE90   RS_INFOSYSTEM_SProcess Model Information System
SE91   RSMESSAGES     Message Maintenance
SE92   RSLGAD01       New SysLog Msg Maintenance as of 46
SE92N  RSLGAD01       Maintain System Log Messages
SE93   SAPLSEUK       Maintain Transaction Codes
SE94   SAPMSCLS       Customer enhancement simulation
SE95   SAPRMOMO       Modification Browser
SE97   TASAUTH        Maint. transaction call authorizatn
SFAC   SAPLBZFC       Field selection maintenance
SFAW   SAPMM00C       Field Selection Maintenance
SFT1   SAPMSFT0       Maintain Public Holidays
SFT2   SAPMSFT0       Maintain Public Holiday Calendar
SFT3   SAPMSFT0       Maintain Factory Calendar
SGOSHI RSSGOSHIRE     Object History
SHDB   SAPMSBDT       Batch Input Transaction Recorder
SHDG   RSHDGF00       Global Fields: Change and Display
SHDI   RSSHDIMG_TREE2 Transaction Variants Image Archive
SHDS   SAPMSHD0       Internal: Save transaction variant
SHD0   SAPMSHD0       Transaction and Screen Variants
SHD1   SAPMSHD0       Internal: Variant transaction call
SHI0   SAPLSHI4       Structure buffer: Node type maint.
SHI1   SAPLSHI4       Structure buffer: Link type maint.
SHI2   SAPLSHI4       Structure buffer: Struc. type maint
SHI3   SAPLSHI6       Structure maintenance
SH01   RSHLP001       Online help: F1 Help server
SH02   RSHLP002       Online help: Link tracing
SH03   RSHLP003       Call extended help
SI_SEL SAPMSIWB_STRUC_KW: Structure Editor Link
SIAC1  SIAC_TREE      Web Object Administration
SIBU   SAPLSATT11     Industry Maintenance
SICF   RSICFTREE      HTTP Service Hierarchy Maintenance
SICK   RSICC000       Installation Check
SIMGH  SAPLS_IMG_TOOL_IMG Structure Maintenance
SINA   RSSINADM       SAPBPT: Maintain Standard Config.
SIN1   SAPLSIN1       SAPBPT: Inbox
SI00   MENUSI00       SAP Knowledge Warehouse
SI21   RSIWB21        Migration of extended help
SI22   RSIWB000       Create Command Files
SI23   RSIWB100       Init. screen of cust. maint. interf
SI23_6 IWB_TEMPLATES  Edit templates
SI24   RSIWB101       Initial Screen of IMG (KW)
SI24_1 RSIWB102       Customizing System (KW)
SI24_2 RSIWB103       Customizing Server (KW)
SI24_3 RSIWB104       Customizing Assignments (KW)
SI24_4 RSIWB105       Customizing Export Variants (KW)
SI24_5 RS_IWB_ENTRY_SEDefine Initial Structure (Custom.)
SI24_6 RS_IWB_EXPORT_AAutomat. Instantiation of Info Obj.
SI24_7 RS_IWB_EXPORT_RSet export_range in iwbsetting
SI24_8 RS_IWB_R3LINK_SSupport R/3 Link Maintenance (Cust)
SI24_9 RSIWB106       Document Management Areas (View)
SI80   RSIWB300       Knowledge Warehouse
SI81   RSIWB600       Management
SI85   RSIWB303       Knowledge Warehouse (General)
SI86   RSIWB601       Management
SI88   RSIWB601       HTML Export
SI89   RSIWB602       Analyze HTML Export Logs
SI90   RSIWB302       Knowledge Warehouse: Training
SKNF   SAPLSQADB04    Maintain Configuration Groups
SKPR07 RSTIRIDX_MONITOMonitoring for KPRO Retrieval
SKPR09 RSIRCCON       Test Content Repositories
SKWA   SKWA_START     Administration Workbench
SKWR01 SKWR_TAXONOMY  Taxonomy Tree Management
SKWR03 SKWR_TRAIN_CLASClassify Documents
SKWS   SKWS_USER_INTERCM: Status Management
SLAT   RSIWA203       Additional Translation Tools
SLDB   SAPMSLDB       Logical Databases (Tree Structure)
SLGN   SAPMSNUM       Applic.log: Number range maintenanc
SLGT   RDDGTSND       Register in Central Object Director
SLG1   SBAL_DISPLAY   Application Log: Display Logs
SLG2   SBAL_DELETE    Application Log: Delete logs
SLIBN  RLB_LIBRARY_EDIMaintain Reuse Library
SLIBP  RLB_PRODUCT_EDIMaintain Reuse Product
SLIN   SAPLSLIN       ABAP: Extended Program Check
SLIS   MENUSLIS       FI-SL Spec.Purpose Ledg. Info.Syste
SLLS   SAPMSLLS       Translation Statistics
SLLT   SAPMSLLT       Translation Performance Statistics
SLPP   SAPMSLW_SLPP   Proposal Pool
SLWA   SAPMSLW_ADMIN  Translation Environment Admin.
SLWB   SAPMSLW_ADMIN_ITranslation Environment Scheduler
SLW3   SAPMSLW_ADMIN_IWorklist Scheduler
SLW4   SAPMSLW_ADMIN  Translation: Application Hierarchy
SL02   SAPMSL02       PAW - Main Menu
SL31   SAPMSL311      PAW - Test-Type Definitions
SL32   SAPMSL32       PAW - Location Definitions
SL60   SLSPAWR1       PAW - Test Results Overview
SL61   SLSPAWT1       PAW - Test Results Transfer  to HR
SL62   SLSPAWL3       PAW - Lookup Definition Tree
SL63   SLSPAWL2       PAW - Location Test-Catalog
SL64   SLSPAWR2       PAW - Statistical Evaluations
SL65   SLSPAWR8       PAW - Export Test Results
SL66   SLSPAWD1       PAW - Download Certification Detail
SL67   SLSPAWD2       PAW - Download Test-Catalog for Loc
SL68   SLSPAWT9       PAW - Test Data Generation
SL69   SLSPAWT2       PAW - Qualification Transfer Log.
SL70   SLSPAWR7       PAW - Person Results Overview
SL71   SLSPAWT8       PAW - Initial Data Generator
SL73   SLSPAWT5       PAW - Batch Qualification Generatio
SL74   SLSPAWT6       PAW - Batch Q.- Generation Protocol
SL75   SLSPAWR9       PAW - Item Results Overview
SL76   SLSPAWR6       PAW - Test Structure Display
SL77   SLSPAWC1       PAW - Show comments for test items
SL79   SAPLSLSM       PAW - Location Profile Maintenance
SL91   SLSPAWV1       PAW - Maintain location profile
SL92   SLSPAWV2       PAW - Maintain test type profil
SL93   SAPMSL932      PAW - Maintain Settings
SL94   SLSPAWV3       PAW - Maintain test IO profile
SL95   SLSPAWV4       PAW - Maintain User Profiles
SL96   SAPMSL96       PAW - Release Control Settings
SL99   SLSPAWV5       PAW - Display authorization profile
SMAP01 SAPLSF30       Maintain Solution Map objects
SMCL   CSL_MON        CSL: Monitor
SMEN   SAPLSMTR_NAVIGASession Manager Menu Tree Display
SMET   SMETRICS01     Display frequency of function calls
SMGW   RSMONGWY_ALV   Gateway Monitor
SMLG   SAPMSMLG       Maint.Assign. Logon Grp to Instance
SMLT   SAPTLAN_MANAGEMLanguage Management
SMMS   RSMONMS_ALV    Message Server Monitor
SMOD   SAPMSMOD       SAP Enhancement Management
SMOMO  WAF_MOMO       Mobile Engine
SMQA   RSTRFCMA       tRFC/qRFC: Confirm. status & data
SMQE   RSQEVTMA       qRFC Administration
SMQG   RSTRFCM7       Distributed QOUT Tables
SMQR   RSQIWKMA       Registration of Inbound Queues
SMQS   RSQOWKMA       Registration of Destinations
SMQ1   RSTRFCM1       qRFC Monitor (Outbound Queue)
SMQ2   RSTRFCM3       qRFC Monitor (Inbound Queue)
SMQ3   RSTRFCM5       qRFC Monitor (Saved E-Queue)
SMT1   RSRFCSEC       Trusted Systems (Display <-> Maint.
SMT2   RSRFCSLX       Trusting systems (Display <->Maint.
SMW0   SAPMWWW0       SAP Web Repository
SMX    SAPLBTCH       Display Own Jobs
SM01   SAPMTSTC       Lock Transactions
SM02   SAPMSEM1       System Messages
SM04   RSM04000_ALV   User List
SM12   RSENQRR2       Display and Delete Locks
SM13   SAPMSM13       Administrate Update Records
SM13T  SAPMSM13       Administrate Update Records
SM14   SAPMSM14       Update Program Administration
SM18   RSAUPURG       Reorganize Security Audit Log
SM19   SAPMSM19       Security Audit Configuration
SM20   SAPMSM20       Security Audit Log Assessment
SM20N  SAPMSM20       Analysis of Security Audit Log
SM21   SAPMSM21       Online System Log Analysis
SM28   RSICC000       Installation Check
SM29   SAPMSM29       Model Transfer for Tables
SM30   SAPMSVMA       Call View Maintenance
SM31   SAPMSVMA       Call View Maintenance Like SM30
SM32   SAPMSTBM       Maintain Table Parameter ID TAB
SM33   SAPMSTBM       Display Table Parameter ID TAB
SM34   SAPMSVMA       Viewcluster Maintenance Call
SM35   SAPMSBDC_CC    Batch Input Monitoring
SM35P  RSBDC_PROTOCOL Batch Input: Log Monitoring
SM36   SAPLBTCH       Schedule Background Job
SM37   SAPLBTCH       Overview of job selection
SM37B  SAPLBTCH       Simple version of job selection
SM37C  SAPLBTCH       Flexible version of job selection
SM38   SAPMSQIO       Queue Maintenance Transaction
SM39   SAPBTCPE       Job Analysis
SM49   RSLOGCOM       Execute external OS commands
SM50   RSMON000_ALV   Work Process Overview
SM51   RSM51000_ALV   List of SAP Systems
SM54   RSM54000       TXCOM Maintenance
SM55   RSM55000       THOST Maintenance
SM56   RSM56000       Number Range Buffer
SM58   RSARFCRD       Asynchronous RFC Error Log
SM580  RBDSTARTSM58   Transaction for Drag & Relate
SM59   RSRFCRFC       RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain)
SM61   SAPLCOBJ       Backgroup control objects monitor
SM61B  SAPLCOBJ       New control object management
SM63   SAPLSOMS       Display/Maintain Operating Mode Set
SM64   SAPLBTCH       Trigger an Event
SM65   SAPLSBPT       Background Processing Analysis Tool
SM66   SAPMSM66       Systemwide Work Process Overview
SM69   RSLOGCOM       Maintain External OS Commands
SNC0   SAPL0SEC       SNC Access Control List: Systems
SNC1   RSUSR300       Generate SNC name for user
SNC2   RSUSR402       Export SNC name of user
SNC3   RSSNC40A       User initial control list 3.1-4.0
SNC4   RSSNCCHK       Check canonical SNC names
SNLS   SAPMSNL1       Display NLS (character set; lang.)
SNL1   SAPMSNL1       Display NLS (character set; lang.)
SNL2   SAPMSNL1       Set NLS (character set; language...
SNL3   SAPMSNL1       Develop NLS (character set; lang...
SNRO   SAPMSNRO       Number Range Objects
SNUM   SAPMSNUM       Number Range Driver
SOA    MENUSOA        SAP ArchiveLink
SOAACT ACE_SOP_PERIODIActual Calculation of Provisions
SOAD   SAPMSSO0       SAPoffice: External Addresses
SOAIMG ACE_SOP_IMG    IMG for Stock Option Accounting
SOASIM ACE_SOP_PERIODISimulation of Provisions
SOBJ   SAPMTOBJ       Maintenance Object Attributes
SOBN01 RSUSR002_ADDRESPersonal data
SOBT   SAPMTOBJ       Maintenance Object Attributes
SOCP   SAPMSSO0       SAPoffice: External Addresses
SODS   RSSODS         SAPoffice: LDAP Browser
SOEX   SAPLSO02       Express Message
SOFF   MENUSOFF       SAPoffice: Area Menu
SOHI   MSGOSHIST      Object History
SOLMAP SAPLSF30       Maintain Solution Maps
SOSB   RSSOSOSTSTAT   Send Order Overview (User)
SOSG   RSSOSOSTSTAT   Send Request Overview (Groups)
SOST   RSSOSOSTSTAT   Overview transmission requests
SOSV   RSSOSOSTSTAT   SAPconnect Send Requests
SOTR   RSSOAPIR       Test transaction for API1 (received
SOYA   RSSOCHOW       SAPoffice: Change folder owner
SOY1   RSSOUSED       SAPoffice: Mass Maint. Users
SOY2   RSSOSTAT       SAPoffice: Statistics data collect.
SOY3   RSSOSTVW       SAPoffice: Statistics Evaluation
SOY4   RSSOLAZY       SAPoffice: Access overview
SOY5   RSSOINBO       SAPoffice: Inbox overview
SOY6   RSSOPRIV       SAPoffice: Document overview
SOY7   RSSOFOLD       SAPoffice: Folder overview
SOY8   RSSOAPUT       SAPoffice: Mass Archiving
SOY9   RSSOMOVE       SAPoffice: Inbox Reorg.
SO00   SAPMSSO0       SAPoffice: Short Message
SO01   SAPMSSO0       SAPoffice: Inbox
SO01X  SAPMSSO0       SAPoffice: Inbox
SO02   SAPMSSO0       SAPoffice: Outbox
SO02X  SAPMSSO0       SAPoffice: Outbox
SO03   SAPMSSO0       SAPoffice: Private Folders
SO03X  SAPMSSO0       SAPoffice: Private Folders
SO04   SAPMSSO0       SAPoffice: Shared Folders
SO04X  SAPMSSO0       SAPoffice: Shared Folders
SO05   SAPMSSO0       SAPoffice: Private Trash
SO05X  SAPMSSO0       SAPoffice: Private Trash
SO06   SAPMSSO0       SAPoffice: Substitution on/off
SO07   SAPMSSO0       SAPoffice: Resubmission
SO07X  SAPMSSO0       SAPoffice: Resubmission
SO10   SAPMSSCE       SAPscript: Standard Texts
SO12   SAPMSSO0       SAPoffice: User Master
SO13   SAPMSSO0       SAPoffice: Substitute
SO15   SAPMSSO0       SAPoffice: Distribution Lists
SO16   SAPMSSO0       SAPoffice: Profile
SO17   RSSOTRCL       SAPoffice: Delete Shared Trash
SO18   SAPMSSO0       SAPoffice: Shared Trash
SO19   SAPMSSO0       SAPoffice: Default Documents
SO20   SAPMSSO0       SAPoffice: Private Default Document
SO21   RSSOPCDR       Maintain PC Work Directory
SO22   RSSODLPC       SAPoffice: Delete PC Temp. Files
SO23   SAPMSSO0       SAPoffice: Distribution Lists
SO28   RSSO0028       Maintain SOGR
SO30   RSSORE00       SAPoffice: Reorg.
SO31   RSSORE02       Reorganization (daily)
SO36   RSSOADM0       Create Automatic Forwarding
SO38   RSSOFALU       SAPoffice: Synchr. of Folder Auths.
SO40   RSSOCUFM       SAPoffice: Cust. Layout Set MAIL
SO41   RSSOCUFM       SAPoffice: Cust. Layout Set TELEFAX
SO42   RSSOCUFM       SAPoffice: Cust.Layout Set TELEFAX_
SO43   RSSOCUFM       SAPoffice: Cust.Layout Set TELEFAX_
SO44   RSSOCUFM       SAPoffice: Cust. Layout Set TELEX
SO50   BCS_IBND_MAINT Rules for inbound distribution
SO52   RSSOUADD       Deletes Address from User Master
SO55   RSSOUSCO       User consistency check
SO60   RSDOCH01       Call R/3 Help Library
SO70   SAPLDSYH       Hypertext: Display/Maint. Structure
SO71   SAPLDSYH       Test plan management
SO72   SAPMSDCU       Maintain Hypertext Module
SO73   SAPLDSYS       Import graphic into SAPfind
SO75   RSDOCH01       Getting Started with the R/3 System
SO80   RSTBOE06       SAPfind: Free Text Retrieval Dialog
SO81   RSTGRE13       SAPfind: Free Text Indexing (Test)
SO82   RSTBOE05       SAPfind: Free Text Retrieval Batch
SO85   RSTBOE01       SAPfind: txt_seq_search
SO86   RSTBOE02       SAPfind: Txt_seq_search_1
SO90   RSTSHSRV       SAPfind: shell folders service prog
SO91   RSSHSOMI       SAPfind SO: SAPoffice Marketing Inf
SO95   RSSHCLAS       Pregenerated Search Queries - Selec
SO99   RSSHRELN       Put Information System
SPAD   SAPMSPAD       Spool Administration
SPAM   SAPMSPAM       Support Package Manager
SPAR   SAPLSDB8       Determine storage parameters
SPAT   SAPMSPAD       Spool Administration (Test)
SPAU   RSUMOD04       Display Modified DE Objects
SPBM   SAPLSPBT       Monitoring parallel background task
SPBT   SAPLSPBT       Test: Parallel background tasks
SPCC   RSPO0043       Spool consistency check
SPDD   RSUMOD02       Display Modified DDIC Objects
SPEC01 SAPMCH01       Specification system: Edit template
SPEC02 SAPMCH01       Specification system: Edit datashee
SPHA   SAPLPHOA       Telephony administration
SPHB   SAPLPHOB       SAPphone: System Administration
SPHD   RSPHSPHD       SAPphone: Own telephone number
SPHS   RSPHSOFT       SAPphone: Interface for Telephone
SPHT   SAPLPHOH       SAPphone Test Environment
SPHW   RSPHITS1       Initiate Call in Web Applications
SPH4   RSPHGCTI       Activ./deactiv. telephony in system
SPIA   SPI_ADM_CU     PMI Administration
SPIC   RSPO1055       Spool installation check
SPID   SPI_PS_SHOW_1  Display Process Repository
SPIM   SPI_CM_MAINTAINProcess Monitoring: Meta Data
SPIO   SPI_PS_SHOW    Process Monitoring Overview
SPIS   SPI_UI_START   Start User Interface for Monitoring
SPOV   SAPMSPAD       Spool Request Overview
SPPFC  START_CUSTOMIZIPPF: Initial Screen in Customizing
SPRM   SAPL0OBJ       Update settings
SPRO   SAPLS_IMG_TOOL_Customizing - Edit Project
SPTP   SAPMSPTP       Text elem. maint. for print formats
SPUMG  SAPLSPUMG      Unicode Pre-Migration
SP00   MENUSP00       Spool and related areas
SP01   RSPOSP01NR     Output Controller
SP01O  RSPOSP01       Spool Controller
SP02   RSPOSP01NR     Display Spool Requests
SP02O  RSPOSP01       Display Output Requests
SP03   RSPO0048       Spool: Load Formats
SP1T   RSPOSP01       Output Control (Test)
SP11   RSTS0012       TemSe directory
SP12   RSTS0010       TemSe Administration
SQCIT  SAPLSQADB08    Maintain CI Templates
SQLR   SQLR0001       SQL Trace Interpreter
SQVI   SAPMS38R       QuickViewer
SQ00   SAPMS38R       SAP Query: Start queries
SQ01   SAPMS38R       SAP Query: Maintain queries
SQ02   SAPMS38O       SAP Query: Maintain InfoSet
SQ03   SAPMS38S       SAP Query: Maintain user groups
SQ07   SAPMS38P       SAP Query: Language comparison
SQ09   SAPMS38U       SAP Query: Maintain additional func
SQ10   RSAQ_ROLE_ADMINSAP Query: Role Administration
SQ11   RSAQ_WEBRELEASESAP Query: Web reporting (Admin)
SRCN   RSRPCNTR       Delete Country-Specific Reports
SRET   RKKBRPTR       Report Selection
SRET06 RSRET_INDEX_MONDummy Transaction
SRET07 RSRET_INDEX_MONMonitoring for Indexing: Non-KPRO
SREV   START_REVIEW_TOReview Authoring Environment
SRIP   RSRETIP01      Import of Training Indexes
SRMD   SAPLROUTING_MODLocal Routing&Mapping Configuration
SRMO   SAPMSRAD       SAP Retrieval - Monitor
SRMO1  RSRET_IMS_MONITCall of IMS Monitoring
SRN1   SAPMSNUM       Number range maintenance: ADRCITY
SRN2   SAPMSNUM       Number range maintenance: ADRSTREET
SRN3   SAPMSNUM       Number range maintenance: ADRPSTCOD
SROLE  SMUM_EXPORT_ROLExport User Roles to XML doc.
SRSE   SAPMSRAD       Test Search for the IMS
SRTM   SAPRTMMASTER   Run Time Monitor Initial Screen
SRTV   SRTV_CUST1     Text Retrieval: Customizing
SR10   SAPLSZRC       Create City
SR11   SAPLSZRC       Change city
SR12   SAPLSZRC       Display city
SR13   RSIWR_HELP_DISPArea-Dependent Help
SR20   SAPLSZRT       Create street
SR21   SAPLSZRT       Change street
SR22   SAPLSZRT       Display street
SR30   SAPLSZRP       Create postal code
SR31   SAPLSZRP       Change postal code
SR32   SAPLSZRP       Display postal code
SSAA   SAPMSRR1       System Administration Assistant
SSC    RSSC0000       SAP R/3 appointment diary (internal
SSCA   SAPMSSCA       Appointment Calendar: Administratio
SSCA1  RSSCADMUSRCONSTAppointment calendar: Administratio
SSCV   RSSC5000       Appoint. diary: VisualBasic fronten
SSC0   RSSC0000       SAP R/3 Appointment Cal. (Employee)
SSC0X  RSSC0000X      SAP R/3 Appointment Cal. (Employee)
SSC1   RSSC1000       SAP R/3 (own) Appointment Calendar
SSC1X  RSSC1000X      SAP R/3 (own) Appointment Calendar
SSFI   SAPLSSFI       IAC: Test: Browser Digital Signatur
SSM1   SMTR_NAVIGATIONTransaction is Old
SSM2   SAPLSMNU       Set Initial Area Menu
SSO2   SSO2ADM        Workplace Single Sign-On Admin.
SSPC   RSSPECCA       SAP DEFAULT Specifications
SST0   RSPROJEVALUATIOProject Analysis in Customizing
SST7   SAPMSST1       Complex Analysis
SSUC   BCGRSUCO       Structure graphic: copy settings
SSUD   BCGRSUDO       Structure graphic: delete settings
SSUO   MENUSSUO       Structure Graphic: Central Settings
STAD   RSSTAT26       Statistics display for all systems
STAT   RSSTAT21       Local Transaction Statistics
STCUP  RSTCX_UPG      Table control variants upgrade
STDA   SAPLSDEB       Debugger display/control (server)
STDC   SAPLSDEB       Debugger output/control
STDR   SAPMSCKT       Object Directory Consistency Check
STDU   SAPLSDEB       Debugger display/control (user)
STEP10 SAPMSTP001     Export STEP Data
STEP20 SAPMSTP002     Import STEP Data
STERM  TERMINOLOGY_MAISAPterm Terminology Maintenance
STFB   SAPMSTFB       CATT function module test
STFO   RSEWO810       Plan Service Connection
STI1   RFTBST11       Change Documents Payment Details
STI2   RFTBST12       Change Docs Correspondence
STI3   RFTBST13       Chg. Docs Transaction Authoriz.
STMA   SAPMSTMA       Proposal Pool Administration
STMP   RSTRMTR1       Proposal Pool: Selection
STMS   SAPLTMSU       Transport Management System
STP4   RSDBP004       Select DB activities
STTO   MENUSTTO       Test Organization
STUN   MENUSTUN       Menu Performance Monitor
STVARV SAPMS38V       Selection variable maint. (TVARV)
STWB_1 SAPLS_TWB_H    Test Catalog Management
STWB_2 SAPLS_TWB_H    Test Plan Management
STZCH  TZONECHECK     Time zones: Consistency checks
ST01   RSTRAC25       System Trace
ST02   RSTUNE50       Setups/Tune Buffers
ST03   SAPWL_ST03N    Performance;SAP Statistics; Workloa
ST03G  SAPWL_ST03G    Global Workload Statistics
ST03N  SAPWL_ST03N    R/3 Workload and Perf. Statistics
ST04   RSDB0004       DB Performance Monitor
ST04N  RSDB004N       Database Performance Monitor
ST05   SAPLSSQ0       Performance trace
ST06   RSHOST05       Operating System Monitor
ST07   SAPMS07A       Application monitor
ST10   SAPMST10       Table Call Statistics
ST11   RSTR0006       Display Developer Traces
ST12   /SSF/CALL_TA_PRSingle transaction analysis
ST13   /SSF/CALL_TA_PRAnalysis&Monitoring tool collection
ST14   /SSF/CALL_TA_PRApplication Analysis
ST20   RS_DYNPRO_TRACEScreen Trace
ST22   RSSHOWRABAX    ABAP dump analysis
ST30   SAPLPERF_TRA_DIGlobal  Perf. Analysis: Execute
ST33   DISPLAY_GPA_DATGlob. Perf. Analysis: Display Data
ST34   MAINTAIN_PROT_IGlob. Perf. Analysis: Log IDs
ST35   MAINTAIN_CATT_PGlob. Perf. Analysis: Assign CATTs
ST36   SAPLPERF_TRA_DEGlob. Perf. Analysis: Delete Data
ST37   MAINTAIN_AMASCHGlob. Perf. Analysis: Eval. Schema
ST4A   RSDB0245       Database: Shared cursor cache (ST04
ST62   SAPMSBRA       Create Industry Short Texts
SUB%   SAPMSSYS       Internal call: Submit via commnd fl
SUCH   RSUCHSTA       Translatability CHECKs
SUCOMP SAPMSCOMP      User company address maintenance
SUGR   SAPMSUUG       Maintain User Groups
SUGRD  SAPMSUUGD      Display user groups
SUIM   RSUSRSUIM      User Information System
SUMG   SAPLSUMG       Unicode Migration Tool
SUPC   SAPPROFC_NEW   Role Profiles
SUPN   SAPMSNUM       Number range maint.: PROF_VARIS
SURAD  SAPSURVEYADMIN Survey Administration
SURQC  SUR_LIST_OF_ELESurvey: Question catalog
SURST  SUR_CREATE_STRUSurvey: build questionnaire struct.
SUUM   SAPMSUM        Global User Manager
SUUMD  SAPMSUMD       Display User Administration
SU01   SAPMSUU0       User Maintenance
SU01D  SAPMSUU0D      User Display
SU02   SAPMS01C       Maintain Authorization Profiles
SU03   SAPMS01C       Maintain Authorizations
SU05   SAPMS05W       Maintain Internet Users
SU10   SAPMSUU0M      User Mass Maintenance
SU20   SAPMSU20       Maintain Authorization Fields
SU21   SAPMS01E       Maintain Authorization Objects
SU22   SAPMS920       Auth. Object Usage in Transactions
SU24   SAPMS921       Auth. Obj. Check Under Transactions
SU25   SAPLPRGN       Upgrade Tool for Profile Generator
SU26   SAPLPRGN       Upgrade Tool for Profile Generator
SU3    SAPMSUU0O      Maintain Users Own Data
SU53   SAPMS01G       Evaluate Authorization Check
SU56   SAPMS01U       Analyze User Buffer
SU84   RUSH04RD       Read Archived User Change Documents
SU85   RUSH02RD       Read Archived Password Change Doc.
SU86   RUSH10RD       Read Profile Change Documents
SU87   RUSH12RD       Read Authorization Change Documents
SVGM   RSVGMODL       SAP R/3 Procedure Model
SVGS   RSVGMOD2       View for activity in Procedure Mode
SWB3   SAPLSWB3       Maintain Start Conditions
SWB4   SAPLSWB3       Display Start Conditions
SWDA   RSWDSTRTA      Alphanumeric Workflow Builder
SWDB   RSWDBUILD      Create workflow
SWDD   RSWDSTRT       Workflow Builder
SWDI   RSWDSTRTC      Workflow Builder (Selection)
SWDM   RSWDEXP1       Business Workflow Explorer
SWDN   SAPMSNUM       Number Range Maint.: SWD_WDID
SWDP   RSWDPROTOCOL   Show Graphical Workflow Log
SWDS   RSWDSTRTS      Workflow Builder (Selection)
SWEAD  RSWEQADMIN     Event Queue Administration
SWEL   RSWFEVTLOG     Display Event Trace
SWELS  RSWELSWITCH    Switch Event Trace On/Off
SWEM   RSWELCFG2      Configure Event Trace
SWE3   RSWEINST       Display Instance Linkages
SWE4   RSWELOGA       Status Change Event Trace
SWE5   RSWECONSCOUP   Checks for Event Linkages
SWFC   RSWF_CST_AUTOCUAutomatic Workflow Customizing
SWF3   RSWFWIZ4       Workflow Wizard Explorer
SWF4   RSWFWIZ5       Workflow Wizard Repository
SWIA   RSWIWILS       WI Administration Report
SWI1   RSWIWILS       Selection report for workflows
SWI11  RSWIUSAG_NEW   Where-Used List for Tasks
SWI13  RSWIEXEC       Task Profile
SWI14  SAPLSWI2       Workflows for Object Type
SWI3   RSWIOUTB       Workflow Outbox
SWI30  RSWIENABLEEXE  Unlock Workflows
SWI5   RSWILOAD       Workload Analysis
SWI6   SAPLSWI2       Workflows for Object
SWJ1   RSWJ_PPF_PCOND Browser for Planning Conditions
SWLC   RHWFOTSK       Check Tasks for Agents
SWLD   MENUSWLD       Workbench for Workflow 4.0
SWLP   RHWFCOPL       Copy a Plan Version
SWO1   SAPLSWOO       Business Object Builder
SWO3   SWO_BOR_BROWSERBusiness Object Builder
SWO4   SWO_BOR_BROWSERBusiness Object Repository
SWPA   SAPLSWPA       Runtime System Customizing
SWPC   RSWP_CONTINUE_WWFM: Continue Workflow
SWRK   WB_INACTIVE_OBJAdministrtation using work areas
SWRP   SAPMSWRP       Dummy for IAC Workflow Status
SWT0   RSWTTR03       Configure workflow trace
SWUA   RSWUDI09       Start Verification Workflow
SWUC   RSWUCU01       Customizing decision task
SWUD   RSWUDI00       Workflow Diagnosis
SWUE   SAPLSWUS       Trigger an event
SWUG   SAPLSWU5       Generate Workflow Start Transaction
SWUR   RSWUSETT       Send mails for work items
SWUS   SAPLSWUS       Test Workflow
SWUT   SAPLSWU7       Namespace for Form Transactions
SWUU   RSWUSFDG       SAPforms: Diagnosis
SWUV   RSWUWFML       Send R3F Messages Once
SWUW   SAPMSNUM       Number Range Maint.: SWW_WIID
SWUX   MENUSWUX       SAPforms Administration
SWUY   RSWUMMES       Workflow-Message Linkage
SWU0   RSWUESIM       Simulate event
SWU1   RSWUDI08       User RFC Monitor
SWU10  RSWTTR02       Delete Workflow Trace Files
SWU2   RSWUDI07       Workflow RFC Monitor
SWU4   RSWUDI02       Consistency Test for Standard Task
SWU5   RSWUDI03       Consistency Test for Customer Task
SWU6   RSWUDI04       Consistency Test for Workflow Task
SWU7   RSWUDI05       Consistency Test for Workflow Templ
SWU8   RSWTTR04       Workflow Trace: On/Off
SWU9   RSWTTR06       Display Workflow Trace
SWWA   RSWWDHIN       Maintain WI Deadline Monitoring
SWWB   RSWWDHEX_INSERTSchedule WI Deadline Monitoring
SWWD   RSWWERIN       Maintain Work Item Error Monitoring
SWWH   RSWWHIDE       WIM: Delete Work Item History
SWWL   RSWWWIDE       WIM: Delete Work Item
SWXF   SWXFORMS       DEMO: Create Notification of Absenc
SWXFTB SWXFORMS_TB    DEMO: Notif. of Absence Toolbox
SWXML  RSWXML_FIND    XML Document Selection
SXDA   DXADMIN        Data Transfer Workbench
SXDB   DXADMIN        Data Transfer Workbench
SYNT   SAPMSYNT       Display Syntax Trace Output
S00    RSSOSO00       Short Message
S000   MENUS000       System Menu
S001   MENUS001
S002   MENUS002       Menu Administration