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SAP Transaction Code - Starts with -- K

KABL   SAPMKB01       Order: Planning Overview
KABP   RKAEP000       Controlling Documents: Plan
KAB9   SAPMKB02       Planning Report: Orders
KAFD   SAPLKAFD       External Data Transfer
KAFL   SAPLKAFD       Delete All Costs Transferred w. KAF
KAH1   SAPLKKHI       Create Cost Element Group
KAH2   SAPLKKHI       Change cost element group
KAH3   SAPLKKHI       Display cost element group
KAID   RKADELIT       Delete ALE-COEP(L) Line Items
KALA   RKAKALC3       Activate Reconciliation Ledger
KALB   RKAKALC3       Deactivate Reconciliation Ledger
KALC   RKAKALFI       Cost Flow Message
KALD   RKAKALDE       Reset Reconciliation Ledger
KALE   RKAKALT9       Reconcil.Ledger: Display Totals Rec
KALF   RKAKALBT       Start Background Report RKAKALBT
KALH   RKAKALBR       Change Rules for Reconcil. Posting
KALI   RKKBJBIN       Import Reconcil. Ledger Reports
KALK   RKAKALBS       Create Rules for Reconcil. Posting
KALM   SAPMKKB2       Display Reconcil. Ledger Report Tre
KALN   SAPMKKB5       Report Tree: Maint. Reconcil. Ledge
KALO   RGLEXE03       Export Reconcil. Ledger (Rollup)
KALR   RKAKALR1       Reconciliaton Ledger: CO Line Items
KALS   RKAKALFI       Reverse Reconciliation Posting
KALX   RKAKALX1       Fill Original Units in CO Document
KALY   RKAKALX2       Convert Reconc. Ledger Documents
KAL1   RKAKALF1       Reconcil. Ledger Follow-Up Posting
KAL7   RKAKALR2       Overview of Cost Flows
KAL8   RKKBBGEN       Generate Reconcil. Ledger Reports
KAMN   MENUKAMN       Menu for Internal Orders
KANK   SAPMSNUM       Number range maint.: RK_BELEG
KAUM   RKACUMTK       Display Conversion Milestones
KAVA   RBDSECOT       Send Cost Center Totals Records
KAVB   RGSALECC       Send Cost Center Group
KAVC   RGSALECE       Send Cost Element Group
KAVD   RGSALEAT       Send Activity Type Group
KA01   SAPLKMA4       Create Cost Element
KA02   SAPLKMA4       Change Cost Element
KA03   SAPLKMA4       Display Cost Element
KA04   SAPLKMA4       Delete cost element
KA05   SAPMKMAA       Cost element: display changes
KA06   SAPLKMA4       Create Secondary Cost Element
KA23   SAPLKMA4       Cost Elements: Master Data Report
KA24   SAPLKMA4       Delete Cost Elements
KBC0   RKKBC000       Maintain list of screen variants
KBC6   RKTARPLN       CO-ABC: Manual Actual Price
KBC7   RKTARPLN       CO-ABC: Display manual actl. price
KBEA   KFPR_ARCH_SET_DTrsfr Price Docs: Set Del.Indicator
KBH1   SAPLKKHI       Create statistical key figure group
KBH2   SAPLKKHI       Change statistical key figure group
KBH3   SAPLKKHI       Display statistical key figure grou
KBK6   RKTARPLN       CO-CCA: Manual Actual Price
KBK7   RKTARPLN       CO-CCA: Display manual actl price
KB11   SAPMK23B       Enter Reposting of Primary Costs
KB11N  SAPLK23F1      Enter Manual Repostings of Costs
KB13   SAPMK23B       Display Reposting of Primary Costs
KB13N  SAPLK23F1      Display Manual Repostings of Costs
KB14   SAPMK23B       Reverse Reposting of Primary Costs
KB14N  SAPLK23F1      Reverse Manual Repostings of Costs
KB15   SAPMK23B       Enter Manual Allocations
KB15N  SAPLK23F1      Enter Manual Allocations
KB16   SAPMK23B       Display Manual Allocations
KB16N  SAPLK23F1      Display Manual Allocations
KB17   SAPMK23B       Reverse Manual Allocations
KB17N  SAPLK23F1      Reverse Manual Allocations
KB21   SAPMK23B       Enter Activity Allocation
KB21N  SAPLK23F1      Enter Direct Activity Allocation
KB22   SAPMK23B       IAA via Internet
KB23   SAPMK23B       Display Activity Allocation
KB23N  SAPLK23F1      Display Direct Activity Allocation
KB24   SAPMK23B       Reverse Activity Allocation
KB24N  SAPLK23F1      Reverse Direct Activity Allocation
KB27   SAPMK23B       IAA Enter Other Periods
KB31   SAPMK23B       Enter Statistical Key Figures
KB31N  SAPLK23F1      Enter Statistical Key Figures
KB33   SAPMK23B       Display Statistical Key Figures
KB33N  SAPLK23F1      Display Statistical Key Figures
KB34   SAPMK23B       Reverse Statistical Key Figures
KB34N  SAPLK23F1      Reverse Statistical Key Figures
KB41   SAPMK23B       Enter Reposting of Revenues
KB41N  SAPLK23F1      Enter Manual Repostings of Revenue
KB43   SAPMK23B       Display Reposting of Revenues
KB43N  SAPLK23F1      Display Manual Repostings of Revenu
KB44   SAPMK23B       Reverse Reposting of Revenues
KB44N  SAPLK23F1      Reverse Manual Repostings of Revenu
KB51   SAPMK23B       Enter Activity Posting
KB51N  SAPLK23F1      Enter Sender Activities
KB53   SAPMK23B       Display Activity Posting
KB53N  SAPLK23F1      Display Sender Activities
KB54   SAPMK23B       Reverse Activity Posting
KB54N  SAPLK23F1      Reverse Sender Activities
KB61   SAPMK23D       Enter Reposting of CO Line Items
KB63   SAPMK23D       Display Reposting of CO Line Items
KB64   SAPMK23D       Reverse Reposting of CO Line Items
KB65   SAPMK23D       Enter Indirect Acty Alloc.Reposting
KB66   SAPMK23D       Display Indir. Acty Alloc. Repostin
KB67   SAPMK23D       Reverse IAA Reposting
KB71   SAPMK23B       JV-Transfer Postings
KCAN   SAPLKCD0       Derivation
KCA0   SAPMKCIA       SAP-EIS: Edit aspect
KCA1   RKCREOAS       Reorganize aspect tables
KCA2   SAPMKCGF       Edit field groups
KCA5   RKCMKCGD       Edit characteristics
KCA6   RKCMKCGD       Edit basic key figures
KCBA   SAPMKCEE       Report class overview
KCBB   RKCUSRGR       Set user group
KCBH   SAPMKCBH       Report portfolio data transfer
KCBW   RKCDSDDG       EC-EIS/BP: Generate DataSource
KCB0   SAPMKCEE       Execute report
KCB1   SAPMKCEE       Create report
KCB2   SAPMKCEE       Change report
KCB3   SAPMKCEE       Display report
KCB4   SAPMKCEE       Create report class
KCB5   SAPMKCEE       Change report class
KCB6   SAPMKCEE       Display report class
KCB7   SAPMKCEE       Create user group
KCB8   SAPMKCEE       Change user group
KCB9   SAPMKCEE       Display user group
KCCO   SAPMKCCO       EC-EIS/BP: Manage comment tables
KCC0   SAPMKCC0       Maintain currency translation key
KCC1   SAPMKCC0       Currency translation sender program
KCC2   SAPMKCC0       Cross-table translation key
KCDI   RKDREPDV       Divide report
KCDR   RKCDOREO       Reorganization document flag T242B
KCDU   RKCTRERU       Structure of summ. level of SAP-EIS
KCDV   SAPMKEDV       Maintain summarization levels
KCEA   RKCDEDIA       Set planner profile
KCED   RKCDEDEI       Define Flexible Excel Upload
KCEE   RKC_FLEX_UPL   Flexible Excel Upload to SAP-EIS
KCE1   RKCSELEC       Display transaction data
KCE2   RKCDELET       Delete transaction data
KCE3   RKCREPSE       SAP-EIS: Choose Collection Program
KCE4   RKCDEDIA       Change transaction data (EIS/BP)
KCE5   RKCDEDIA       Display transaction data (EIS/BP)
KCE6   SAPLKXDE       Individual record entry
KCE7   SAPLKXDE       EIS: Single record display
KCE8   RKCDEDIA       EC-BP: Change plan data
KCE9   RKCDEDIA       EC-BP: Display plan data
KCFR   SAPLKCD0       EDT: Maintain Transfer Rules
KCF0   RKCFILE0       Import File
KCF1   RKCFILE0       Import master data file
KCF2   RKCFILE0       Import comments file
KCF3   RKE_CALL_VC_TKEChange revaluation factors
KCF4   RKE_CALL_VC_TKEDisplay revaluation factors
KCH1   SAPLKKHI       Create Profit Center Group
KCH2   SAPLKKHI       Change profit center hierarchy
KCH3   SAPLKKHI       Display profit center hierarchy
KCH4   RCOPCA15       EC-PCA: Create Standard Hierarchy
KCH5   RCOPCA15       EC-PCA: Change standard hierarchy
KCH5N  KEO_START_NF_STEC-PCA: Change Standard Hierarchy
KCH5NX KEO_START_NF_STEC-PCA: Change Stand.Hier. EO Activ
KCH6   RCOPCA15       EC-PCA: Display standard hierarchy
KCH6N  KEO_START_NF_STEC-PCA: Display Standard Hierarchy
KCH6NX KEO_START_NF_STEC-PCA: Disp. Stand.Hier. EO Active
KCJ0   RKCHINOD       EIS/BP: Hierarchy node maintenance
KCJ1   SAPMKXHI       EC-EIS/EC-BP: Hierarchy maintenance
KCJ2   RKCDMREF       EC-EIS: Copy reference hierarchies
KCJ3   SAPMKXHI       Hierarchy Maintenance
KCKB   SAPMKCIK       Formulas for basic key figures
KCK0   SAPMKCIK       Key figures
KCK1   RKCDLKR0       Display key figure
KCLA   KCFDUADS       EDT: Automatic File Split
KCLF   RKCFILEF       External Data Transfer
KCLFS  KCDSTRUCF      Sender Structures
KCLI   EDT_ALE_MAIN   ALE Interface for EDT
KCLJ   RKCFILE7       EDT: Execute Transfer
KCLL   KCDSTRUC       EDT: Generate Sender Structure
KCLP   KCDLPROT       Logs
KCLT   KCDLEDITOR     EDT: Create Test Data
KCLU   KCFDUTYP       EDT: Maintain Transfer Types
KCLV   KCFDUREORG     EDT: Delete Obsolete Programs
KCO1   RKCCOLST       Comments on transaction data
KCPA   SAPMKCPL2      Automatic Planning: Copy
KCPA2  SAPMKCPL2      Copy
KCPB   SAPMSJOB       Batch jobs aut. planning
KCPD   SAPMKCPD       Delete plan data with key fig. sel.
KCPL   SAPMKCPL2      Automatic Planning: Change
KCPL2  SAPMKCPL2      Automatic Planning: Change
KCPT   SAPMKCPL2      Automatic planning: top-down distr.
KCPT2  SAPMKCPL2      Automatic Planning: Top-Down
KCPZ   RKE_CALL_V_TKEPSegment-Specific Planning Functions
KCP0   SAPMKCPL2      Automatic Planning
KCP1   RKCAPPLO       Validation logs data entry
KCP2   SAPMKCPL2      Automatic Planning: Forecast
KCP22  SAPMKCPL2      Automatic Planning: Forecast
KCP4   SAPMKES1       Create entry form
KCP5   SAPMKES1       Change entry form
KCP6   SAPMKES1       Display entry form
KCP7   SAPMKES1       Create planning layout
KCP8   SAPMKES1       Change planning layout
KCP9   SAPMKES1       Display planning layout
KCRA   RKES0102       Maintain variant table
KCRB   RKDBATPF       Maintain variable groups
KCRC   RKCBATCH       Print/actualize reports
KCRE   RKES0101       Maintain Global Variables
KCRF   RKE_CALL_VC_TKEMaintain Char.Grps for SAP-EIS Rep.
KCRP   RKDBATV3       Maintain variant groups
KCRQ   RKDBAT02       Maintain Variants
KCRR   RKCTREE0       Report selection
KCRS   RKDBATV4       Schedule Variant Group
KCRT   RKDBATV5       Define Variant Group
KCRU   SAPMKCB9       Convert drilldown reports
KCR0   SAPMKCEE       Run Drilldown Report
KCR1   SAPMKCEE       Create Drilldown Report
KCR2   SAPMKCEE       Change drilldown report
KCR3   SAPMKCEE       Display Drilldown Report
KCR4   SAPMKES1       Create form
KCR5   SAPMKES1       Change form
KCR6   SAPMKES1       Display form
KCR7   SAPMKEFB       Maintain authorization obj. present
KCR8   SAPMKEFB       Display authorization obj.presentat
KCS2   SAPMKCI2       SAP-EIS: Delete char. values
KCS3   SAPMKCI2       SAP-EIS: Maintain character. values
KCS4   SAPMKCI2       SAP-EIS: Display character. values
KCS5   SAPMSVMA       Maintain characteristics (view)
KCS6   SAPMSVMA       Display characteristics (view)
KCS7   RKCMDYRC       Maintain fiscal year
KCT0   SAPMKCIC       EC-EIS/EC-BP: Comment management
KCT1   SAPMKCIC       EC-EIS/EC-BP: Reorganize comments
KCUA   RKCDLMON       Display Transfer Log
KCUU   RKDREODA       Report Data Reorganization
KCVA   SAPLKXDE       EIS/BP: Maintain validations/rules
KCVC   SAPLKXDE       EIS/BP: Copy validations/rules
KCVD   RKDREOBE       Overview of Reports
KCVL   SAPMKCDA       Variable list element in basic rep.
KCVV   RKDREOBE       Reorganization Reports
KCV0   SAPLKEFV_MNT   Maintain Distribution Keys
KCV1   SAPMGPSP       Create Distribution Key
KCV2   SAPMGPSP       Change distribution key
KCV3   SAPMGPSP       Display distribution key
KCV4   SAPMGPSP       Delete distribution key
KCWA   SAPMKCC0       Maintain Currency Translation Type
KCWW   RKDREOFO       Reorganize forms
KCW0   SAPMKCB9       Testmonitor reporting SAP-EIS
KCW1   RKCGENPR       Generations SAP-EIS
KCXX   RKDREOVG       Reorganization of Variant Groups
KCZ1   RKC_START_ARCHIEC-EIS/BP: Archive transaction data
KC7R   SAPLKCD0       EDT: Maintain Transfer Rules
KDH1   SAPLKKHI       Create Account Group
KDH2   SAPLKKHI       Change Account Group
KDH3   SAPLKKHI       Display Account Group
KDTT   RKDCTRAN       Display incorrect report
KEAE   RKABCPAC       Generate Proc. Template Environment
KEAF   SAPMKECM_VFIELDValue Field Analysis
KEAW   RKE_RECONCILIATReconciliation Make-to-Order Prod.
KEA0   SAPMKEA3_NEW   CO-PA: Maintain Operating Concern
KEA0O  SAPMKEA3       CO-PA: Maintain Operating Concern
KEA5   RKCMKCGD       Maintain Characteristics
KEA6   RKCMKCGD       Edit Value Fields
KEBA   RKEBER01       Display operating concern
KEBC   RKEBER01       Change operating concern
KEBI   RKEBER01       Set operating concern (batch-input)
KEB0   RKEBW100       Create CO-PA DataSource
KEB2   RKEBW201       Display Dtld Info on CO-PA DataSrce
KEB3   RKEBW202       Activate Debugging Support
KEB4   RKEBW203       Reset Replication Status
KEB5   RKEBW211       Reduce Data Volumes for Test
KECA   COPA_COPY      Copying Transaction Data (Actual)
KECB   COPA_ERKRS_2_BUCO-PA Company Code Line Items
KECC   COPA_COPY_PLAN Copy Transaction Data ( Plan )
KECM   SAPMKECM_MAIN  CO-PA: Customizing Monitor
KECP   SAPMKECP       Copy Operating Concern
KECT   RKE_CALL_CTU1  Maintain Environ. Dyn. Process Allo
KEC0   SAPMKCC0       Maintain curr. transl. type (CO-PA)
KEC3   SAPMKCC0       Cross-table translation key CO-PA
KEDA   RKETREXT       Export Summarization Level
KEDB   RKEDELTEST     Deletion of Test Data in CO-PA
KEDD   RKE_SHOW_KEDR_DCOPA Char. Derivation Overview ALV
KEDF   RKETRERF       CO-PA: Fill Summ. Levels (Expert)
KEDJ   RKETRERJ       CO-PA: Fill Summ. Levels (Expert)
KEDT   SAPMKETREPROT  Log Summarization Logs
KEDU   RKETRERU       CO-PA: Build Summarization Levels
KEDUS  RKETRERF_PARALLCO-PA: Period Build of Summ. Levels
KEDUSM RKETRERF_PERIODCO-PA: Monitor Build for Summ. Lvls
KEDV   SAPMKEDV       CO-PA: Maintain Summarization Level
KEDVP  RKETREPROP     Default for Summarization Levels
KEDVPD RKETREPROPD    Proposal for Summ. Levels (Analysis
KEDVS  SAPMKETRESTORAGMaintain Old Storage Summ. Levels
KEDW   RKETRERV       CO-PA: Fill Summ. Levels (Expert)
KEDX   RKETRERT       CO-PA:Fill Summ.Lev. from Summ. Lev
KEDZ   RKE_PROT_EVALUARead Interface for CO-PA Log
KED0   SAPMKEDR       Derivation: Initial Screen
KED5   SAPMKES1       Data Mining: Create Form
KED6   SAPMKES1       Data Mining: Change Form
KED7   SAPMKES1       Data Mining: Display Form
KEEU   SAPMKCB9       CO-PA  EIS/BP: Generate transfer
KEE0   RPCADIFF       PCA: Generate Line Item Difference
KEFA   RKEVEXT1       Maintain Sender Structures
KEFB   RKEVEXT2       Maintain Rules
KEFC   RKEVEXT3       CO-PA External Data Transfer
KEFD   SAPLKCD0       Maintain Rules
KEF1   RKE_CALL_VC_TKEChange Revaluation Keys
KEF2   RKE_CALL_VC_TKEDisplay revaluation indices
KEGA   SAPMKAL1       Delete Indirect Plan Acty Alloc.
KEGAN  SAPLKAL1       Delete Indirect Plan Acty Allocatio
KEGB   SAPMKGA2       Execute Indirect Plan Acty Alloc.
KEGC   SAPMKGA1       Indirect Plan Acty Alloc.: Overview
KEGCN  SAPMKGA1       Indirect Plan Acty Alloc.: Overview
KEGD   RKE_KEGD       Overview Actual IAA Cycles
KEGE   RKE_KEGE       Overview Plan IAA Cycles
KEGV   RKEPLANMETHOD  Generate Variant from KEPM Environm
KEG1   SAPMKAL1       Create Indirect Actual Acty Alloc.
KEG1N  SAPLKAL1       Create Indirect Actual Acty Alloc.
KEG2   SAPMKAL1       Change Indirect Actual Acty Alloc.
KEG2N  SAPLKAL1       Change Indirect Actual Acty Alloc.
KEG3   SAPMKAL1       Display Indirect Actual Acty Alloc.
KEG3N  SAPLKAL1       Display Indirect Actual Acty Alloc.
KEG4   SAPMKAL1       Delete Indirect Actual Acty Alloc.
KEG4N  SAPLKAL1       Delete Indirect Actual Acty Alloc.
KEG5   SAPMKGA2       Execute Indirect Actual Acty Alloc.
KEG6   SAPMKGA1       Indirect Actual Acty Alloc.:Overvie
KEG6N  SAPMKGA1       Indirect Actual Acty Alloc.:Overvie
KEG7   SAPMKAL1       Create Indirect Plan Acty Alloc.
KEG7N  SAPLKAL1       Create Indirect Plan Acty Allocatio
KEG8   SAPMKAL1       Change Indirect Plan Acty Alloc.
KEG8N  SAPLKAL1       Change Indirect Plan Acty Allocatio
KEG9   SAPMKAL1       Display Indirect Plan Acty Alloc.
KEG9N  SAPLKAL1       Display Indirect Plan Acty Alloc.
KEH5   SAPMKES1       Change Form
KEI1   RKE_CALL_PA_SSTMaintain PA Transfer Structure
KEI2   RKE_CALL_PA_SSTMaintain PA Transfer Structure
KEI3   RKE_CALL_PA_SSTMaintain PA Transfer Structure
KEK0   SAPMKCIK       Test Key Figure Transaction
KELR   RKEBW3RE       Data Transfer from BW to CO-PA
KELS   RKEBW3RV       Cancel Transfer
KELU   RKEBW3UE       Overview: Data Transfer BW to CO-PA
KELV   RKEBW3VA       Variant for Query Variable
KEMDM  SAPMKEC1N      Profit Center Master Data Maint.
KEMN   MENUKEMN       Profitability Analysis appl. menu
KEMO   SAPMKCB9       Profitability report: Test monitor
KEND   SAPMKEND       Realignments
KEN1   SAPMSNUM       Maintain Number Range: COPA_IST
KEN2   SAPMSNUM       Maint. number ranges: CO-PA plannin
KEOAP2 KEO_START_NF   Change Altern. Profit Center Struct
KEOAP3 KEO_START_NF   Display Alter. Profit Center Struct
KEOA1  SAPLCMDT5      Activate Cost Centers
KEOA2  SAPLCMDT5      Activate Profit Centers
KEOA3  SAPLCMDT5      Activate Processes
KEOD1  SAPLCMDT5      Reset Inactive Cost Centers
KEOD2  SAPLCMDT5      Reset Inactive Profit Centers
KEOD3  SAPLCMDT5      Reset Inactive Business Process
KEOG1  RKEOGEN1       Generate Standard Hierarchy
KEOG2  RKEOGEN2       Generate Alternative Hierarchy
KEOG3  RKEOGEN3       Replace Standard Hierarhcy
KEOP1  RKEOPRI0       Print Standard Hierarchy
KEOP2  RKEOPRI1       Print Enterprise Organization
KEOV   RKEOV          CO-PA: Cycle Overview
KEO1   KEO_START_NF   Create Enterprise Organization
KEO2   KEO_START_NF   Change Enterprise Organization
KEO3   KEO_START_NF   Display Enterprise Organization
KEPA   RKE_CALL_VC_TKEChar. Groups for Actual and Plannin
KEPD   RKE_CALL_VC_TKECharacteristic groups for reports
KEPM   RKEPLKEPM      CO-PA Planning
KEPM_W SAPLKEPLUW     Sales & Profit Planning in the WWW
KEPMU  RKE_CONVERT_LAYCreate Planning Level from Layout
KEPP   RKEPLPPR       Check plan structure
KEPZ   RKE_CALL_V_TKEPSegment-Specific Planning Functions
KEPZ_E RKE_CALL_V_TKEPAccess of Segment-Specific Events
KEPZ_P RKE_CALL_V_TKEPAccess of Segment-Specific Forecast
KEPZ_U RKE_CALL_V_TKEPAccess of Segment-Specific Revaltn
KEPZ_V RKE_CALL_V_TKEPAccess of Segment-Specific Distr.Ke
KEP6   SAPMSVMA       Maintain characteristics
KEP7   SAPMSVMA       Display characteristics
KEP8   SAPMSVMA       Operating concerns
KEQ5   RKEAVIEW       Maintain View for Defined Op.Concer
KEQ6   RKEAVIEW       View Maint. with Preset Op. Concern
KER1   RKEB0401       Maintain Key Figure Scheme
KES1   RKMERK00       CO-PA Maintain Characteristic Value
KES2   RKMERK00       Customizing: Display characteristic
KES3   SAPMKXHI       Maintain Characteristics Hierarchy
KETE   SAPMKE0C_TEMP  CO-PA: Operating Concern Templates
KETR   RKCTRTX1       CO-PA Translation Tool
KEUA   SAPMKAL1       Delete Plan Transfer of CCtr Costs
KEUAN  SAPLKAL1       Delete Plan Transfer of CCtr Costs
KEUB   SAPMKGA2       Perform plan cost-ctr cost transfer
KEUC   SAPMKGA1       Plan Transfer of CCtr Costs;Overvie
KEUCN  SAPMKGA1       Plan Transfer of CCtr Costs;Overvie
KEUD   RKE_KEUD       Overview Actual Assessment Cycles
KEUE   RKE_KEUE       Overview Plan Assessment Cycles
KEUG   RKEU1GEN       Set up cost-center cost transfer
KEUH   RKEU_KEYFIGURE Maintain Key Figures for Allocation
KEUU   RKDREODA       Reorganize data
KEU1   SAPMKAL1       Create Actual Transfer of CCtr Cost
KEU1N  SAPLKAL1       Create Actual Transfer of CCtr Cost
KEU2   SAPMKAL1       Change Actual Transfer of CCtr Cost
KEU2N  SAPLKAL1       Change Actual Transfer of CCtr Cost
KEU3   SAPMKAL1       Display Actl Transfer of CCtr Costs
KEU3N  SAPLKAL1       Display Actl Transfer of CCtr Costs
KEU4   SAPMKAL1       Delete Actual Transfer of CCtr Cost
KEU4N  SAPLKAL1       Delete Actual Transfer of CCtr Cost
KEU5   SAPMKGA2       Perform act. cost-ctr cost transfer
KEU6   SAPMKGA1       Actl Transfer of CCtr Costs;Overvie
KEU6N  SAPMKGA1       Actl Transfer of CCtr Costs;Overvie
KEU7   SAPMKAL1       Create Plan Transfer of CCtr Costs
KEU7N  SAPLKAL1       Create Plan Transfer of CCtr Costs
KEU8   SAPMKAL1       Change Plan Transfer of CCtr Costs
KEU8N  SAPLKAL1       Change Plan Transfer of CCtr Costs
KEU9   SAPMKAL1       Display Plan Transfer of CCtr Costs
KEU9N  SAPLKAL1       Display Plan Transfer of CCtr Costs
KEVG   RKEABCVGA      Record Types for Process Costs
KEVG2  RKE_CALL_V_TKEVAssign Characteristic Group
KEVG3  RKE_CALL_V_TKEVAssign Value Field Groups
KEV0   SAPLKEFV_MNT   Maintain Distribution Keys
KEV1   SAPMGPSP       Create distribution key
KEV2   SAPMGPSP       Change distribution key
KEV3   SAPMGPSP       Display distribution key
KEV4   SAPMGPSP       Delete distribution key
KEWUSL RKEWUSL        Where-Used List for Cycles (PA)
KEWW   RKDREOFO       Reorganize forms
KEX9   RKEB0405       Reorganize planning layouts
KEZ5   RKE_DIST       Execute Distribution
KE0B   RKEPAKAR       Archiving: CO-PA
KE0C   RKEALEGV       CO-PA Distribution: Initial Supply
KE0D   RKEALEAG       CO-PA Distribution: Reconciliation
KE0E   RKEALE02       CO-PA Distribution: Installation
KE0G   RKEALERU       CO-PA Distribution: Roll-up
KE1A   RKEBPR01       Copy complete plan
KE1B   RKEBPR01       Process complete plan
KE1C   RKEBPR01       Delete Plan Data
KE1D   RKEBPR01       Forecast Plan Data
KE1E   RKEBPR01       Transfer Plan Data to SOP
KE1F   RKEBPRAD       Complete Plan Management
KE1G   RKEBPR01       Top-Down Complete Plan
KE1H   RKEPLDIA       CO-PA Planning: Set Planner Profile
KE1K   RKEBPR01       Transfer to LIS
KE1L   RKEPLPST       Create Plan Structure
KE1M   RKEPLPST       Change Plan Structure
KE1N   RKEPLPST       Display Plan Structure
KE1O   RKE_CALL_V_TKEPMaintain User Exits for Planning
KE1Q   RKEREOLT       Reorganize Long Texts
KE1V   RKEBPR01       Transfer to EC-PCA
KE1W   RKEBPR01       Transfer of CO-PA Plan Data to FI-G
KE1XO  RKEVEXT0       Ext. Data Transfer to CO-PA Plannin
KE1Y   RKEBPR01       Transfer of CO-PA Plan Data to FI-S
KE11   RKEPLDIA       Change plan data
KE12   RKEPLDIA       Display plan data
KE13   KPP_FLEX_UPL   Upload from Excel
KE13N  RKE_FLEX_UPL   Upload from Excel
KE13P  RKP_FLEX_UPL_PRLog: Flexible Excel Upload
KE14   SAPMKES1       Create Planning Layout
KE15   SAPMKES1       Change Planning Layout
KE16   SAPMKES1       Display Planning Layout
KE17   SAPMKEFB       Maintain Planning Authorization Obj
KE18   SAPMKEFB       Display planning authorization obj.
KE19   RKEB0403       Reorganize Planning Layouts
KE2B   RKEAE015       Correction to Incoming Orders
KE2C   RKEAEDEL       Delete records from error file
KE2D   RKEAEERR       Display Error File
KE2K   SAPMKCIK       CO-PA: Maintain Key Figures
KE2T   RKEPGEDI       CO-PA: Assign IDoc Fields
KE2U   RKEPAEDI       CO-PA: Display Segment Types EDIMAP
KE21   SAPMKEI1       Create CO-PA line item
KE21N  SAPMKEI2       CO-PA Line Item Entry
KE21S  SAPMKEI2       CO-PA Valuation Simulation
KE23   SAPMKEI1       Display CO-PA line item
KE23N  SAPMKEI2       CO-PA Line Item Display
KE24   RKEB0601       Line Item Display - Actual Data
KE25   RKEB0601       Line Item Display - Plan Data
KE26   RKE_KE26       Repost Accounting Document
KE27   RKEBPR01       Periodic valuation
KE27S  COPA_REVERSE_KEReversal of KE27 Delta Line Items
KE28   RKEBPR01       Create top-down distribution
KE29   RKEBPRAD       Management
KE3A   RKDREOBE       CO-PA: Reorganize reports + data
KE3B   RKEBATCH       Print and actualize reports
KE3C   RKDREOFO       Reorganize Forms
KE3D   RKEB0404       Reorganize Line Item Layouts
KE3E   RKES0101       Maintain Global Variables
KE3F   SAPMKES1       Create line item layout
KE3G   SAPMKES1       Change Line Item Layout
KE3H   SAPMKES1       Display line item layout
KE3I   SAPMKCTR       CO-PA: Transport tool
KE3J   SAPMKEFT       Import
KE3K   RKEB0801       Maintain hierarchy
KE3L   RKDREPDV       Split report
KE3M   RKDREOBE       Overview of Reports
KE3P   RKDBATV3       Maintain Variant Groups
KE3Q   RKDBAT02       Maintain Variants
KE3R   RKDBATV4       Schedule Variant Group
KE3S   RKDBATV5       Define Variant Group
KE3T   RKDREOVG       Reorganization of Variant Groups
KE3X   SAPMKKB5       Customize Application Tree
KE3Y   RKEB0701       Report selection
KE3Z   SAPMKCB9       Convert profitability report
KE30   SAPMKCEE       Execute profitability report
KE31   SAPMKCEE       Create profitability report
KE32   SAPMKCEE       Change Report
KE33   SAPMKCEE       Display Report
KE34   SAPMKES1       Create form
KE35   SAPMKES1       Change form
KE36   SAPMKES1       Display form
KE37   SAPMKEFB       Maintain Report Authorization Objec
KE38   SAPMKEFB       Display report authorization object
KE39   RKDREODA       CO-PA: Reorganize report data
KE4A   SAPMV12A       Change condition table
KE4B   SAPMV12A       Display condition table
KE4C   SAPMV13A       Copy Condition
KE4F   RKEAE005       Post Incoming Orders Subsequently
KE4L   SAPMV14A       Pricing report
KE4N   SAPMV14A       Change Pricing Report
KE4O   SAPMV14A       Display Pricing Report
KE4Q   SAPMV14A       Execute Pricing Report
KE4S   RKERV002       Post billing documents to CO-PA
KE4SFI RKEFI005       CO-PA: Post Subsequently from FI
KE4SMM RKEMM005       CO-PA: Post Material Documents Subs
KE4ST  RKERV002       Simulation billg docs transfer CO-P
KE4S00 RKECADL1       CO-PA: Reversal of Line Items
KE4T   RKEAE009       Set Up Transfer of Incoming Orders
KE4TS  RKEAE011       Simulate Doc. Transfer from Orders
KE4U   SAPMKEIV       Maintain view cluster V_TKEVAx
KE4XO  RKEVEXT0       Transfer External Data to CO-PA
KE41   SAPMV13A       Create condition
KE42   SAPMV13A       Change condition
KE43   SAPMV13A       Display condition
KE45   RKE_CALL_V_T258Maintain View V_T258I_KO
KE49   SAPMV12A       Create Condition Table
KE5A   SAPMKKB2       EC-PCA: Call up report
KE5B   RECPCA04       EC-PCA: Copy Balance Sheet Acct Grp
KE5C   RCOPCA05       EC-PCA: Account Master Data (CO/FI)
KE5T   RCOPCA44       Compare G/L Accounts FI <-> EC-PCA
KE5U   RCOPCA44       Compare and Reconcile G/L Accounts
KE5X   RCOPCA09N      Profit Center: Master Data Index
KE5Y   RCOPCA08       Profit Center: Plan Line Items
KE5Z   RCOPCA02       Profit Center: Actual Line Items
KE54   SAPMKEC1N      Delete Profit Centers
KE56   RCOPCA60       EC-PCA: Mass Maintenance CCode Assg
KE57   RCOPCA60       EC-PCA: Mass Maintenance CCode Assg
KE59   SAPMKEC1       EC-PCA: Create Dummy Profit Center
KE61   RECPCA11       EC-PCA: Cost group CCSS to GLTPC
KE62   SAPMGPLC       EC-PCA: Copy Data to Plan
KE75   RBDFEPRC       EC-PCA: ALE Get profit centers
KE77   RBDSEPRC       EC-PCA: ALE send profit centers
KE78   RKEC1ROL       EC-PCA: Execute ALE Rollup
KE79   RGSALEPC       EC-PCA: Send ALE Hierarchies
KE8B   RKDBAT02       EC-PCA: Drill-Down Reporting; Bckgd
KE8C   SAPMKCC0       EC-PCA: Maintain Currency Transl.
KE8D   RKDREOBE       Overview of Reports
KE8I   RCNCCP10       Copy Report-Report Interface/Report
KE8K   RKDKENNZ       Maintain Key Figures
KE8L   RKDREOBE       EC-PCA: Reorganize Reports
KE8M   SAPMKCB9       EC-PCA: Test Monitor for Drill-Down
KE8O   RKCOBTR2       Transport Reports
KE8P   RKCOBTR4       Transport Forms
KE8Q   RCNRCJES       Import Reports
KE8R   RCNRCJEW       Import Form from Client
KE8U   RKDREODA       Reorganize Report Data
KE8V   RKES0101       EC-PCA: Maintain global variables
KE8W   RKDREOFO       EC-PCA: Reorganize Forms
KE80   SAPMKCEE       EC-PCA: Execute Drill-Down Report
KE81   SAPMKCEE       EC-PCA: Create Drill-Down Report
KE82   SAPMKCEE       EC-PCA: Change Drill-Down Report
KE83   SAPMKCEE       EC-PCA: Display Drill-Down Report
KE84   SAPMKES1       EC-PCA: Create Form
KE85   SAPMKES1       EC-PCA: Change Form
KE86   SAPMKES1       EC-PCA: Display Form
KE9D   RKEB0406       Reorganize Line Item Layouts
KE91   SAPMKCEE       Create Line-Item-Based Report
KE94   SAPMKES1       Create form
KE95   SAPMKES1       Change Form
KE96   SAPMKES1       Display Form
KE97   SAPMKEFB       Maintain Report Authorization Objec
KE98   SAPMKEFB       Display Report Authorization Object
KFTP   RKCFILE0       R/2 - R/3 - Link: File Transfer
KGBC   EWBCMPMD       Copy CMP Client
KGI2   SAPLKAZB       Act. Overhead:  Int.Order   Ind.Pro
KGI4   SAPLKAZB       Actual Overhead:Int.Ord. Coll. Proc
KGO2   SAPLKAZB       Overhead Commt: Int.Orders  Ind.Pro
KGO4   SAPLKAZB       Overhead Commt: Int.Orders  Col.Pro
KGP2   SAPLKAZB       Overhead Plan.: Int.Orders  Ind.Pro
KGP4   SAPLKAZB       Overhead Plan.: Int.Orders  Col.Pro
KGST   EWSTEUER       Control Tables: Consistency Check
KIMS   RKCIMSST       R/2 - R/3 - Link: IMS Systems
KISR   SAPMKGA2       Execute Actual Segment Adjustment
KIS6   SAPMKGA1       Segment Adjustment: Overview
KIS6N  SAPLKAL1       Segment Adjustment: Overview
KJH1   SAPLKKHI       Create WBS Element Groups
KJH2   SAPLKKHI       Change WBS Element Groups
KJH3   SAPLKKHI       Display WBS Element Groups
KKAA   RKAEP000       Sales Document Line Items; Accrual
KKAB   SAPMKKB2       Run Selected Reports
KKAC   RKKBKIS1       Sales Order Hierarchy Display
KKAD   RKKBSEL1       Order List for Make-to-Order
KKAE   SAPKKA10       Results Analysis: Display Worklist
KKAF   SAPKKA11       Results Analysis: Delete Worklist
KKAG   SAPMKKAC       WIP: Display Worklist
KKAH   RKKBSELL       Sales Order Selection
KKAI   SAPKKA01       Actual Results Analysis: Orders
KKAIP  SAPKKA01PL     Planned Results Analysis: Orders
KKAJ   SAPKKA00       Actual Results Analysis: WBS Elem.
KKAJP  SAPKKA00PL     Plan Results Analysis: WBS Elements
KKAK   SAPKKA02       Actual Results Analysis: Sales Ordr
KKAKP  SAPKKA02PL     Plan Results Analysis: Sales Orders
KKAL   SAPKKA04       Results Analysis: Display Log
KKAM   MENUKKAM       Make-to-order
KKAN   SAPKKA05       Results Analysis: Delete Log
KKAO   SAPMKKAC       WIP Calc.: Collective Processing
KKAQ   SAPMKKAC       Display WIP - Collective Processing
KKAS   SAPMKKAC       WIP Calc. for Product Cost Coll.
KKAT   SAPMKKAC       WIP Display for Product Cost Coll.
KKAV   SAPMKKAC       WIP Calculation for Cost Object Hie
KKAW   SAPMKKAC       WIP Display Cost Object Hierarchy
KKAX   SAPMKKAC       WIP Calculation for Order
KKAY   SAPMKKAC       WIP Display for Order
KKA0   SAPMKKAB       Maintain Cutoff Period
KKA0P  SAPMKKAB       Maintain Cutoff Period
KKA1   SAPMKKAA       Order Results Analysis and WIP Calc
KKA1P  SAPMKKAA       Order Results Analysis and WIP Calc
KKA2   SAPMKKAA       Project Results Anal. and WIP Calc.
KKA2P  SAPMKKAA       Project Results Anal. and WIP Calc.
KKA3   SAPMKKAA       Sales Document Item Results Analysi
KKA3P  SAPMKKAA       Sales Document Item Results Analysi
KKA4   SAPMKKAA       Create Res. Analysis Data for Order
KKA5   SAPMKKAA       Create RA Data for WBS Element
KKA6   SAPMKKAA       Create RA Data for Sales Order
KKA7   SAPMKKAA       Delete Results Anal. Data for Order
KKA7P  SAPMKKAA       Delete Results Anal. Data for Order
KKA8   SAPMKKAA       Delete RA Data for WBS Element
KKA8P  SAPMKKAA       Delete RA Data for WBS Element
KKA9   SAPMKKAA       Delete RA Data for Sales Order
KKA9P  SAPMKKAA       Delete RA Data for Sales Order
KKBB   RKKB1000       Report Call CM
KKBC   SAPMKKB2       Main Tree for CO-PC Info System
KKBD   RKKBSELN       Order Selection Without Variances
KKBE   RKKBSELN       Order Selection with Variances
KKBF   RKKBSEL1       Order Selection (Classification)
KKBG   RKKBJGEN       Generate Report Group
KKBH   SAPMKB02       Planning report: Cost objects
KKBI   RKKBJEIN       Import/Generate FI/CO Report Groups
KKBO   RKKBRPTR       Report Tree
KKBU   SAPMKB01       Cost Object: Planning Overview
KKBZ   RKKRHILI2      Display Hierarchy List
KKB0   RKKB2030       Control Parameters for Info System
KKB0N  RKKB2030N      Control Parameters for Info System
KKB1   RKKBKIS1       Costing Items for Sales Document
KKB2   RKKBKIS1       Costing Items for Cost Object
KKB3   RKKBKIS1       Costing Items for WBS Elements
KKB4   RKKBKIS1       Itemization for Base Planning Obj.
KKB5   RKKBKIS1       Costing Items for Material
KKB6   RKKBFOCO       Configure Report Trees
KKCA   RKAEP000       Cost Objects: Variance Line Items
KKCP   RKAEP000       Cost Object Line Items - Plan
KKCS   RKAEP000       Cost Objects: Line Items - Actual
KKCV   SAPMV76A       Var. Cost Obj. Line Items Config.
KKC1   SAPMKKP0       Create Cost Object
KKC2   SAPMKKP0       Change Cost Object
KKC3   SAPMKKP0       Display Cost Object
KKC4   SAPMKKPP       Create Cost Object Planning
KKC5   SAPMKKPP       Change Cost Object Planning
KKC6   SAPMKKPP       Display Cost Object Planning
KKC7   SAPMKKP0       Create Product Group
KKC8   SAPMKKP0       Change Product Group
KKC9   SAPMKKP0       Display Product Group
KKDV   SAPMKEDV       CO-PC: Summarization level maint.
KKEB   RKKEK0BI       Revaluate Base Planning Objects
KKEC   RKKEKLVE       Compare Base Object - Unit Cost Est
KKED   RKKBKIS1       BOM for Base Planning Objects
KKE1   SAPMK70B       Add Base Planning Object
KKE2   SAPMK70B       Change Base Planning Object
KKE3   SAPMK70B       Display Base Planning Object
KKE4   RKKEBTL1       List Base Planning Objects
KKE5   RKKEDEL1       Delete Test Data for Base Object
KKE6   SAPMKKB4       Analyze Unit Cost Est Base Plan Obj
KKE7   RKKBRPTR       Report Tree Base Planning Object
KKFB   RKAEP000       RS Header: Line Items Variance
KKF1   SAPMKAUF       Create CO Production Order
KKF2   SAPMKAUF       Change CO Production Order
KKF3   SAPMKAUF       Display CO Production Order
KKF4   SAPMKBUD       Change CO-FA Plan Values
KKF5   SAPMKBUD       Display CO-FA Plan Values
KKF6   SAPMKOSA       Create Production Cost Collector
KKF6M  RK_PKOSA_MULTI_Create Multiple Product Cost Coll.
KKF6N  SAPMKOSA_46    Maintain Product Cost Collector
KKF7   SAPMKOSA       Change Production Cost Collector
KKF8   SAPMKOSA       List Production Cost Collector
KKF9   RKKSAN00       Find CO Orders
KKG0   SAPMKKAB       Display Cutoff Period
KKG0P  SAPMKKAB       Display Cutoff Period
KKG1   SAPMKKAA       Create Cost of Sales: Order
KKG2   SAPMKKAA       Create Cost of Sales: Project
KKG3   SAPMKKAA       Create Cost of Sales: Sales Order
KKH1   SAPLKKHI       Create Cost Object Group
KKH2   SAPLKKHI       Change Cost Object Group
KKH3   SAPLKKHI       Display Cost Object Group
KKMLH  RKCOBTR2       Transport of Reports
KKMLI  RKCOBTR4       Transport of Forms
KKMLJ  RKCOBTR3       Client Copy of Reports
KKMLK  RKCOBTR5       Client Copy of Forms
KKMLM  SAPMKCB9       Test Monitor Object Record Reports
KKMLN  RKDREODA       Reorganization of Report Data
KKMLO  RKDREOBE       Reorganization of Reports
KKMLP  RKDREOFO       Reorganization of Forms
KKMLV  RKES0101       Maintain Global Variable
KKML0  SAPMKCEE       Run Drilldown Report
KKML1  SAPMKCEE       Create Drilldown Report
KKML2  SAPMKCEE       Change Drilldown Report
KKML3  SAPMKCEE       Display Drilldown Report
KKML4  SAPMKES1       Create Form
KKML5  SAPMKES1       Change Form
KKML6  SAPMKES1       Display Form
KKML7  RKDKENNZ       Maintain Key Figures
KKML8  RKDBAT02       Background Processing of Reports
KKMN   MENUKKMN       Product costing application area
KKN1   SAPLKAZB       Actual Reval.:  Cost.Obj.   Ind.Pro
KKN2   SAPLKAZB       Actual Reval.:  Cost Obj.   Col.Pro
KKOB   MENUKKOB       Basic Functions of Cost Object Cont
KKOG   RKE_CALL_VC_TKECharacteristic Groups for Costing
KKOH   RKCOBTR2       Transport of Reports
KKOI   RKCOBTR4       Transport of Forms
KKOJ   RKCOBTR3       Client Copy of Reports
KKOK   RKCOBTR5       Client Copy of Forms
KKOM   SAPMKCB9       Test Monitor Object Record Reports
KKON   RKDREODA       Reorganization of Report Data
KKOO   RKDREOBE       Reorganization of Reports
KKOP   RKDREOFO       Reorganize Forms
KKOR   SAPMKKB2       Report Selection
KKOT   RKDREPDV       Split Report
KKOV   RKES0101       Maintain Global Variable
KKOW   SAPMKCC0       Maintain Currency Translation Type
KKO0   SAPMKCEE       Run Drilldown Report
KKO1   SAPMKCEE       Create Drilldown Report
KKO2   SAPMKCEE       Change Drilldown Report
KKO3   SAPMKCEE       Display Drilldown Report
KKO4   SAPMKES1       Create Form
KKO5   SAPMKES1       Change Form
KKO6   SAPMKES1       Display Form
KKO7   RKKBKKO7       Maintain Key Figures
KKO8   RKDBAT02       Background Processing of Reports
KKPA   SAPLKKP4       Create Cost Est w/o Qty Structure
KKPAN  SAPLCKDI       Create Cost Est. w/o Qty Structure
KKPB   SAPLKKP4       Change Cost Est w/o Qty Structure
KKPBN  SAPLCKDI       Change Cost Est. w/o Quantity Struc
KKPC   SAPLKKP4       Display Cost Est w/o Qty Structure
KKPCN  SAPLCKDI       Display Cost Est. w/o Qty Structure
KKPD   RKKBSEL1       Order List for Process Manufacturin
KKPDN  SAPLCKDI       Create Cost Est. w/o Qty Structure
KKPE   SAPMKKB2       Report Selection for Process Mfg
KKPG   RKKPHIE2       Graph. Cost Object Hierarchy Maint.
KKPH   RKKPKTR0       Collective Entry
KKPHIE SAPMKKP0       Cost Object Hierarchy
KKPJ   SAPLKAZB       Actual OHead: Cost Obj Collec Proc.
KKPM   MENUKKPM       Process costing menu
KKPN   RKKPPGR0       Material Assignment
KKPT   SAPMKKP2       Cost Obj Hier: Coll. Proc. Variance
KKPU   SAPMKKB2       User's List of Reports
KKPV   RKKPPV01       Delete Transaction Data
KKPX   SAPMKKPA       Actual Cost Distribution: Cost Obj.
KKPY   SAPMKKPA       Actual Cost Distribution: Cost Obj.
KKPZ   SAPLKAZB       Actual Overhead: Cost Obj   Individ
KKP1   SAPMKKP0       Create Hierarchy Master Record
KKP2   SAPMKKP0       Change Hierarchy Master Record
KKP3   SAPMKKP0       Display Hierarchy Master Record
KKP4   SAPLKKP2       Display Cost Object Hierarchy
KKP5   SAPMKKP2       Cost ObjHier: Indiv. Proc. Variance
KKP6   SAPMKKP4       Cost Object: Analysis
KKRA   SAPMKKRD       Order Summarization
KKRC   SAPMKKRD       Summarization: CO Object
KKRO   SAPMKKRD       Data Collection: Product Drilldown
KKRP   SAPMKKRD       Project Summarization
KKRS   SAPMKKRD       Summarization: Repetitive Mfg (COC)
KKRV   RKKRPRRE       Data Collection Product Drilldown
KKRZ   SAPMKKRD       Summarization: Process Mfg (COC)
KKR0   RKKRKKR0       CO Summarization: Hierarchy Mainten
KKR1   RKKRKKR1       CO Summarization: Summ. Object Type
KKR2   RKKRKKR2       CO Summarization: Summ. Characteris
KKSB   SAPMKKB2       Start Selected Reports
KKSD   RKKBSEL1       Order List for Order-Related Prod.
KKSM   MENUKKSM       Product Cost Ctrllg: Make-to-Stock
KKSP   SAPMKKS0       Variances - Engineer-to-Order (C)
KKSQ   SAPMKKS0       Variances - Engineer-to-Order (I)
KKSR   SAPMKKS0       Scrap - Engineer-to-Order (C)
KKSS   SAPMKKS0       Scrap - Engineer-to-Order (I)
KKST   SAPMKKS0       Variances - Cost by Sales Order (C)
KKSU   SAPMKKS0       Variances - Cost by Sales Order (I)
KKSV   SAPMKKS0       Scrap - Cost by Sales Order (C)
KKSW   SAPMKKS0       Scrap - Cost by Sales Order (I)
KKS1   SAPMKKS0       Variances - Product Cost by Lot (C)
KKS1N  SAPMKKS0       Variances - Product Cost by Lot (C)
KKS2   SAPMKKS0       Variances - Product Cost by Lot (I)
KKS3   SAPMKKS0       Scrap - Product Cost by Lot (C)
KKS4   SAPMKKS0       Scrap - Product Cost by Lot (I)
KKS5   SAPMKKS0       Variances - Product Cost by Per. (C
KKS6   SAPMKKS0       Variances - Product Cost by Per. (I
KKS7   SAPMKKS0       Scrap - Product Cost by Period (C)
KKS8   SAPMKKS0       Scrap - Product Cost by Period (I)
KKV1   RKKBVMA1       View Maint. Sel. Production Orders
KK01   SAPL0KSK       Create Statistical Figure
KK02   SAPL0KSK       Change Statistical Figure
KK03   SAPL0KSK       Display Statistical Key Figures
KK04   RKWBSK00       Stat.Key Figures: Master Data Repor
KK05   SAPMV12A       Create Cond. Table (Price Overhead)
KK06   SAPMV12A       Change Cond.Table (Price Overhead)
KK07   SAPMV12A       Display Cond.Table (Price Overhead)
KK11   SAPMV13A       Create Condition
KK12   SAPMV13A       Change Condition
KK13   SAPMV13A       Display Condition
KK14   SAPMV13A       Create Condition with Reference
KK16   RKKTRPLN       CO-COC Plng: Change Costs/ActyInput
KK17   RKKTRPLN       CO-COC Plng: Display Costs/ActyInpu
KK46   RKKTRPLN       CO-COC Plng: Change Stat. Key Fig.
KK47   RKKTRPLN       CO-COC Plng: Display Stat. Key Fig.
KK65   SAPMKES1       COC Create Planng Layt Cost/ActInpu
KK66   SAPMKES1       COC Change Plnng Layt Cost/ActvInpu
KK67   SAPMKES1       COC Display Plnng Layt Cost/ActvInp
KK87   SAPLKO71       Actual settmt: prodn cost collector
KK88   SAPLKO71       Actual Settlement: Cost Objects
KK89   SAPLKO71       Actual Settlement: Cost Objects
KK95   SAPMKES1       COC Create Planning Layout Stat. KF
KK96   SAPMKES1       COC Change Planning Layout Stat. KF
KK97   SAPMKES1       COC Display Planning Layout Stat. K
KLABL  RKLDERIFO      Derivation of the Default Risk Rule
KLEH   RKLEHSHOW      Display Logs
KLEXT  RKLEXT02       Display Active External Transaction
KLFZ01 BUSSTART       Facilities: Create
KLFZ02 BUSSTART       Facilities: Change
KLFZ03 BUSSTART       Facilities: Display
KLH1   SAPLKKHI       Create Activity Type Group
KLH2   SAPLKKHI       Change Activity Type Group
KLH3   SAPLKKHI       Display Activity Type Group
KLONL  RKLONLINE      Online Check
KLSDC1 SAPMKLSDC      Single Transaction Check: New
KLSDC2 SAPMKLSDC      Single Transaction Check: Change
KLSDC3 SAPMKLSDC      Single Transaction Check: Deactivat
KLSDC4 RKLSDCLIST     Display Transactions
KLSI01 SAPMKLSI01     Create Collateral Provision
KLSI02 SAPMKLSI01     Change Collateral Provision
KLSI03 SAPMKLSI01     Display Collateral Provision
KL01   SAPLKMA6       Create activity type
KL02   SAPLKMA6       Change activity type
KL03   SAPLKMA6       Display Activity Type
KL04   SAPLKMA6       Delete activity type
KL05   SAPMKMAA       Activity type: Display changes
KL13   SAPLKMA6       Activity Types: Master Data Report
KL14   SAPLKMA6       Delete Activity Types
KL20   SAPLKWSB       Templ. Alloc. Struct. CCTR/Acty Typ
KM1V   RKKSTSEV       Cost Center Selection Variants
KM3V   RKPRZSEV       Select. Variants for Bus. Processes
KM5V   RKKOASEV       Selection Variants: Cost Elements
KM7V   RKLSTSEV       Activity Type Selection Variants
KNMA   SAPLKNMA       Target=Actual-IAA: cost centers
KOAB   RKKOT2         Order Types: Budget Profile
KOAI   RKKOT2         Order Types: Default Int. Planning
KOAK   RKKOT2         Order Types: Classification
KOAL   RKKOT2         Order Types: Settlement Profile
KOAM   RKKOT2         Order Types: Model Order
KOAO   RKKOT2         Order Types: Commitment Update
KOAP   RKKOT2         Order Types: Plan Profile
KOA1   R_ALE_INTERNALOSend Internal Order
KOBP   RKAEP000       Orders: Plan Line Items
KOB1   RKAEP000       Orders: Actual Line Items
KOB2   RKAEP000       Orders: Commitment Line Items
KOB3   RKAEP000       Orders: Variance Line Items
KOB4   RKAEP000       Orders: Budget Line Items
KOB5   RKAEP000       Orders: Maint. Line Item Settlement
KOB6   RKAEP000       Orders: Settlement Line Items
KOB7   RKAEP000       Orders: Line Item Settlement Retire
KOB8   RKAEP000       Orders: WIP/Results Anal. Line Item
KOCF   RKAGJOBL       Carry Forward Order Commitments
KOCM   RKOCLMIG       Conversion Classification: AUFK
KOCO   RBPGJA02       Budget Carryforward for Orders
KOC2   SAPMKKB2       Run Selected Reports
KOC4   RKKBALV1       Cost Analysis
KOH1   SAPLKKHI       Create Order Group
KOH2   SAPLKKHI       Change Order Group
KOH3   SAPLKKHI       Display Order Group
KOK2   SAPMKAUF       Collective Proc. Internal Orders
KOK3   SAPMKAUF       Collective Disp. Internal Orders
KOK4   SAPMKAUF       Aut. Collect. Proc. Internal Orders
KOK5   SAPMKAUF       Master Data List Internal Orders
KOK6   SAPMKAUF       Collect. Printing of Internal Order
KOL1   RKOALI01       Order List (Master Data)
KOMM   SAPL0C27       Customizing pick list
KOM1   SAPMKAUF       Create CO model order
KOM2   SAPMKAUF       Change CO Model Order
KOM3   SAPMKAUF       Display CO model order
KONK   SAPMSNUM       Maintain Order Number Ranges
KON1   SAPLKAZB       Actual Reval.:  Int.Orders  Ind.Pro
KON2   SAPLKAZB       Actual Reval.:  Int.Orders  Col.Pro
KOPA1  SAPMKES1       Overall Plan.; Orders: Create layou
KOPA2  SAPMKES1       Overall Plan.; Orders: Change Layou
KOPA3  SAPMKES1       Overall Plan.; Orders: Displ. Layou
KOPU   SAPMKPU2       Execute Orders for Plan Revaluation
KOP1   SAPMKPU1       Create Orders for Plan Revaluation
KOP2   SAPMKPU1       Change Orders for Plan Revaluation
KOP3   SAPMKPU1       Display Orders for Plan Revaluation
KOP4   SAPMKPU1       Delete Orders for Plan Revaluation
KORI   RKORJB00       Job Selection
KORJ   RKORJB00       Job Selection (Output)
KOR2   JHS0200S       _
KOSL   MMANALOG       Incompleteness FT Data BOM
KOTZ   RKKBKIS1       Costing Items for Order
KOT2   RKKOT2         Maintain Order Types - All Categs.
KOT3   RKKOT2         Display Order Types
KOV2   SAPMKAVG       Maintain Transaction Grps for Order
KOV3   SAPMKAVG       Display Transaction Grps for Orders
KOW1   SAPMKAL1       Create Periodic Reposting
KOW1N  SAPLKAL1       Create Periodic Reposting
KOW2   SAPMKAL1       Change Periodic Reposting
KOW2N  SAPLKAL1       Change Periodic Reposting
KOW3   SAPMKAL1       Display Periodic Reposting
KOW3N  SAPLKAL1       Display Periodic Reposting
KOW4   SAPMKAL1       Delete Periodic Reposting
KOW4N  SAPLKAL1       Delete Periodic Reposting
KO01   SAPMKAUF       Create Internal Order
KO02   SAPMKAUF       Change Order
KO03   SAPMKAUF       Display Internal Order
KO04   SAPMKAUF       Order Manager
KO08   RKCFILE0       Data Transfer for Order Master Data
KO09   RKCDSM_A       Sender Structures for Trans. Data
KO1ECP RECP_OPA       Internal Orders: Easy Cost Planning
KO12   SAPMKBUD       Change Order Plan (Overall; Year)
KO12N  R_OPA_PLN_PP_DIOverall Planning for Orders: Change
KO13   SAPMKBUD       Display Order Plan (Overall; Year)
KO13N  R_OPA_PLN_PP_DIOverall Planning for Orders: Displa
KO14   SAPMKPT4       Copy Planing for Internal Orders
KO14N  R_OPA_PLN_PP_DISet planner profile
KO15   SAPMKPT4       Copy Actual Int.Order Data to Plan
KO2A   SAPMKBUB       Change budget document
KO2B   SAPMKBUB       Display budget document
KO22   SAPMKBUD       Change Order Budget
KO23   SAPMKBUD       Display Order Budget
KO24   SAPMKBUD       Change Order Supplement
KO25   SAPMKBUD       Display Order Supplement
KO26   SAPMKBUD       Change Order Return
KO27   SAPMKBUD       Display Order Return
KO30   BPINDX02       Activate Orders Availability Contro
KO31   RBPFCON1       Reconstruct Order Availability Cntr
KO32   RBPFCOD1       Deactivate Order Availability Cntrl
KO8A   SAPLKO71       Act.-setlmt: Order retmt. from IM
KO8B   SAPLKO71       Display Settlement Document
KO8G   SAPLKO71       Act. Settlment: Int.-/Maint. Orders
KO8N   RKAKO8N0       No. Ranges for Settlement Document
KO88   SAPLKO71       Actual Settlement: Order
KO9E   SAPLKO71       Plan Settlement: Internal Order
KO9G   SAPLKO71       Plan Settlement: Internal Orders
KPAS   SAPLKWTP       Actl. Templ.-Alloc.: CCTR/Acty Type
KPA6   RKOPAPLN       Change Primary Cost Element Plannin
KPA7   RKOPAPLN       Display Primary Cost Elem. Planning
KPB6   RKCCAPLN       Change Activity Type Plan Data
KPB7   RKCCAPLN       Display Activity Type Plan Data
KPC6   RKOPAPLN       Change Activity Input Planning
KPC7   RKOPAPLN       Display activity input planning
KPD6   RKOPAPLN       Change Stat. Key Figure Plan Data
KPD7   RKOPAPLN       Display Stat. Key Figure Plan Data
KPEP   RKP_FLEX_UPL_PRLog: Flexible Excel Upload
KPEU   K_COOM_KPP_FLEXFlexible Upload for Excel Planning
KPE6   RKOPAPLN       Change Revenue Element Planning
KPE7   RKOPAPLN       Display Revenue Element Planning
KPF6   RKOPAPLN       Change CElem/Activity Input Plannin
KPF7   RKOPAPLN       Display CElem./Acty Input Planning
KPG1   SAPMGPLP       Create Planning Parameters
KPG2   SAPMGPLP       Change Planning Parameters
KPG3   SAPMGPLP       Display Planning Parameters
KPG4   SAPMGPLP       Delete Planning Parameters
KPG5   SAPMKES1       Create Cost Planning Layout
KPG6   SAPMKES1       Change Cost Planning Layout
KPG7   SAPMKES1       Display Cost Planning Layout
KPHR   RKHRPLAN       Transfer HR Costs to CO
KPH0   SAPLKEFV_MNT   Maintain Distribution Keys
KPH1   SAPMGPSP       Create Distribution Key
KPH2   SAPMGPSP       Change Distribution Key
KPH3   SAPMGPSP       Display Distribution Key
KPH4   SAPMGPSP       Delete Distribution Key
KPH5   SAPMKES1       Create Stat. KF Planning Layout
KPH6   SAPMKES1       Change Stat. KF Planning Layout
KPH7   SAPMKES1       Display Stat. KF Planning Layout
KPI6   RKOPAPLN       Change Stat. Key Figure Plan Data
KPI7   RKOPAPLN       Display Stat. Key Figure Plan Data
KPPS   SAPLKWTP       Allocation Templ. Plan: CCtr/ATyp
KPRI   SAPMV12A       Define Price Tables
KPRN   RKPLNR10       Copy Resource Planning
KPRO   MENUKPRO       KPRO Administration
KPRW   COKP0003       Evaluate resources used
KPRZ   COKP0004       Depend.Planning: Recalculation
KPR1   RCCAVIEW       Callup View Maintenance With COArea
KPSI   SAPLKNMA       CO-CCA Plan Reconciliation
KPSR   SAPMKGA2       Execute Plan Segment Reversal
KPT6   SAPLKCTV       Execute Formula Planning
KPUB   RKPU2BAT       Revaluate Plan in Background
KPU1   SAPMKPU1       Create Plan Revaluation
KPU2   SAPMKPU1       Change Plan Revaluation
KPU3   SAPMKPU1       Display Plan Revaluation
KPU4   SAPMKPU1       Delete Plan Revaluation
KPY1   SAPMGPLP       Create Planning Parameters
KPY2   SAPMGPLP       Change Planning Parameters
KPY3   SAPMGPLP       Display Planning Parameters
KPY4   SAPMGPLP       Delete Planning Parameters
KPZ2   SAPMKBUD       Change Cost Center Budget
KPZ3   SAPMKBUD       Display Cost Center Budget
KP04   RKCCAPLN       Set Planner Profile
KP06   RKCCAPLN       Change CElem/Activity Input Plannin
KP07   RKCCAPLN       Display Planning CElem/Act. Input
KP16   RKCCAPLN       Change Plan Data for Primary Costs
KP17   RKCCAPLN       Display Plan Data for Primary Costs
KP26   RKCCAPLN       Change Plan Data for Activity Types
KP27   RKCCAPLN       Display Plan Data for Activity Type
KP36   RKCCAPLN       Change Secondary Cost Plan Data
KP37   RKCCAPLN       Display Secondary Costs Plan Data
KP46   RKCCAPLN       Change Stat. Key Figure Plan Data
KP47   RKCCAPLN       Display Stat. Key Figure Plan Data
KP56   RKCCAPLN       Change Revenue Plan Data
KP57   RKCCAPLN       Display Revenue Plan Data
KP65   SAPMKES1       Create Cost Planning Layout
KP66   SAPMKES1       Change Cost Planning Layout
KP67   SAPMKES1       Display Cost Planning Layout
KP75   SAPMKES1       Create Activity Type Planning Layou
KP76   SAPMKES1       Change Activity Type Planning Layou
KP77   SAPMKES1       Display Activ. Type Planning Layout
KP80   SAPLKEFV_MNT   Maintain Distribution Keys
KP81   SAPMGPSP       Create Distribution Key
KP82   SAPMGPSP       Change Distribution Key
KP83   SAPMGPSP       Display Distribution Key
KP84   SAPMGPSP       Delete Distribution Key
KP85   SAPMKES1       Create Stat. KF Planning Layout
KP86   SAPMKES1       Change Stat. KF Planning Layout
KP87   SAPMKES1       Display Stat. KF Planning Layout
KP9R   COKPR005       Copy CO Resource Prices
KP9S   COKPR004       Revaluate CO Resource Prices
KP90   SAPMKPT2       Delete Planned Costs
KP90NI SAPMKPT2       Delete Planned Costs
KP91   SAPMKPT2       Delete Planned Costs
KP91NI SAPMKPT2       Delete Plan Data
KP95   SAPMKPT5       Revaluate Manual Planning
KP96   SAPMKPT2       Activate L. Items and Int. Planning
KP97   SAPMKPT4       Copy Planning for Cost Centers
KP98   SAPMKPT4       Copy Actual to Plan for Cost Center
KRMI   RKAEP000       Run Sched. Header: Line Items Actua
KR01   SAPMKSRD       Create Summarization
KR02   SAPMKSRD       Change Summarization
KR03   SAPMKSRD       Display Summarization
KR04   SAPMKSRD       Delete Summarization
KR05   SAPMKSRE       Execute Summarization
KSAG   SAPMV12A       Maintain condition tables
KSAH   SAPMV12A       Display condition tables
KSAI   SAPMKSA0       Accrual Calc.: Maintain Actual Data
KSAJ   SAPMKSA0       Accrual Calc.: Maintain Tgt=Act Cre
KSAP   SAPMKSA0       Accrual Calc.: Maintain Plan Data
KSAQ   SAPMV13A       Maintain surcharge conditions
KSAR   SAPMV13A       Display Overhead Conditions
KSAZ   SAPMKSA0       Accrual: Maintain Overhead Structur
KSA3   SAPLKAZB       Actual Accrual for Cost Centers
KSA4   SAPMKSZB       Execute actual accrual
KSA8   SAPLKAZB       Plan Accrual for Cost Centers
KSA9   SAPMKSZB       Execute Plan Accrual
KSBB   SAPMKKB2       Run Selected Reports
KSBL   SAPMKB01       Cost centers: Planning overview
KSBP   RKAEP000       Cost Centers: Plan Line Items
KSBT   RKATARIF       Cost centers: Activity prices
KSB1   RKAEP000       Cost Centers: Actual Line Items
KSB2   RKAEP000       Cost Centers: Commitment Line Items
KSB5   RKAEP000       Controlling Documents: Actual
KSB9   SAPMKB02       Planning Report: Cost Centers
KSCA   SAPMKAL1       Delete Indirect Activity Alloc. Pla
KSCAN  SAPLKAL1       Delete Indirect Activity Alloc. Pla
KSCB   SAPMKGA2       Execute Plan Indirect Acty Alloc.
KSCC   SAPMKGA1       Indirect Acty Alloc. Plan: Overview
KSCCN  SAPLKAL1       Indirect Acty Alloc. Plan: Overview
KSCF   RKAGJOBL       Carry Forward Cost Center Commitmen
KSCK   SAPLKWA1       Find CCtrs in Cycles and Segments
KSCP   SAPLKWA2       Find Processes in Cycles / Segments
KSCYC3 SAPMKAL4       Display Cycle/Segment Objects
KSC1   SAPMKAL1       Create Actual Indirect Acty Alloc.
KSC1N  SAPLKAL1       Create Actual Indirect Acty Alloc.
KSC2   SAPMKAL1       Change Actual Indirect Acty Alloc.
KSC2N  SAPLKAL1       Change Actual Indirect Acty Alloc.
KSC3   SAPMKAL1       Display Actual Indirect Acty Alloc.
KSC3N  SAPLKAL1       Display Actual Indirect Acty Alloc.
KSC4   SAPMKAL1       Delete Actual Indirect Acty Alloc.
KSC4N  SAPLKAL1       Delete Actual Indirect Acty Alloc.
KSC5   SAPMKGA2       Execute Actual Indirect Acty Alloc.
KSC6   SAPMKGA1       Act. Indirect Acty Alloc.: Overview
KSC6N  SAPLKAL1       Act. Indirect Acty Alloc.: Overview
KSC7   SAPMKAL1       Create Indirect Activity Alloc. Pla
KSC7N  SAPLKAL1       Create Indirect Activity Alloc. Pla
KSC8   SAPMKAL1       Change Indirect Activity Alloc. Pla
KSC8N  SAPLKAL1       Change Indirect Activity Alloc. Pla
KSC9   SAPMKAL1       Display Indirect Acty Alloc. Plan
KSC9N  SAPLKAL1       Display Indirect Acty Alloc. Plan
KSEX   KGALRUNEXTR    Allocations: Extracts
KSFX   SAPLKSF2       Predistribute fixed costs: cctr
KSH1   SAPLKKHI       Create Cost Center Group
KSH2   SAPLKKHI       Change Cost Center Group
KSH3   SAPLKKHI       Display Cost Center Group
KSII   SAPLKSPI       Actual Price Determination: CCtrs
KSI4   SAPLKAZB       Actual Overhead: Cost Centers
KSMN   MENUKSMN       Actual Menu
KSOV   RKSOV          Cycle Maintenance/Overview (CCA;ABC
KSO9   SAPLKAZB       Commitment Overhead: Cost Centers
KSPI   SAPLKSPI       Iterative Plan Price Calculation
KSPP   SAPLKSPP       Transfer Planning From Logistics
KSPU   SAPMKPU2       Execute Plan Revaluation
KSP4   SAPLKAZB       Plan Overhead: Cost Centers
KSRT   RKGALRTA       Allocations: Runtime Analysis
KSR4   RKSR0C10       User-Defined Strategies
KSS1   SAPLKSS0       Variance Calculation: Cost Centers
KSS2   SAPLKSS0       Actual Cost Splitting: Cost Centers
KSS3   SAPLKSS0       Calculate Target Costs
KSS4   SAPMKACT       Split Plan Costs
KSUA   SAPMKAL1       Delete Plan Assessment
KSUAN  SAPLKAL1       Delete Plan Assessment
KSUB   SAPMKGA2       Execute Plan Assessment
KSUC   SAPMKGA1       Plan Assessment: Overview
KSUCN  SAPLKAL1       Plan Assessment: Overview
KSU1   SAPMKAL1       Create Actual Assessment
KSU1N  SAPLKAL1       Create Actual Assessment
KSU2   SAPMKAL1       Change Actual Assessment
KSU2N  SAPLKAL1       Change Actual Assessment
KSU3   SAPMKAL1       Display Actual Assessment
KSU3N  SAPLKAL1       Display Actual Assessment
KSU4   SAPMKAL1       Delete Actual Assessment
KSU4N  SAPLKAL1       Delete Actual Assessment
KSU5   SAPMKGA2       Execute Actual Assessment
KSU6   SAPMKGA1       Actual Assessment: Overview
KSU6N  SAPLKAL1       Actual Assessment: Overview
KSU7   SAPMKAL1       Create Plan Assessment
KSU7N  SAPLKAL1       Create Plan Assessment
KSU8   SAPMKAL1       Change Plan Assessment
KSU8N  SAPLKAL1       Change Plan Assessment
KSU9   SAPMKAL1       Display Plan Assessment
KSU9N  SAPLKAL1       Display Plan Assessment
KSVA   SAPMKAL1       Delete Plan Distribution
KSVAN  SAPLKAL1       Delete Plan Distribution
KSVB   SAPMKGA2       Execute Plan Distribution
KSVC   SAPMKGA1       Plan Distribution: Overview
KSVCN  SAPLKAL1       Plan Distribution: Overview
KSV1   SAPMKAL1       Create Actual Distribution
KSV1N  SAPLKAL1       Create Actual Distribution
KSV2   SAPMKAL1       Change Actual Distribution
KSV2N  SAPLKAL1       Change Actual Distribution
KSV3   SAPMKAL1       Display Actual Distribution
KSV3N  SAPLKAL1       Display Actual Distribution
KSV4   SAPMKAL1       Delete Actual Distribution
KSV4N  SAPLKAL1       Delete Actual Distribution
KSV5   SAPMKGA2       Execute Actual Distribution
KSV6   SAPMKGA1       Actual Distribution: Overview
KSV6N  SAPLKAL1       Actual Distribution: Overview
KSV7   SAPMKAL1       Create Plan Distribution
KSV7N  SAPLKAL1       Create Plan Distribution
KSV8   SAPMKAL1       Change Plan Distribution
KSV8N  SAPLKAL1       Change Plan Distribution
KSV9   SAPMKAL1       Display Plan Distribution
KSV9N  SAPLKAL1       Display Plan Distribution
KSWA   SAPMKAL1       Delete Plan Periodic Reposting
KSWAN  SAPLKAL1       Delete Plan Periodic Reposting
KSWB   SAPMKGA2       Execute Plan Periodic Reposting
KSWC   SAPMKGA1       Plan Periodic Repostings: Overview
KSWCN  SAPLKAL1       Plan Periodic Repostings: Overview
KSWUSL KGALWUSL       Where-Used List: Cycles in CCA
KSW1   SAPMKAL1       Create Periodic Reposting
KSW1N  SAPLKAL1       Create Periodic Reposting
KSW2   SAPMKAL1       Change Periodic Reposting
KSW2N  SAPLKAL1       Change Periodic Reposting
KSW3   SAPMKAL1       Display Periodic Reposting
KSW3N  SAPLKAL1       Display Periodic Reposting
KSW4   SAPMKAL1       Delete Periodic Reposting
KSW4N  SAPLKAL1       Delete Periodic Reposting
KSW5   SAPMKGA2       Execute Actual Periodic Reposting
KSW6   SAPMKGA1       Periodic Repostings: Overview
KSW6N  SAPLKAL1       Periodic Repostings: Overview
KSW7   SAPMKAL1       Create Plan Periodic Reposting
KSW7N  SAPLKAL1       Create Plan Periodic Reposting
KSW8   SAPMKAL1       Change Plan Periodic Reposting
KSW8N  SAPLKAL1       Change Plan Periodic Reposting
KSW9   SAPMKAL1       Display Plan Periodic Reposting
KSW9N  SAPLKAL1       Display Plan Periodic Reposting
KS01   SAPLKMA1       Create cost center
KS02   SAPLKMA1       Change cost center
KS03   SAPLKMA1       Display cost center
KS04   SAPLKMA1       Delete cost center
KS05   SAPMKMAA       Cost Center: Display Changes
KS07   SAPMKMA1       Execute rough entry of cost center
KS08   SAPLKMA1       Execute list editing of cost center
KS12   SAPLKMA1       Change Cost Centers
KS13   SAPLKMA1       Cost Centers: Master Data Report
KS14   SAPLKMA1       Delete Cost Centers
KS30   SAPLKMA1       Cost Centers: Change Management
KVA0   SAPL0KOZ       Maintain Assignment Cost Ctr./KF
KVA1   SAPL0KOZ       Display Plan Assignment CCtr/KF
KVA2   SAPL0KOZ       Maintain Actual Assignment CCtr/KF
KVA3   SAPL0KOZ       Display Actual Assignment CCtr/KF
KVA4   SAPMKWM1       Transfer Plan Statistical Key Figur
KVA5   SAPMKWM1       Transfer Actual Stat. Key Figure
KVA6   SAPL0KOZ       Copy Assignment CCtr/KF
KVBI   RKAEP000       Sales Documents: Line Items Actual
KVBO   RKAEP000       Sales Documents: Commit. Line Items
KVB0   SAPL0KOZ       Maintain Plan Assignment Process/KF
KVB1   SAPL0KOZ       Display Plan Assignment Process/KF
KVB2   SAPL0KOZ       Change Actual Assignment Process/KF
KVB3   SAPL0KOZ       Display Actual Assignment Process/K
KVB4   SAPMKWM1       PROZ: Copy Plan Stat. Key Figures
KVB5   SAPMKWM1       PROZ: Copy Actual Stat. Key Figures
KVB6   SAPL0KOZ       Copy Assignment Processes/KF
KVC0   SAPL0KOZ       Change Plan Assignment CObj/KF
KVC1   SAPL0KOZ       Display Plan Assignment CObj/KF
KVC2   SAPL0KOZ       Change Actual Assignment CObj/KF
KVC3   SAPL0KOZ       Display Actual Assignment CObj/KF
KVC4   SAPMKWM1       KSRTG: Copy Plan Stat. Key Figures
KVC5   SAPMKWM1       KSRTG: Copy Actual Stat. Key Figure
KVC6   SAPL0KOZ       Copy Assignment Cost Object/Key Fig
KVD0   SAPL0KOZ       Maintain Plan Assignment ATyp/KF
KVD1   SAPL0KOZ       Display Plan Assignment ATyp/KF
KVD2   SAPL0KOZ       Change Actual Assignment ATyp/KF
KVD3   SAPL0KOZ       Display Actual Assignment ATyp/KF
KVD4   SAPMKWM1       LSTAR: Copy Plan Stat. Key Figures
KVD5   SAPMKWM1       LSTAR: Copy Actual Stat. Key Figure
KVD6   SAPL0KOZ       Copy Assignment ActType/Key Figure
KW3P   SAPLKW3P       WWW: Internal Price List
KXH1   SAPLKKHI       Create Group (Hierarchical)
KXH2   SAPLKKHI       Change Group (Hierarchical)
KXH3   SAPLKKHI       Display Hierarchy (Hierarchical)
KZA1   SAPMKACZ       Select Overhead
KABL   SAPMKB01       Order: Planning Overview
KABP   RKAEP000       Controlling Documents: Plan
KAB9   SAPMKB02       Planning Report: Orders
KAFD   SAPLKAFD       External Data Transfer
KAFL   SAPLKAFD       Delete All Costs Transferred w. KAF
KAH1   SAPLKKHI       Create Cost Element Group
KAH2   SAPLKKHI       Change cost element group
KAH3   SAPLKKHI       Display cost element group
KAID   RKADELIT       Delete ALE-COEP(L) Line Items
KALA   RKAKALC3       Activate Reconciliation Ledger
KALB   RKAKALC3       Deactivate Reconciliation Ledger
KALC   RKAKALFI       Cost Flow Message
KALD   RKAKALDE       Reset Reconciliation Ledger
KALE   RKAKALT9       Reconcil.Ledger: Display Totals Rec
KALF   RKAKALBT       Start Background Report RKAKALBT
KALH   RKAKALBR       Change Rules for Reconcil. Posting
KALI   RKKBJBIN       Import Reconcil. Ledger Reports
KALK   RKAKALBS       Create Rules for Reconcil. Posting
KALM   SAPMKKB2       Display Reconcil. Ledger Report Tre
KALN   SAPMKKB5       Report Tree: Maint. Reconcil. Ledge
KALO   RGLEXE03       Export Reconcil. Ledger (Rollup)
KALR   RKAKALR1       Reconciliaton Ledger: CO Line Items
KALS   RKAKALFI       Reverse Reconciliation Posting
KALX   RKAKALX1       Fill Original Units in CO Document
KALY   RKAKALX2       Convert Reconc. Ledger Documents
KAL1   RKAKALF1       Reconcil. Ledger Follow-Up Posting
KAL7   RKAKALR2       Overview of Cost Flows
KAL8   RKKBBGEN       Generate Reconcil. Ledger Reports
KAMN   MENUKAMN       Menu for Internal Orders
KANK   SAPMSNUM       Number range maint.: RK_BELEG
KAUM   RKACUMTK       Display Conversion Milestones
KAVA   RBDSECOT       Send Cost Center Totals Records
KAVB   RGSALECC       Send Cost Center Group
KAVC   RGSALECE       Send Cost Element Group
KAVD   RGSALEAT       Send Activity Type Group
KA01   SAPLKMA4       Create Cost Element
KA02   SAPLKMA4       Change Cost Element
KA03   SAPLKMA4       Display Cost Element
KA04   SAPLKMA4       Delete cost element
KA05   SAPMKMAA       Cost element: display changes
KA06   SAPLKMA4       Create Secondary Cost Element
KA23   SAPLKMA4       Cost Elements: Master Data Report
KA24   SAPLKMA4       Delete Cost Elements
KBC0   RKKBC000       Maintain list of screen variants
KBC6   RKTARPLN       CO-ABC: Manual Actual Price
KBC7   RKTARPLN       CO-ABC: Display manual actl. price
KBEA   KFPR_ARCH_SET_DTrsfr Price Docs: Set Del.Indicator
KBH1   SAPLKKHI       Create statistical key figure group
KBH2   SAPLKKHI       Change statistical key figure group
KBH3   SAPLKKHI       Display statistical key figure grou
KBK6   RKTARPLN       CO-CCA: Manual Actual Price
KBK7   RKTARPLN       CO-CCA: Display manual actl price
KB11   SAPMK23B       Enter Reposting of Primary Costs
KB11N  SAPLK23F1      Enter Manual Repostings of Costs
KB13   SAPMK23B       Display Reposting of Primary Costs
KB13N  SAPLK23F1      Display Manual Repostings of Costs
KB14   SAPMK23B       Reverse Reposting of Primary Costs
KB14N  SAPLK23F1      Reverse Manual Repostings of Costs
KB15   SAPMK23B       Enter Manual Allocations
KB15N  SAPLK23F1      Enter Manual Allocations
KB16   SAPMK23B       Display Manual Allocations
KB16N  SAPLK23F1      Display Manual Allocations
KB17   SAPMK23B       Reverse Manual Allocations
KB17N  SAPLK23F1      Reverse Manual Allocations
KB21   SAPMK23B       Enter Activity Allocation
KB21N  SAPLK23F1      Enter Direct Activity Allocation
KB22   SAPMK23B       IAA via Internet
KB23   SAPMK23B       Display Activity Allocation
KB23N  SAPLK23F1      Display Direct Activity Allocation
KB24   SAPMK23B       Reverse Activity Allocation
KB24N  SAPLK23F1      Reverse Direct Activity Allocation
KB27   SAPMK23B       IAA Enter Other Periods
KB31   SAPMK23B       Enter Statistical Key Figures
KB31N  SAPLK23F1      Enter Statistical Key Figures
KB33   SAPMK23B       Display Statistical Key Figures
KB33N  SAPLK23F1      Display Statistical Key Figures
KB34   SAPMK23B       Reverse Statistical Key Figures
KB34N  SAPLK23F1      Reverse Statistical Key Figures
KB41   SAPMK23B       Enter Reposting of Revenues
KB41N  SAPLK23F1      Enter Manual Repostings of Revenue
KB43   SAPMK23B       Display Reposting of Revenues
KB43N  SAPLK23F1      Display Manual Repostings of Revenu
KB44   SAPMK23B       Reverse Reposting of Revenues
KB44N  SAPLK23F1      Reverse Manual Repostings of Revenu
KB51   SAPMK23B       Enter Activity Posting
KB51N  SAPLK23F1      Enter Sender Activities
KB53   SAPMK23B       Display Activity Posting
KB53N  SAPLK23F1      Display Sender Activities
KB54   SAPMK23B       Reverse Activity Posting
KB54N  SAPLK23F1      Reverse Sender Activities
KB61   SAPMK23D       Enter Reposting of CO Line Items
KB63   SAPMK23D       Display Reposting of CO Line Items
KB64   SAPMK23D       Reverse Reposting of CO Line Items
KB65   SAPMK23D       Enter Indirect Acty Alloc.Reposting
KB66   SAPMK23D       Display Indir. Acty Alloc. Repostin
KB67   SAPMK23D       Reverse IAA Reposting
KB71   SAPMK23B       JV-Transfer Postings
KCAN   SAPLKCD0       Derivation
KCA0   SAPMKCIA       SAP-EIS: Edit aspect
KCA1   RKCREOAS       Reorganize aspect tables
KCA2   SAPMKCGF       Edit field groups
KCA5   RKCMKCGD       Edit characteristics
KCA6   RKCMKCGD       Edit basic key figures
KCBA   SAPMKCEE       Report class overview
KCBB   RKCUSRGR       Set user group
KCBH   SAPMKCBH       Report portfolio data transfer
KCBW   RKCDSDDG       EC-EIS/BP: Generate DataSource
KCB0   SAPMKCEE       Execute report
KCB1   SAPMKCEE       Create report
KCB2   SAPMKCEE       Change report
KCB3   SAPMKCEE       Display report
KCB4   SAPMKCEE       Create report class
KCB5   SAPMKCEE       Change report class
KCB6   SAPMKCEE       Display report class
KCB7   SAPMKCEE       Create user group
KCB8   SAPMKCEE       Change user group
KCB9   SAPMKCEE       Display user group
KCCO   SAPMKCCO       EC-EIS/BP: Manage comment tables
KCC0   SAPMKCC0       Maintain currency translation key
KCC1   SAPMKCC0       Currency translation sender program
KCC2   SAPMKCC0       Cross-table translation key
KCDI   RKDREPDV       Divide report
KCDR   RKCDOREO       Reorganization document flag T242B
KCDU   RKCTRERU       Structure of summ. level of SAP-EIS
KCDV   SAPMKEDV       Maintain summarization levels
KCEA   RKCDEDIA       Set planner profile
KCED   RKCDEDEI       Define Flexible Excel Upload
KCEE   RKC_FLEX_UPL   Flexible Excel Upload to SAP-EIS
KCE1   RKCSELEC       Display transaction data
KCE2   RKCDELET       Delete transaction data
KCE3   RKCREPSE       SAP-EIS: Choose Collection Program
KCE4   RKCDEDIA       Change transaction data (EIS/BP)
KCE5   RKCDEDIA       Display transaction data (EIS/BP)
KCE6   SAPLKXDE       Individual record entry
KCE7   SAPLKXDE       EIS: Single record display
KCE8   RKCDEDIA       EC-BP: Change plan data
KCE9   RKCDEDIA       EC-BP: Display plan data
KCFR   SAPLKCD0       EDT: Maintain Transfer Rules
KCF0   RKCFILE0       Import File
KCF1   RKCFILE0       Import master data file
KCF2   RKCFILE0       Import comments file
KCF3   RKE_CALL_VC_TKEChange revaluation factors
KCF4   RKE_CALL_VC_TKEDisplay revaluation factors
KCH1   SAPLKKHI       Create Profit Center Group
KCH2   SAPLKKHI       Change profit center hierarchy
KCH3   SAPLKKHI       Display profit center hierarchy
KCH4   RCOPCA15       EC-PCA: Create Standard Hierarchy
KCH5   RCOPCA15       EC-PCA: Change standard hierarchy
KCH5N  KEO_START_NF_STEC-PCA: Change Standard Hierarchy
KCH5NX KEO_START_NF_STEC-PCA: Change Stand.Hier. EO Activ
KCH6   RCOPCA15       EC-PCA: Display standard hierarchy
KCH6N  KEO_START_NF_STEC-PCA: Display Standard Hierarchy
KCH6NX KEO_START_NF_STEC-PCA: Disp. Stand.Hier. EO Active
KCJ0   RKCHINOD       EIS/BP: Hierarchy node maintenance
KCJ1   SAPMKXHI       EC-EIS/EC-BP: Hierarchy maintenance
KCJ2   RKCDMREF       EC-EIS: Copy reference hierarchies
KCJ3   SAPMKXHI       Hierarchy Maintenance
KCKB   SAPMKCIK       Formulas for basic key figures
KCK0   SAPMKCIK       Key figures
KCK1   RKCDLKR0       Display key figure
KCLA   KCFDUADS       EDT: Automatic File Split
KCLF   RKCFILEF       External Data Transfer
KCLFS  KCDSTRUCF      Sender Structures
KCLI   EDT_ALE_MAIN   ALE Interface for EDT
KCLJ   RKCFILE7       EDT: Execute Transfer
KCLL   KCDSTRUC       EDT: Generate Sender Structure
KCLP   KCDLPROT       Logs
KCLT   KCDLEDITOR     EDT: Create Test Data
KCLU   KCFDUTYP       EDT: Maintain Transfer Types
KCLV   KCFDUREORG     EDT: Delete Obsolete Programs
KCO1   RKCCOLST       Comments on transaction data
KCPA   SAPMKCPL2      Automatic Planning: Copy
KCPA2  SAPMKCPL2      Copy
KCPB   SAPMSJOB       Batch jobs aut. planning
KCPD   SAPMKCPD       Delete plan data with key fig. sel.
KCPL   SAPMKCPL2      Automatic Planning: Change
KCPL2  SAPMKCPL2      Automatic Planning: Change
KCPT   SAPMKCPL2      Automatic planning: top-down distr.
KCPT2  SAPMKCPL2      Automatic Planning: Top-Down
KCPZ   RKE_CALL_V_TKEPSegment-Specific Planning Functions
KCP0   SAPMKCPL2      Automatic Planning
KCP1   RKCAPPLO       Validation logs data entry
KCP2   SAPMKCPL2      Automatic Planning: Forecast
KCP22  SAPMKCPL2      Automatic Planning: Forecast
KCP4   SAPMKES1       Create entry form
KCP5   SAPMKES1       Change entry form
KCP6   SAPMKES1       Display entry form
KCP7   SAPMKES1       Create planning layout
KCP8   SAPMKES1       Change planning layout
KCP9   SAPMKES1       Display planning layout
KCRA   RKES0102       Maintain variant table
KCRB   RKDBATPF       Maintain variable groups
KCRC   RKCBATCH       Print/actualize reports
KCRE   RKES0101       Maintain Global Variables
KCRF   RKE_CALL_VC_TKEMaintain Char.Grps for SAP-EIS Rep.
KCRP   RKDBATV3       Maintain variant groups
KCRQ   RKDBAT02       Maintain Variants
KCRR   RKCTREE0       Report selection
KCRS   RKDBATV4       Schedule Variant Group
KCRT   RKDBATV5       Define Variant Group
KCRU   SAPMKCB9       Convert drilldown reports
KCR0   SAPMKCEE       Run Drilldown Report
KCR1   SAPMKCEE       Create Drilldown Report
KCR2   SAPMKCEE       Change drilldown report
KCR3   SAPMKCEE       Display Drilldown Report
KCR4   SAPMKES1       Create form
KCR5   SAPMKES1       Change form
KCR6   SAPMKES1       Display form
KCR7   SAPMKEFB       Maintain authorization obj. present
KCR8   SAPMKEFB       Display authorization obj.presentat
KCS2   SAPMKCI2       SAP-EIS: Delete char. values
KCS3   SAPMKCI2       SAP-EIS: Maintain character. values
KCS4   SAPMKCI2       SAP-EIS: Display character. values
KCS5   SAPMSVMA       Maintain characteristics (view)
KCS6   SAPMSVMA       Display characteristics (view)
KCS7   RKCMDYRC       Maintain fiscal year
KCT0   SAPMKCIC       EC-EIS/EC-BP: Comment management
KCT1   SAPMKCIC       EC-EIS/EC-BP: Reorganize comments
KCUA   RKCDLMON       Display Transfer Log
KCUU   RKDREODA       Report Data Reorganization
KCVA   SAPLKXDE       EIS/BP: Maintain validations/rules
KCVC   SAPLKXDE       EIS/BP: Copy validations/rules
KCVD   RKDREOBE       Overview of Reports
KCVL   SAPMKCDA       Variable list element in basic rep.
KCVV   RKDREOBE       Reorganization Reports
KCV0   SAPLKEFV_MNT   Maintain Distribution Keys
KCV1   SAPMGPSP       Create Distribution Key
KCV2   SAPMGPSP       Change distribution key
KCV3   SAPMGPSP       Display distribution key
KCV4   SAPMGPSP       Delete distribution key
KCWA   SAPMKCC0       Maintain Currency Translation Type
KCWW   RKDREOFO       Reorganize forms
KCW0   SAPMKCB9       Testmonitor reporting SAP-EIS
KCW1   RKCGENPR       Generations SAP-EIS
KCXX   RKDREOVG       Reorganization of Variant Groups
KCZ1   RKC_START_ARCHIEC-EIS/BP: Archive transaction data
KC7R   SAPLKCD0       EDT: Maintain Transfer Rules
KDH1   SAPLKKHI       Create Account Group
KDH2   SAPLKKHI       Change Account Group
KDH3   SAPLKKHI       Display Account Group
KDTT   RKDCTRAN       Display incorrect report
KEAE   RKABCPAC       Generate Proc. Template Environment
KEAF   SAPMKECM_VFIELDValue Field Analysis
KEAW   RKE_RECONCILIATReconciliation Make-to-Order Prod.
KEA0   SAPMKEA3_NEW   CO-PA: Maintain Operating Concern
KEA0O  SAPMKEA3       CO-PA: Maintain Operating Concern
KEA5   RKCMKCGD       Maintain Characteristics
KEA6   RKCMKCGD       Edit Value Fields
KEBA   RKEBER01       Display operating concern
KEBC   RKEBER01       Change operating concern
KEBI   RKEBER01       Set operating concern (batch-input)
KEB0   RKEBW100       Create CO-PA DataSource
KEB2   RKEBW201       Display Dtld Info on CO-PA DataSrce
KEB3   RKEBW202       Activate Debugging Support
KEB4   RKEBW203       Reset Replication Status
KEB5   RKEBW211       Reduce Data Volumes for Test
KECA   COPA_COPY      Copying Transaction Data (Actual)
KECB   COPA_ERKRS_2_BUCO-PA Company Code Line Items
KECC   COPA_COPY_PLAN Copy Transaction Data ( Plan )
KECM   SAPMKECM_MAIN  CO-PA: Customizing Monitor
KECP   SAPMKECP       Copy Operating Concern
KECT   RKE_CALL_CTU1  Maintain Environ. Dyn. Process Allo
KEC0   SAPMKCC0       Maintain curr. transl. type (CO-PA)
KEC3   SAPMKCC0       Cross-table translation key CO-PA
KEDA   RKETREXT       Export Summarization Level
KEDB   RKEDELTEST     Deletion of Test Data in CO-PA
KEDD   RKE_SHOW_KEDR_DCOPA Char. Derivation Overview ALV
KEDF   RKETRERF       CO-PA: Fill Summ. Levels (Expert)
KEDJ   RKETRERJ       CO-PA: Fill Summ. Levels (Expert)
KEDT   SAPMKETREPROT  Log Summarization Logs
KEDU   RKETRERU       CO-PA: Build Summarization Levels
KEDUS  RKETRERF_PARALLCO-PA: Period Build of Summ. Levels
KEDUSM RKETRERF_PERIODCO-PA: Monitor Build for Summ. Lvls
KEDV   SAPMKEDV       CO-PA: Maintain Summarization Level
KEDVP  RKETREPROP     Default for Summarization Levels
KEDVPD RKETREPROPD    Proposal for Summ. Levels (Analysis
KEDVS  SAPMKETRESTORAGMaintain Old Storage Summ. Levels
KEDW   RKETRERV       CO-PA: Fill Summ. Levels (Expert)
KEDX   RKETRERT       CO-PA:Fill Summ.Lev. from Summ. Lev
KEDZ   RKE_PROT_EVALUARead Interface for CO-PA Log
KED0   SAPMKEDR       Derivation: Initial Screen
KED5   SAPMKES1       Data Mining: Create Form
KED6   SAPMKES1       Data Mining: Change Form
KED7   SAPMKES1       Data Mining: Display Form
KEEU   SAPMKCB9       CO-PA  EIS/BP: Generate transfer
KEE0   RPCADIFF       PCA: Generate Line Item Difference
KEFA   RKEVEXT1       Maintain Sender Structures
KEFB   RKEVEXT2       Maintain Rules
KEFC   RKEVEXT3       CO-PA External Data Transfer
KEFD   SAPLKCD0       Maintain Rules
KEF1   RKE_CALL_VC_TKEChange Revaluation Keys
KEF2   RKE_CALL_VC_TKEDisplay revaluation indices
KEGA   SAPMKAL1       Delete Indirect Plan Acty Alloc.
KEGAN  SAPLKAL1       Delete Indirect Plan Acty Allocatio
KEGB   SAPMKGA2       Execute Indirect Plan Acty Alloc.
KEGC   SAPMKGA1       Indirect Plan Acty Alloc.: Overview
KEGCN  SAPMKGA1       Indirect Plan Acty Alloc.: Overview
KEGD   RKE_KEGD       Overview Actual IAA Cycles
KEGE   RKE_KEGE       Overview Plan IAA Cycles
KEGV   RKEPLANMETHOD  Generate Variant from KEPM Environm
KEG1   SAPMKAL1       Create Indirect Actual Acty Alloc.
KEG1N  SAPLKAL1       Create Indirect Actual Acty Alloc.
KEG2   SAPMKAL1       Change Indirect Actual Acty Alloc.
KEG2N  SAPLKAL1       Change Indirect Actual Acty Alloc.
KEG3   SAPMKAL1       Display Indirect Actual Acty Alloc.
KEG3N  SAPLKAL1       Display Indirect Actual Acty Alloc.
KEG4   SAPMKAL1       Delete Indirect Actual Acty Alloc.
KEG4N  SAPLKAL1       Delete Indirect Actual Acty Alloc.
KEG5   SAPMKGA2       Execute Indirect Actual Acty Alloc.
KEG6   SAPMKGA1       Indirect Actual Acty Alloc.:Overvie
KEG6N  SAPMKGA1       Indirect Actual Acty Alloc.:Overvie
KEG7   SAPMKAL1       Create Indirect Plan Acty Alloc.
KEG7N  SAPLKAL1       Create Indirect Plan Acty Allocatio
KEG8   SAPMKAL1       Change Indirect Plan Acty Alloc.
KEG8N  SAPLKAL1       Change Indirect Plan Acty Allocatio
KEG9   SAPMKAL1       Display Indirect Plan Acty Alloc.
KEG9N  SAPLKAL1       Display Indirect Plan Acty Alloc.
KEH5   SAPMKES1       Change Form
KEI1   RKE_CALL_PA_SSTMaintain PA Transfer Structure
KEI2   RKE_CALL_PA_SSTMaintain PA Transfer Structure
KEI3   RKE_CALL_PA_SSTMaintain PA Transfer Structure
KEK0   SAPMKCIK       Test Key Figure Transaction
KELR   RKEBW3RE       Data Transfer from BW to CO-PA
KELS   RKEBW3RV       Cancel Transfer
KELU   RKEBW3UE       Overview: Data Transfer BW to CO-PA
KELV   RKEBW3VA       Variant for Query Variable
KEMDM  SAPMKEC1N      Profit Center Master Data Maint.
KEMN   MENUKEMN       Profitability Analysis appl. menu
KEMO   SAPMKCB9       Profitability report: Test monitor
KEND   SAPMKEND       Realignments
KEN1   SAPMSNUM       Maintain Number Range: COPA_IST
KEN2   SAPMSNUM       Maint. number ranges: CO-PA plannin
KEOAP2 KEO_START_NF   Change Altern. Profit Center Struct
KEOAP3 KEO_START_NF   Display Alter. Profit Center Struct
KEOA1  SAPLCMDT5      Activate Cost Centers
KEOA2  SAPLCMDT5      Activate Profit Centers
KEOA3  SAPLCMDT5      Activate Processes
KEOD1  SAPLCMDT5      Reset Inactive Cost Centers
KEOD2  SAPLCMDT5      Reset Inactive Profit Centers
KEOD3  SAPLCMDT5      Reset Inactive Business Process
KEOG1  RKEOGEN1       Generate Standard Hierarchy
KEOG2  RKEOGEN2       Generate Alternative Hierarchy
KEOG3  RKEOGEN3       Replace Standard Hierarhcy
KEOP1  RKEOPRI0       Print Standard Hierarchy
KEOP2  RKEOPRI1       Print Enterprise Organization
KEOV   RKEOV          CO-PA: Cycle Overview
KEO1   KEO_START_NF   Create Enterprise Organization
KEO2   KEO_START_NF   Change Enterprise Organization
KEO3   KEO_START_NF   Display Enterprise Organization
KEPA   RKE_CALL_VC_TKEChar. Groups for Actual and Plannin
KEPD   RKE_CALL_VC_TKECharacteristic groups for reports
KEPM   RKEPLKEPM      CO-PA Planning
KEPM_W SAPLKEPLUW     Sales & Profit Planning in the WWW
KEPMU  RKE_CONVERT_LAYCreate Planning Level from Layout
KEPP   RKEPLPPR       Check plan structure
KEPZ   RKE_CALL_V_TKEPSegment-Specific Planning Functions
KEPZ_E RKE_CALL_V_TKEPAccess of Segment-Specific Events
KEPZ_P RKE_CALL_V_TKEPAccess of Segment-Specific Forecast
KEPZ_U RKE_CALL_V_TKEPAccess of Segment-Specific Revaltn
KEPZ_V RKE_CALL_V_TKEPAccess of Segment-Specific Distr.Ke
KEP6   SAPMSVMA       Maintain characteristics
KEP7   SAPMSVMA       Display characteristics
KEP8   SAPMSVMA       Operating concerns
KEQ5   RKEAVIEW       Maintain View for Defined Op.Concer
KEQ6   RKEAVIEW       View Maint. with Preset Op. Concern
KER1   RKEB0401       Maintain Key Figure Scheme
KES1   RKMERK00       CO-PA Maintain Characteristic Value
KES2   RKMERK00       Customizing: Display characteristic
KES3   SAPMKXHI       Maintain Characteristics Hierarchy
KETE   SAPMKE0C_TEMP  CO-PA: Operating Concern Templates
KETR   RKCTRTX1       CO-PA Translation Tool
KEUA   SAPMKAL1       Delete Plan Transfer of CCtr Costs
KEUAN  SAPLKAL1       Delete Plan Transfer of CCtr Costs
KEUB   SAPMKGA2       Perform plan cost-ctr cost transfer
KEUC   SAPMKGA1       Plan Transfer of CCtr Costs;Overvie
KEUCN  SAPMKGA1       Plan Transfer of CCtr Costs;Overvie
KEUD   RKE_KEUD       Overview Actual Assessment Cycles
KEUE   RKE_KEUE       Overview Plan Assessment Cycles
KEUG   RKEU1GEN       Set up cost-center cost transfer
KEUH   RKEU_KEYFIGURE Maintain Key Figures for Allocation
KEUU   RKDREODA       Reorganize data
KEU1   SAPMKAL1       Create Actual Transfer of CCtr Cost
KEU1N  SAPLKAL1       Create Actual Transfer of CCtr Cost
KEU2   SAPMKAL1       Change Actual Transfer of CCtr Cost
KEU2N  SAPLKAL1       Change Actual Transfer of CCtr Cost
KEU3   SAPMKAL1       Display Actl Transfer of CCtr Costs
KEU3N  SAPLKAL1       Display Actl Transfer of CCtr Costs
KEU4   SAPMKAL1       Delete Actual Transfer of CCtr Cost
KEU4N  SAPLKAL1       Delete Actual Transfer of CCtr Cost
KEU5   SAPMKGA2       Perform act. cost-ctr cost transfer
KEU6   SAPMKGA1       Actl Transfer of CCtr Costs;Overvie
KEU6N  SAPMKGA1       Actl Transfer of CCtr Costs;Overvie
KEU7   SAPMKAL1       Create Plan Transfer of CCtr Costs
KEU7N  SAPLKAL1       Create Plan Transfer of CCtr Costs
KEU8   SAPMKAL1       Change Plan Transfer of CCtr Costs
KEU8N  SAPLKAL1       Change Plan Transfer of CCtr Costs
KEU9   SAPMKAL1       Display Plan Transfer of CCtr Costs
KEU9N  SAPLKAL1       Display Plan Transfer of CCtr Costs
KEVG   RKEABCVGA      Record Types for Process Costs
KEVG2  RKE_CALL_V_TKEVAssign Characteristic Group
KEVG3  RKE_CALL_V_TKEVAssign Value Field Groups
KEV0   SAPLKEFV_MNT   Maintain Distribution Keys
KEV1   SAPMGPSP       Create distribution key
KEV2   SAPMGPSP       Change distribution key
KEV3   SAPMGPSP       Display distribution key
KEV4   SAPMGPSP       Delete distribution key
KEWUSL RKEWUSL        Where-Used List for Cycles (PA)
KEWW   RKDREOFO       Reorganize forms
KEX9   RKEB0405       Reorganize planning layouts
KEZ5   RKE_DIST       Execute Distribution
KE0B   RKEPAKAR       Archiving: CO-PA
KE0C   RKEALEGV       CO-PA Distribution: Initial Supply
KE0D   RKEALEAG       CO-PA Distribution: Reconciliation
KE0E   RKEALE02       CO-PA Distribution: Installation
KE0G   RKEALERU       CO-PA Distribution: Roll-up
KE1A   RKEBPR01       Copy complete plan
KE1B   RKEBPR01       Process complete plan
KE1C   RKEBPR01       Delete Plan Data
KE1D   RKEBPR01       Forecast Plan Data
KE1E   RKEBPR01       Transfer Plan Data to SOP
KE1F   RKEBPRAD       Complete Plan Management
KE1G   RKEBPR01       Top-Down Complete Plan
KE1H   RKEPLDIA       CO-PA Planning: Set Planner Profile
KE1K   RKEBPR01       Transfer to LIS
KE1L   RKEPLPST       Create Plan Structure
KE1M   RKEPLPST       Change Plan Structure
KE1N   RKEPLPST       Display Plan Structure
KE1O   RKE_CALL_V_TKEPMaintain User Exits for Planning
KE1Q   RKEREOLT       Reorganize Long Texts
KE1V   RKEBPR01       Transfer to EC-PCA
KE1W   RKEBPR01       Transfer of CO-PA Plan Data to FI-G
KE1XO  RKEVEXT0       Ext. Data Transfer to CO-PA Plannin
KE1Y   RKEBPR01       Transfer of CO-PA Plan Data to FI-S
KE11   RKEPLDIA       Change plan data
KE12   RKEPLDIA       Display plan data
KE13   KPP_FLEX_UPL   Upload from Excel
KE13N  RKE_FLEX_UPL   Upload from Excel
KE13P  RKP_FLEX_UPL_PRLog: Flexible Excel Upload
KE14   SAPMKES1       Create Planning Layout
KE15   SAPMKES1       Change Planning Layout
KE16   SAPMKES1       Display Planning Layout
KE17   SAPMKEFB       Maintain Planning Authorization Obj
KE18   SAPMKEFB       Display planning authorization obj.
KE19   RKEB0403       Reorganize Planning Layouts
KE2B   RKEAE015       Correction to Incoming Orders
KE2C   RKEAEDEL       Delete records from error file
KE2D   RKEAEERR       Display Error File
KE2K   SAPMKCIK       CO-PA: Maintain Key Figures
KE2T   RKEPGEDI       CO-PA: Assign IDoc Fields
KE2U   RKEPAEDI       CO-PA: Display Segment Types EDIMAP
KE21   SAPMKEI1       Create CO-PA line item
KE21N  SAPMKEI2       CO-PA Line Item Entry
KE21S  SAPMKEI2       CO-PA Valuation Simulation
KE23   SAPMKEI1       Display CO-PA line item
KE23N  SAPMKEI2       CO-PA Line Item Display
KE24   RKEB0601       Line Item Display - Actual Data
KE25   RKEB0601       Line Item Display - Plan Data
KE26   RKE_KE26       Repost Accounting Document
KE27   RKEBPR01       Periodic valuation
KE27S  COPA_REVERSE_KEReversal of KE27 Delta Line Items
KE28   RKEBPR01       Create top-down distribution
KE29   RKEBPRAD       Management
KE3A   RKDREOBE       CO-PA: Reorganize reports + data
KE3B   RKEBATCH       Print and actualize reports
KE3C   RKDREOFO       Reorganize Forms
KE3D   RKEB0404       Reorganize Line Item Layouts
KE3E   RKES0101       Maintain Global Variables
KE3F   SAPMKES1       Create line item layout
KE3G   SAPMKES1       Change Line Item Layout
KE3H   SAPMKES1       Display line item layout
KE3I   SAPMKCTR       CO-PA: Transport tool
KE3J   SAPMKEFT       Import
KE3K   RKEB0801       Maintain hierarchy
KE3L   RKDREPDV       Split report
KE3M   RKDREOBE       Overview of Reports
KE3P   RKDBATV3       Maintain Variant Groups
KE3Q   RKDBAT02       Maintain Variants
KE3R   RKDBATV4       Schedule Variant Group
KE3S   RKDBATV5       Define Variant Group
KE3T   RKDREOVG       Reorganization of Variant Groups
KE3X   SAPMKKB5       Customize Application Tree
KE3Y   RKEB0701       Report selection
KE3Z   SAPMKCB9       Convert profitability report
KE30   SAPMKCEE       Execute profitability report
KE31   SAPMKCEE       Create profitability report
KE32   SAPMKCEE       Change Report
KE33   SAPMKCEE       Display Report
KE34   SAPMKES1       Create form
KE35   SAPMKES1       Change form
KE36   SAPMKES1       Display form
KE37   SAPMKEFB       Maintain Report Authorization Objec
KE38   SAPMKEFB       Display report authorization object
KE39   RKDREODA       CO-PA: Reorganize report data
KE4A   SAPMV12A       Change condition table
KE4B   SAPMV12A       Display condition table
KE4C   SAPMV13A       Copy Condition
KE4F   RKEAE005       Post Incoming Orders Subsequently
KE4L   SAPMV14A       Pricing report
KE4N   SAPMV14A       Change Pricing Report
KE4O   SAPMV14A       Display Pricing Report
KE4Q   SAPMV14A       Execute Pricing Report
KE4S   RKERV002       Post billing documents to CO-PA
KE4SFI RKEFI005       CO-PA: Post Subsequently from FI
KE4SMM RKEMM005       CO-PA: Post Material Documents Subs
KE4ST  RKERV002       Simulation billg docs transfer CO-P
KE4S00 RKECADL1       CO-PA: Reversal of Line Items
KE4T   RKEAE009       Set Up Transfer of Incoming Orders
KE4TS  RKEAE011       Simulate Doc. Transfer from Orders
KE4U   SAPMKEIV       Maintain view cluster V_TKEVAx
KE4XO  RKEVEXT0       Transfer External Data to CO-PA
KE41   SAPMV13A       Create condition
KE42   SAPMV13A       Change condition
KE43   SAPMV13A       Display condition
KE45   RKE_CALL_V_T258Maintain View V_T258I_KO
KE49   SAPMV12A       Create Condition Table
KE5A   SAPMKKB2       EC-PCA: Call up report
KE5B   RECPCA04       EC-PCA: Copy Balance Sheet Acct Grp
KE5C   RCOPCA05       EC-PCA: Account Master Data (CO/FI)
KE5T   RCOPCA44       Compare G/L Accounts FI <-> EC-PCA
KE5U   RCOPCA44       Compare and Reconcile G/L Accounts
KE5X   RCOPCA09N      Profit Center: Master Data Index
KE5Y   RCOPCA08       Profit Center: Plan Line Items
KE5Z   RCOPCA02       Profit Center: Actual Line Items
KE54   SAPMKEC1N      Delete Profit Centers
KE56   RCOPCA60       EC-PCA: Mass Maintenance CCode Assg
KE57   RCOPCA60       EC-PCA: Mass Maintenance CCode Assg
KE59   SAPMKEC1       EC-PCA: Create Dummy Profit Center
KE61   RECPCA11       EC-PCA: Cost group CCSS to GLTPC
KE62   SAPMGPLC       EC-PCA: Copy Data to Plan
KE75   RBDFEPRC       EC-PCA: ALE Get profit centers
KE77   RBDSEPRC       EC-PCA: ALE send profit centers
KE78   RKEC1ROL       EC-PCA: Execute ALE Rollup
KE79   RGSALEPC       EC-PCA: Send ALE Hierarchies
KE8B   RKDBAT02       EC-PCA: Drill-Down Reporting; Bckgd
KE8C   SAPMKCC0       EC-PCA: Maintain Currency Transl.
KE8D   RKDREOBE       Overview of Reports
KE8I   RCNCCP10       Copy Report-Report Interface/Report
KE8K   RKDKENNZ       Maintain Key Figures
KE8L   RKDREOBE       EC-PCA: Reorganize Reports
KE8M   SAPMKCB9       EC-PCA: Test Monitor for Drill-Down
KE8O   RKCOBTR2       Transport Reports
KE8P   RKCOBTR4       Transport Forms
KE8Q   RCNRCJES       Import Reports
KE8R   RCNRCJEW       Import Form from Client
KE8U   RKDREODA       Reorganize Report Data
KE8V   RKES0101       EC-PCA: Maintain global variables
KE8W   RKDREOFO       EC-PCA: Reorganize Forms
KE80   SAPMKCEE       EC-PCA: Execute Drill-Down Report
KE81   SAPMKCEE       EC-PCA: Create Drill-Down Report
KE82   SAPMKCEE       EC-PCA: Change Drill-Down Report
KE83   SAPMKCEE       EC-PCA: Display Drill-Down Report
KE84   SAPMKES1       EC-PCA: Create Form
KE85   SAPMKES1       EC-PCA: Change Form
KE86   SAPMKES1       EC-PCA: Display Form
KE9D   RKEB0406       Reorganize Line Item Layouts
KE91   SAPMKCEE       Create Line-Item-Based Report
KE94   SAPMKES1       Create form
KE95   SAPMKES1       Change Form
KE96   SAPMKES1       Display Form
KE97   SAPMKEFB       Maintain Report Authorization Objec
KE98   SAPMKEFB       Display Report Authorization Object
KFTP   RKCFILE0       R/2 - R/3 - Link: File Transfer
KGBC   EWBCMPMD       Copy CMP Client
KGI2   SAPLKAZB       Act. Overhead:  Int.Order   Ind.Pro
KGI4   SAPLKAZB       Actual Overhead:Int.Ord. Coll. Proc
KGO2   SAPLKAZB       Overhead Commt: Int.Orders  Ind.Pro
KGO4   SAPLKAZB       Overhead Commt: Int.Orders  Col.Pro
KGP2   SAPLKAZB       Overhead Plan.: Int.Orders  Ind.Pro
KGP4   SAPLKAZB       Overhead Plan.: Int.Orders  Col.Pro
KGST   EWSTEUER       Control Tables: Consistency Check
KIMS   RKCIMSST       R/2 - R/3 - Link: IMS Systems
KISR   SAPMKGA2       Execute Actual Segment Adjustment
KIS6   SAPMKGA1       Segment Adjustment: Overview
KIS6N  SAPLKAL1       Segment Adjustment: Overview
KJH1   SAPLKKHI       Create WBS Element Groups
KJH2   SAPLKKHI       Change WBS Element Groups
KJH3   SAPLKKHI       Display WBS Element Groups
KKAA   RKAEP000       Sales Document Line Items; Accrual
KKAB   SAPMKKB2       Run Selected Reports
KKAC   RKKBKIS1       Sales Order Hierarchy Display
KKAD   RKKBSEL1       Order List for Make-to-Order
KKAE   SAPKKA10       Results Analysis: Display Worklist
KKAF   SAPKKA11       Results Analysis: Delete Worklist
KKAG   SAPMKKAC       WIP: Display Worklist
KKAH   RKKBSELL       Sales Order Selection
KKAI   SAPKKA01       Actual Results Analysis: Orders
KKAIP  SAPKKA01PL     Planned Results Analysis: Orders
KKAJ   SAPKKA00       Actual Results Analysis: WBS Elem.
KKAJP  SAPKKA00PL     Plan Results Analysis: WBS Elements
KKAK   SAPKKA02       Actual Results Analysis: Sales Ordr
KKAKP  SAPKKA02PL     Plan Results Analysis: Sales Orders
KKAL   SAPKKA04       Results Analysis: Display Log
KKAM   MENUKKAM       Make-to-order
KKAN   SAPKKA05       Results Analysis: Delete Log
KKAO   SAPMKKAC       WIP Calc.: Collective Processing
KKAQ   SAPMKKAC       Display WIP - Collective Processing
KKAS   SAPMKKAC       WIP Calc. for Product Cost Coll.
KKAT   SAPMKKAC       WIP Display for Product Cost Coll.
KKAV   SAPMKKAC       WIP Calculation for Cost Object Hie
KKAW   SAPMKKAC       WIP Display Cost Object Hierarchy
KKAX   SAPMKKAC       WIP Calculation for Order
KKAY   SAPMKKAC       WIP Display for Order
KKA0   SAPMKKAB       Maintain Cutoff Period
KKA0P  SAPMKKAB       Maintain Cutoff Period
KKA1   SAPMKKAA       Order Results Analysis and WIP Calc
KKA1P  SAPMKKAA       Order Results Analysis and WIP Calc
KKA2   SAPMKKAA       Project Results Anal. and WIP Calc.
KKA2P  SAPMKKAA       Project Results Anal. and WIP Calc.
KKA3   SAPMKKAA       Sales Document Item Results Analysi
KKA3P  SAPMKKAA       Sales Document Item Results Analysi
KKA4   SAPMKKAA       Create Res. Analysis Data for Order
KKA5   SAPMKKAA       Create RA Data for WBS Element
KKA6   SAPMKKAA       Create RA Data for Sales Order
KKA7   SAPMKKAA       Delete Results Anal. Data for Order
KKA7P  SAPMKKAA       Delete Results Anal. Data for Order
KKA8   SAPMKKAA       Delete RA Data for WBS Element
KKA8P  SAPMKKAA       Delete RA Data for WBS Element
KKA9   SAPMKKAA       Delete RA Data for Sales Order
KKA9P  SAPMKKAA       Delete RA Data for Sales Order
KKBB   RKKB1000       Report Call CM
KKBC   SAPMKKB2       Main Tree for CO-PC Info System
KKBD   RKKBSELN       Order Selection Without Variances
KKBE   RKKBSELN       Order Selection with Variances
KKBF   RKKBSEL1       Order Selection (Classification)
KKBG   RKKBJGEN       Generate Report Group
KKBH   SAPMKB02       Planning report: Cost objects
KKBI   RKKBJEIN       Import/Generate FI/CO Report Groups
KKBO   RKKBRPTR       Report Tree
KKBU   SAPMKB01       Cost Object: Planning Overview
KKBZ   RKKRHILI2      Display Hierarchy List
KKB0   RKKB2030       Control Parameters for Info System
KKB0N  RKKB2030N      Control Parameters for Info System
KKB1   RKKBKIS1       Costing Items for Sales Document
KKB2   RKKBKIS1       Costing Items for Cost Object
KKB3   RKKBKIS1       Costing Items for WBS Elements
KKB4   RKKBKIS1       Itemization for Base Planning Obj.
KKB5   RKKBKIS1       Costing Items for Material
KKB6   RKKBFOCO       Configure Report Trees
KKCA   RKAEP000       Cost Objects: Variance Line Items
KKCP   RKAEP000       Cost Object Line Items - Plan
KKCS   RKAEP000       Cost Objects: Line Items - Actual
KKCV   SAPMV76A       Var. Cost Obj. Line Items Config.
KKC1   SAPMKKP0       Create Cost Object
KKC2   SAPMKKP0       Change Cost Object
KKC3   SAPMKKP0       Display Cost Object
KKC4   SAPMKKPP       Create Cost Object Planning
KKC5   SAPMKKPP       Change Cost Object Planning
KKC6   SAPMKKPP       Display Cost Object Planning
KKC7   SAPMKKP0       Create Product Group
KKC8   SAPMKKP0       Change Product Group
KKC9   SAPMKKP0       Display Product Group
KKDV   SAPMKEDV       CO-PC: Summarization level maint.
KKEB   RKKEK0BI       Revaluate Base Planning Objects
KKEC   RKKEKLVE       Compare Base Object - Unit Cost Est
KKED   RKKBKIS1       BOM for Base Planning Objects
KKE1   SAPMK70B       Add Base Planning Object
KKE2   SAPMK70B       Change Base Planning Object
KKE3   SAPMK70B       Display Base Planning Object
KKE4   RKKEBTL1       List Base Planning Objects
KKE5   RKKEDEL1       Delete Test Data for Base Object
KKE6   SAPMKKB4       Analyze Unit Cost Est Base Plan Obj
KKE7   RKKBRPTR       Report Tree Base Planning Object
KKFB   RKAEP000       RS Header: Line Items Variance
KKF1   SAPMKAUF       Create CO Production Order
KKF2   SAPMKAUF       Change CO Production Order
KKF3   SAPMKAUF       Display CO Production Order
KKF4   SAPMKBUD       Change CO-FA Plan Values
KKF5   SAPMKBUD       Display CO-FA Plan Values
KKF6   SAPMKOSA       Create Production Cost Collector
KKF6M  RK_PKOSA_MULTI_Create Multiple Product Cost Coll.
KKF6N  SAPMKOSA_46    Maintain Product Cost Collector
KKF7   SAPMKOSA       Change Production Cost Collector
KKF8   SAPMKOSA       List Production Cost Collector
KKF9   RKKSAN00       Find CO Orders
KKG0   SAPMKKAB       Display Cutoff Period
KKG0P  SAPMKKAB       Display Cutoff Period
KKG1   SAPMKKAA       Create Cost of Sales: Order
KKG2   SAPMKKAA       Create Cost of Sales: Project
KKG3   SAPMKKAA       Create Cost of Sales: Sales Order
KKH1   SAPLKKHI       Create Cost Object Group
KKH2   SAPLKKHI       Change Cost Object Group
KKH3   SAPLKKHI       Display Cost Object Group
KKMLH  RKCOBTR2       Transport of Reports
KKMLI  RKCOBTR4       Transport of Forms
KKMLJ  RKCOBTR3       Client Copy of Reports
KKMLK  RKCOBTR5       Client Copy of Forms
KKMLM  SAPMKCB9       Test Monitor Object Record Reports
KKMLN  RKDREODA       Reorganization of Report Data
KKMLO  RKDREOBE       Reorganization of Reports
KKMLP  RKDREOFO       Reorganization of Forms
KKMLV  RKES0101       Maintain Global Variable
KKML0  SAPMKCEE       Run Drilldown Report
KKML1  SAPMKCEE       Create Drilldown Report
KKML2  SAPMKCEE       Change Drilldown Report
KKML3  SAPMKCEE       Display Drilldown Report
KKML4  SAPMKES1       Create Form
KKML5  SAPMKES1       Change Form
KKML6  SAPMKES1       Display Form
KKML7  RKDKENNZ       Maintain Key Figures
KKML8  RKDBAT02       Background Processing of Reports
KKMN   MENUKKMN       Product costing application area
KKN1   SAPLKAZB       Actual Reval.:  Cost.Obj.   Ind.Pro
KKN2   SAPLKAZB       Actual Reval.:  Cost Obj.   Col.Pro
KKOB   MENUKKOB       Basic Functions of Cost Object Cont
KKOG   RKE_CALL_VC_TKECharacteristic Groups for Costing
KKOH   RKCOBTR2       Transport of Reports
KKOI   RKCOBTR4       Transport of Forms
KKOJ   RKCOBTR3       Client Copy of Reports
KKOK   RKCOBTR5       Client Copy of Forms
KKOM   SAPMKCB9       Test Monitor Object Record Reports
KKON   RKDREODA       Reorganization of Report Data
KKOO   RKDREOBE       Reorganization of Reports
KKOP   RKDREOFO       Reorganize Forms
KKOR   SAPMKKB2       Report Selection
KKOT   RKDREPDV       Split Report
KKOV   RKES0101       Maintain Global Variable
KKOW   SAPMKCC0       Maintain Currency Translation Type
KKO0   SAPMKCEE       Run Drilldown Report
KKO1   SAPMKCEE       Create Drilldown Report
KKO2   SAPMKCEE       Change Drilldown Report
KKO3   SAPMKCEE       Display Drilldown Report
KKO4   SAPMKES1       Create Form
KKO5   SAPMKES1       Change Form
KKO6   SAPMKES1       Display Form
KKO7   RKKBKKO7       Maintain Key Figures
KKO8   RKDBAT02       Background Processing of Reports
KKPA   SAPLKKP4       Create Cost Est w/o Qty Structure
KKPAN  SAPLCKDI       Create Cost Est. w/o Qty Structure
KKPB   SAPLKKP4       Change Cost Est w/o Qty Structure
KKPBN  SAPLCKDI       Change Cost Est. w/o Quantity Struc
KKPC   SAPLKKP4       Display Cost Est w/o Qty Structure
KKPCN  SAPLCKDI       Display Cost Est. w/o Qty Structure
KKPD   RKKBSEL1       Order List for Process Manufacturin
KKPDN  SAPLCKDI       Create Cost Est. w/o Qty Structure
KKPE   SAPMKKB2       Report Selection for Process Mfg
KKPG   RKKPHIE2       Graph. Cost Object Hierarchy Maint.
KKPH   RKKPKTR0       Collective Entry
KKPHIE SAPMKKP0       Cost Object Hierarchy
KKPJ   SAPLKAZB       Actual OHead: Cost Obj Collec Proc.
KKPM   MENUKKPM       Process costing menu
KKPN   RKKPPGR0       Material Assignment
KKPT   SAPMKKP2       Cost Obj Hier: Coll. Proc. Variance
KKPU   SAPMKKB2       User's List of Reports
KKPV   RKKPPV01       Delete Transaction Data
KKPX   SAPMKKPA       Actual Cost Distribution: Cost Obj.
KKPY   SAPMKKPA       Actual Cost Distribution: Cost Obj.
KKPZ   SAPLKAZB       Actual Overhead: Cost Obj   Individ
KKP1   SAPMKKP0       Create Hierarchy Master Record
KKP2   SAPMKKP0       Change Hierarchy Master Record
KKP3   SAPMKKP0       Display Hierarchy Master Record
KKP4   SAPLKKP2       Display Cost Object Hierarchy
KKP5   SAPMKKP2       Cost ObjHier: Indiv. Proc. Variance
KKP6   SAPMKKP4       Cost Object: Analysis
KKRA   SAPMKKRD       Order Summarization
KKRC   SAPMKKRD       Summarization: CO Object
KKRO   SAPMKKRD       Data Collection: Product Drilldown
KKRP   SAPMKKRD       Project Summarization
KKRS   SAPMKKRD       Summarization: Repetitive Mfg (COC)
KKRV   RKKRPRRE       Data Collection Product Drilldown
KKRZ   SAPMKKRD       Summarization: Process Mfg (COC)
KKR0   RKKRKKR0       CO Summarization: Hierarchy Mainten
KKR1   RKKRKKR1       CO Summarization: Summ. Object Type
KKR2   RKKRKKR2       CO Summarization: Summ. Characteris
KKSB   SAPMKKB2       Start Selected Reports
KKSD   RKKBSEL1       Order List for Order-Related Prod.
KKSM   MENUKKSM       Product Cost Ctrllg: Make-to-Stock
KKSP   SAPMKKS0       Variances - Engineer-to-Order (C)
KKSQ   SAPMKKS0       Variances - Engineer-to-Order (I)
KKSR   SAPMKKS0       Scrap - Engineer-to-Order (C)
KKSS   SAPMKKS0       Scrap - Engineer-to-Order (I)
KKST   SAPMKKS0       Variances - Cost by Sales Order (C)
KKSU   SAPMKKS0       Variances - Cost by Sales Order (I)
KKSV   SAPMKKS0       Scrap - Cost by Sales Order (C)
KKSW   SAPMKKS0       Scrap - Cost by Sales Order (I)
KKS1   SAPMKKS0       Variances - Product Cost by Lot (C)
KKS1N  SAPMKKS0       Variances - Product Cost by Lot (C)
KKS2   SAPMKKS0       Variances - Product Cost by Lot (I)
KKS3   SAPMKKS0       Scrap - Product Cost by Lot (C)
KKS4   SAPMKKS0       Scrap - Product Cost by Lot (I)
KKS5   SAPMKKS0       Variances - Product Cost by Per. (C
KKS6   SAPMKKS0       Variances - Product Cost by Per. (I
KKS7   SAPMKKS0       Scrap - Product Cost by Period (C)
KKS8   SAPMKKS0       Scrap - Product Cost by Period (I)
KKV1   RKKBVMA1       View Maint. Sel. Production Orders
KK01   SAPL0KSK       Create Statistical Figure
KK02   SAPL0KSK       Change Statistical Figure
KK03   SAPL0KSK       Display Statistical Key Figures
KK04   RKWBSK00       Stat.Key Figures: Master Data Repor
KK05   SAPMV12A       Create Cond. Table (Price Overhead)
KK06   SAPMV12A       Change Cond.Table (Price Overhead)
KK07   SAPMV12A       Display Cond.Table (Price Overhead)
KK11   SAPMV13A       Create Condition
KK12   SAPMV13A       Change Condition
KK13   SAPMV13A       Display Condition
KK14   SAPMV13A       Create Condition with Reference
KK16   RKKTRPLN       CO-COC Plng: Change Costs/ActyInput
KK17   RKKTRPLN       CO-COC Plng: Display Costs/ActyInpu
KK46   RKKTRPLN       CO-COC Plng: Change Stat. Key Fig.
KK47   RKKTRPLN       CO-COC Plng: Display Stat. Key Fig.
KK65   SAPMKES1       COC Create Planng Layt Cost/ActInpu
KK66   SAPMKES1       COC Change Plnng Layt Cost/ActvInpu
KK67   SAPMKES1       COC Display Plnng Layt Cost/ActvInp
KK87   SAPLKO71       Actual settmt: prodn cost collector
KK88   SAPLKO71       Actual Settlement: Cost Objects
KK89   SAPLKO71       Actual Settlement: Cost Objects
KK95   SAPMKES1       COC Create Planning Layout Stat. KF
KK96   SAPMKES1       COC Change Planning Layout Stat. KF
KK97   SAPMKES1       COC Display Planning Layout Stat. K
KLABL  RKLDERIFO      Derivation of the Default Risk Rule
KLEH   RKLEHSHOW      Display Logs
KLEXT  RKLEXT02       Display Active External Transaction
KLFZ01 BUSSTART       Facilities: Create
KLFZ02 BUSSTART       Facilities: Change
KLFZ03 BUSSTART       Facilities: Display
KLH1   SAPLKKHI       Create Activity Type Group
KLH2   SAPLKKHI       Change Activity Type Group
KLH3   SAPLKKHI       Display Activity Type Group
KLONL  RKLONLINE      Online Check
KLSDC1 SAPMKLSDC      Single Transaction Check: New
KLSDC2 SAPMKLSDC      Single Transaction Check: Change
KLSDC3 SAPMKLSDC      Single Transaction Check: Deactivat
KLSDC4 RKLSDCLIST     Display Transactions
KLSI01 SAPMKLSI01     Create Collateral Provision
KLSI02 SAPMKLSI01     Change Collateral Provision
KLSI03 SAPMKLSI01     Display Collateral Provision
KL01   SAPLKMA6       Create activity type
KL02   SAPLKMA6       Change activity type
KL03   SAPLKMA6       Display Activity Type
KL04   SAPLKMA6       Delete activity type
KL05   SAPMKMAA       Activity type: Display changes
KL13   SAPLKMA6       Activity Types: Master Data Report
KL14   SAPLKMA6       Delete Activity Types
KL20   SAPLKWSB       Templ. Alloc. Struct. CCTR/Acty Typ
KM1V   RKKSTSEV       Cost Center Selection Variants
KM3V   RKPRZSEV       Select. Variants for Bus. Processes
KM5V   RKKOASEV       Selection Variants: Cost Elements
KM7V   RKLSTSEV       Activity Type Selection Variants
KNMA   SAPLKNMA       Target=Actual-IAA: cost centers
KOAB   RKKOT2         Order Types: Budget Profile
KOAI   RKKOT2         Order Types: Default Int. Planning
KOAK   RKKOT2         Order Types: Classification
KOAL   RKKOT2         Order Types: Settlement Profile
KOAM   RKKOT2         Order Types: Model Order
KOAO   RKKOT2         Order Types: Commitment Update
KOAP   RKKOT2         Order Types: Plan Profile
KOA1   R_ALE_INTERNALOSend Internal Order
KOBP   RKAEP000       Orders: Plan Line Items
KOB1   RKAEP000       Orders: Actual Line Items
KOB2   RKAEP000       Orders: Commitment Line Items
KOB3   RKAEP000       Orders: Variance Line Items
KOB4   RKAEP000       Orders: Budget Line Items
KOB5   RKAEP000       Orders: Maint. Line Item Settlement
KOB6   RKAEP000       Orders: Settlement Line Items
KOB7   RKAEP000       Orders: Line Item Settlement Retire
KOB8   RKAEP000       Orders: WIP/Results Anal. Line Item
KOCF   RKAGJOBL       Carry Forward Order Commitments
KOCM   RKOCLMIG       Conversion Classification: AUFK
KOCO   RBPGJA02       Budget Carryforward for Orders
KOC2   SAPMKKB2       Run Selected Reports
KOC4   RKKBALV1       Cost Analysis
KOH1   SAPLKKHI       Create Order Group
KOH2   SAPLKKHI       Change Order Group
KOH3   SAPLKKHI       Display Order Group
KOK2   SAPMKAUF       Collective Proc. Internal Orders
KOK3   SAPMKAUF       Collective Disp. Internal Orders
KOK4   SAPMKAUF       Aut. Collect. Proc. Internal Orders
KOK5   SAPMKAUF       Master Data List Internal Orders
KOK6   SAPMKAUF       Collect. Printing of Internal Order
KOL1   RKOALI01       Order List (Master Data)
KOMM   SAPL0C27       Customizing pick list
KOM1   SAPMKAUF       Create CO model order
KOM2   SAPMKAUF       Change CO Model Order
KOM3   SAPMKAUF       Display CO model order
KONK   SAPMSNUM       Maintain Order Number Ranges
KON1   SAPLKAZB       Actual Reval.:  Int.Orders  Ind.Pro
KON2   SAPLKAZB       Actual Reval.:  Int.Orders  Col.Pro
KOPA1  SAPMKES1       Overall Plan.; Orders: Create layou
KOPA2  SAPMKES1       Overall Plan.; Orders: Change Layou
KOPA3  SAPMKES1       Overall Plan.; Orders: Displ. Layou
KOPU   SAPMKPU2       Execute Orders for Plan Revaluation
KOP1   SAPMKPU1       Create Orders for Plan Revaluation
KOP2   SAPMKPU1       Change Orders for Plan Revaluation
KOP3   SAPMKPU1       Display Orders for Plan Revaluation
KOP4   SAPMKPU1       Delete Orders for Plan Revaluation
KORI   RKORJB00       Job Selection
KORJ   RKORJB00       Job Selection (Output)
KOR2   JHS0200S       _
KOSL   MMANALOG       Incompleteness FT Data BOM
KOTZ   RKKBKIS1       Costing Items for Order
KOT2   RKKOT2         Maintain Order Types - All Categs.
KOT3   RKKOT2         Display Order Types
KOV2   SAPMKAVG       Maintain Transaction Grps for Order
KOV3   SAPMKAVG       Display Transaction Grps for Orders
KOW1   SAPMKAL1       Create Periodic Reposting
KOW1N  SAPLKAL1       Create Periodic Reposting
KOW2   SAPMKAL1       Change Periodic Reposting
KOW2N  SAPLKAL1       Change Periodic Reposting
KOW3   SAPMKAL1       Display Periodic Reposting
KOW3N  SAPLKAL1       Display Periodic Reposting
KOW4   SAPMKAL1       Delete Periodic Reposting
KOW4N  SAPLKAL1       Delete Periodic Reposting
KO01   SAPMKAUF       Create Internal Order
KO02   SAPMKAUF       Change Order
KO03   SAPMKAUF       Display Internal Order
KO04   SAPMKAUF       Order Manager
KO08   RKCFILE0       Data Transfer for Order Master Data
KO09   RKCDSM_A       Sender Structures for Trans. Data
KO1ECP RECP_OPA       Internal Orders: Easy Cost Planning
KO12   SAPMKBUD       Change Order Plan (Overall; Year)
KO12N  R_OPA_PLN_PP_DIOverall Planning for Orders: Change
KO13   SAPMKBUD       Display Order Plan (Overall; Year)
KO13N  R_OPA_PLN_PP_DIOverall Planning for Orders: Displa
KO14   SAPMKPT4       Copy Planing for Internal Orders
KO14N  R_OPA_PLN_PP_DISet planner profile
KO15   SAPMKPT4       Copy Actual Int.Order Data to Plan
KO2A   SAPMKBUB       Change budget document
KO2B   SAPMKBUB       Display budget document
KO22   SAPMKBUD       Change Order Budget
KO23   SAPMKBUD       Display Order Budget
KO24   SAPMKBUD       Change Order Supplement
KO25   SAPMKBUD       Display Order Supplement
KO26   SAPMKBUD       Change Order Return
KO27   SAPMKBUD       Display Order Return
KO30   BPINDX02       Activate Orders Availability Contro
KO31   RBPFCON1       Reconstruct Order Availability Cntr
KO32   RBPFCOD1       Deactivate Order Availability Cntrl
KO8A   SAPLKO71       Act.-setlmt: Order retmt. from IM
KO8B   SAPLKO71       Display Settlement Document
KO8G   SAPLKO71       Act. Settlment: Int.-/Maint. Orders
KO8N   RKAKO8N0       No. Ranges for Settlement Document
KO88   SAPLKO71       Actual Settlement: Order
KO9E   SAPLKO71       Plan Settlement: Internal Order
KO9G   SAPLKO71       Plan Settlement: Internal Orders
KPAS   SAPLKWTP       Actl. Templ.-Alloc.: CCTR/Acty Type
KPA6   RKOPAPLN       Change Primary Cost Element Plannin
KPA7   RKOPAPLN       Display Primary Cost Elem. Planning
KPB6   RKCCAPLN       Change Activity Type Plan Data
KPB7   RKCCAPLN       Display Activity Type Plan Data
KPC6   RKOPAPLN       Change Activity Input Planning
KPC7   RKOPAPLN       Display activity input planning
KPD6   RKOPAPLN       Change Stat. Key Figure Plan Data
KPD7   RKOPAPLN       Display Stat. Key Figure Plan Data
KPEP   RKP_FLEX_UPL_PRLog: Flexible Excel Upload
KPEU   K_COOM_KPP_FLEXFlexible Upload for Excel Planning
KPE6   RKOPAPLN       Change Revenue Element Planning
KPE7   RKOPAPLN       Display Revenue Element Planning
KPF6   RKOPAPLN       Change CElem/Activity Input Plannin
KPF7   RKOPAPLN       Display CElem./Acty Input Planning
KPG1   SAPMGPLP       Create Planning Parameters
KPG2   SAPMGPLP       Change Planning Parameters
KPG3   SAPMGPLP       Display Planning Parameters
KPG4   SAPMGPLP       Delete Planning Parameters
KPG5   SAPMKES1       Create Cost Planning Layout
KPG6   SAPMKES1       Change Cost Planning Layout
KPG7   SAPMKES1       Display Cost Planning Layout
KPHR   RKHRPLAN       Transfer HR Costs to CO
KPH0   SAPLKEFV_MNT   Maintain Distribution Keys
KPH1   SAPMGPSP       Create Distribution Key
KPH2   SAPMGPSP       Change Distribution Key
KPH3   SAPMGPSP       Display Distribution Key
KPH4   SAPMGPSP       Delete Distribution Key
KPH5   SAPMKES1       Create Stat. KF Planning Layout
KPH6   SAPMKES1       Change Stat. KF Planning Layout
KPH7   SAPMKES1       Display Stat. KF Planning Layout
KPI6   RKOPAPLN       Change Stat. Key Figure Plan Data
KPI7   RKOPAPLN       Display Stat. Key Figure Plan Data
KPPS   SAPLKWTP       Allocation Templ. Plan: CCtr/ATyp
KPRI   SAPMV12A       Define Price Tables
KPRN   RKPLNR10       Copy Resource Planning
KPRO   MENUKPRO       KPRO Administration
KPRW   COKP0003       Evaluate resources used
KPRZ   COKP0004       Depend.Planning: Recalculation
KPR1   RCCAVIEW       Callup View Maintenance With COArea
KPSI   SAPLKNMA       CO-CCA Plan Reconciliation
KPSR   SAPMKGA2       Execute Plan Segment Reversal
KPT6   SAPLKCTV       Execute Formula Planning
KPUB   RKPU2BAT       Revaluate Plan in Background
KPU1   SAPMKPU1       Create Plan Revaluation
KPU2   SAPMKPU1       Change Plan Revaluation
KPU3   SAPMKPU1       Display Plan Revaluation
KPU4   SAPMKPU1       Delete Plan Revaluation
KPY1   SAPMGPLP       Create Planning Parameters
KPY2   SAPMGPLP       Change Planning Parameters
KPY3   SAPMGPLP       Display Planning Parameters
KPY4   SAPMGPLP       Delete Planning Parameters
KPZ2   SAPMKBUD       Change Cost Center Budget
KPZ3   SAPMKBUD       Display Cost Center Budget
KP04   RKCCAPLN       Set Planner Profile
KP06   RKCCAPLN       Change CElem/Activity Input Plannin
KP07   RKCCAPLN       Display Planning CElem/Act. Input
KP16   RKCCAPLN       Change Plan Data for Primary Costs
KP17   RKCCAPLN       Display Plan Data for Primary Costs
KP26   RKCCAPLN       Change Plan Data for Activity Types
KP27   RKCCAPLN       Display Plan Data for Activity Type
KP36   RKCCAPLN       Change Secondary Cost Plan Data
KP37   RKCCAPLN       Display Secondary Costs Plan Data
KP46   RKCCAPLN       Change Stat. Key Figure Plan Data
KP47   RKCCAPLN       Display Stat. Key Figure Plan Data
KP56   RKCCAPLN       Change Revenue Plan Data
KP57   RKCCAPLN       Display Revenue Plan Data
KP65   SAPMKES1       Create Cost Planning Layout
KP66   SAPMKES1       Change Cost Planning Layout
KP67   SAPMKES1       Display Cost Planning Layout
KP75   SAPMKES1       Create Activity Type Planning Layou
KP76   SAPMKES1       Change Activity Type Planning Layou
KP77   SAPMKES1       Display Activ. Type Planning Layout
KP80   SAPLKEFV_MNT   Maintain Distribution Keys
KP81   SAPMGPSP       Create Distribution Key
KP82   SAPMGPSP       Change Distribution Key
KP83   SAPMGPSP       Display Distribution Key
KP84   SAPMGPSP       Delete Distribution Key
KP85   SAPMKES1       Create Stat. KF Planning Layout
KP86   SAPMKES1       Change Stat. KF Planning Layout
KP87   SAPMKES1       Display Stat. KF Planning Layout
KP9R   COKPR005       Copy CO Resource Prices
KP9S   COKPR004       Revaluate CO Resource Prices
KP90   SAPMKPT2       Delete Planned Costs
KP90NI SAPMKPT2       Delete Planned Costs
KP91   SAPMKPT2       Delete Planned Costs
KP91NI SAPMKPT2       Delete Plan Data
KP95   SAPMKPT5       Revaluate Manual Planning
KP96   SAPMKPT2       Activate L. Items and Int. Planning
KP97   SAPMKPT4       Copy Planning for Cost Centers
KP98   SAPMKPT4       Copy Actual to Plan for Cost Center
KRMI   RKAEP000       Run Sched. Header: Line Items Actua
KR01   SAPMKSRD       Create Summarization
KR02   SAPMKSRD       Change Summarization
KR03   SAPMKSRD       Display Summarization
KR04   SAPMKSRD       Delete Summarization
KR05   SAPMKSRE       Execute Summarization
KSAG   SAPMV12A       Maintain condition tables
KSAH   SAPMV12A       Display condition tables
KSAI   SAPMKSA0       Accrual Calc.: Maintain Actual Data
KSAJ   SAPMKSA0       Accrual Calc.: Maintain Tgt=Act Cre
KSAP   SAPMKSA0       Accrual Calc.: Maintain Plan Data
KSAQ   SAPMV13A       Maintain surcharge conditions
KSAR   SAPMV13A       Display Overhead Conditions
KSAZ   SAPMKSA0       Accrual: Maintain Overhead Structur
KSA3   SAPLKAZB       Actual Accrual for Cost Centers
KSA4   SAPMKSZB       Execute actual accrual
KSA8   SAPLKAZB       Plan Accrual for Cost Centers
KSA9   SAPMKSZB       Execute Plan Accrual
KSBB   SAPMKKB2       Run Selected Reports
KSBL   SAPMKB01       Cost centers: Planning overview
KSBP   RKAEP000       Cost Centers: Plan Line Items
KSBT   RKATARIF       Cost centers: Activity prices
KSB1   RKAEP000       Cost Centers: Actual Line Items
KSB2   RKAEP000       Cost Centers: Commitment Line Items
KSB5   RKAEP000       Controlling Documents: Actual
KSB9   SAPMKB02       Planning Report: Cost Centers
KSCA   SAPMKAL1       Delete Indirect Activity Alloc. Pla
KSCAN  SAPLKAL1       Delete Indirect Activity Alloc. Pla
KSCB   SAPMKGA2       Execute Plan Indirect Acty Alloc.
KSCC   SAPMKGA1       Indirect Acty Alloc. Plan: Overview
KSCCN  SAPLKAL1       Indirect Acty Alloc. Plan: Overview
KSCF   RKAGJOBL       Carry Forward Cost Center Commitmen
KSCK   SAPLKWA1       Find CCtrs in Cycles and Segments
KSCP   SAPLKWA2       Find Processes in Cycles / Segments
KSCYC3 SAPMKAL4       Display Cycle/Segment Objects
KSC1   SAPMKAL1       Create Actual Indirect Acty Alloc.
KSC1N  SAPLKAL1       Create Actual Indirect Acty Alloc.
KSC2   SAPMKAL1       Change Actual Indirect Acty Alloc.
KSC2N  SAPLKAL1       Change Actual Indirect Acty Alloc.
KSC3   SAPMKAL1       Display Actual Indirect Acty Alloc.
KSC3N  SAPLKAL1       Display Actual Indirect Acty Alloc.
KSC4   SAPMKAL1       Delete Actual Indirect Acty Alloc.
KSC4N  SAPLKAL1       Delete Actual Indirect Acty Alloc.
KSC5   SAPMKGA2       Execute Actual Indirect Acty Alloc.
KSC6   SAPMKGA1       Act. Indirect Acty Alloc.: Overview
KSC6N  SAPLKAL1       Act. Indirect Acty Alloc.: Overview
KSC7   SAPMKAL1       Create Indirect Activity Alloc. Pla
KSC7N  SAPLKAL1       Create Indirect Activity Alloc. Pla
KSC8   SAPMKAL1       Change Indirect Activity Alloc. Pla
KSC8N  SAPLKAL1       Change Indirect Activity Alloc. Pla
KSC9   SAPMKAL1       Display Indirect Acty Alloc. Plan
KSC9N  SAPLKAL1       Display Indirect Acty Alloc. Plan
KSEX   KGALRUNEXTR    Allocations: Extracts
KSFX   SAPLKSF2       Predistribute fixed costs: cctr
KSH1   SAPLKKHI       Create Cost Center Group
KSH2   SAPLKKHI       Change Cost Center Group
KSH3   SAPLKKHI       Display Cost Center Group
KSII   SAPLKSPI       Actual Price Determination: CCtrs
KSI4   SAPLKAZB       Actual Overhead: Cost Centers
KSMN   MENUKSMN       Actual Menu
KSOV   RKSOV          Cycle Maintenance/Overview (CCA;ABC
KSO9   SAPLKAZB       Commitment Overhead: Cost Centers
KSPI   SAPLKSPI       Iterative Plan Price Calculation
KSPP   SAPLKSPP       Transfer Planning From Logistics
KSPU   SAPMKPU2       Execute Plan Revaluation
KSP4   SAPLKAZB       Plan Overhead: Cost Centers
KSRT   RKGALRTA       Allocations: Runtime Analysis
KSR4   RKSR0C10       User-Defined Strategies
KSS1   SAPLKSS0       Variance Calculation: Cost Centers
KSS2   SAPLKSS0       Actual Cost Splitting: Cost Centers
KSS3   SAPLKSS0       Calculate Target Costs
KSS4   SAPMKACT       Split Plan Costs
KSUA   SAPMKAL1       Delete Plan Assessment
KSUAN  SAPLKAL1       Delete Plan Assessment
KSUB   SAPMKGA2       Execute Plan Assessment
KSUC   SAPMKGA1       Plan Assessment: Overview
KSUCN  SAPLKAL1       Plan Assessment: Overview
KSU1   SAPMKAL1       Create Actual Assessment
KSU1N  SAPLKAL1       Create Actual Assessment
KSU2   SAPMKAL1       Change Actual Assessment
KSU2N  SAPLKAL1       Change Actual Assessment
KSU3   SAPMKAL1       Display Actual Assessment
KSU3N  SAPLKAL1       Display Actual Assessment
KSU4   SAPMKAL1       Delete Actual Assessment
KSU4N  SAPLKAL1       Delete Actual Assessment
KSU5   SAPMKGA2       Execute Actual Assessment
KSU6   SAPMKGA1       Actual Assessment: Overview
KSU6N  SAPLKAL1       Actual Assessment: Overview
KSU7   SAPMKAL1       Create Plan Assessment
KSU7N  SAPLKAL1       Create Plan Assessment
KSU8   SAPMKAL1       Change Plan Assessment
KSU8N  SAPLKAL1       Change Plan Assessment
KSU9   SAPMKAL1       Display Plan Assessment
KSU9N  SAPLKAL1       Display Plan Assessment
KSVA   SAPMKAL1       Delete Plan Distribution
KSVAN  SAPLKAL1       Delete Plan Distribution
KSVB   SAPMKGA2       Execute Plan Distribution
KSVC   SAPMKGA1       Plan Distribution: Overview
KSVCN  SAPLKAL1       Plan Distribution: Overview
KSV1   SAPMKAL1       Create Actual Distribution
KSV1N  SAPLKAL1       Create Actual Distribution
KSV2   SAPMKAL1       Change Actual Distribution
KSV2N  SAPLKAL1       Change Actual Distribution
KSV3   SAPMKAL1       Display Actual Distribution
KSV3N  SAPLKAL1       Display Actual Distribution
KSV4   SAPMKAL1       Delete Actual Distribution
KSV4N  SAPLKAL1       Delete Actual Distribution
KSV5   SAPMKGA2       Execute Actual Distribution
KSV6   SAPMKGA1       Actual Distribution: Overview
KSV6N  SAPLKAL1       Actual Distribution: Overview
KSV7   SAPMKAL1       Create Plan Distribution
KSV7N  SAPLKAL1       Create Plan Distribution
KSV8   SAPMKAL1       Change Plan Distribution
KSV8N  SAPLKAL1       Change Plan Distribution
KSV9   SAPMKAL1       Display Plan Distribution
KSV9N  SAPLKAL1       Display Plan Distribution
KSWA   SAPMKAL1       Delete Plan Periodic Reposting
KSWAN  SAPLKAL1       Delete Plan Periodic Reposting
KSWB   SAPMKGA2       Execute Plan Periodic Reposting
KSWC   SAPMKGA1       Plan Periodic Repostings: Overview
KSWCN  SAPLKAL1       Plan Periodic Repostings: Overview
KSWUSL KGALWUSL       Where-Used List: Cycles in CCA
KSW1   SAPMKAL1       Create Periodic Reposting
KSW1N  SAPLKAL1       Create Periodic Reposting
KSW2   SAPMKAL1       Change Periodic Reposting
KSW2N  SAPLKAL1       Change Periodic Reposting
KSW3   SAPMKAL1       Display Periodic Reposting
KSW3N  SAPLKAL1       Display Periodic Reposting
KSW4   SAPMKAL1       Delete Periodic Reposting
KSW4N  SAPLKAL1       Delete Periodic Reposting
KSW5   SAPMKGA2       Execute Actual Periodic Reposting
KSW6   SAPMKGA1       Periodic Repostings: Overview
KSW6N  SAPLKAL1       Periodic Repostings: Overview
KSW7   SAPMKAL1       Create Plan Periodic Reposting
KSW7N  SAPLKAL1       Create Plan Periodic Reposting
KSW8   SAPMKAL1       Change Plan Periodic Reposting
KSW8N  SAPLKAL1       Change Plan Periodic Reposting
KSW9   SAPMKAL1       Display Plan Periodic Reposting
KSW9N  SAPLKAL1       Display Plan Periodic Reposting
KS01   SAPLKMA1       Create cost center
KS02   SAPLKMA1       Change cost center
KS03   SAPLKMA1       Display cost center
KS04   SAPLKMA1       Delete cost center
KS05   SAPMKMAA       Cost Center: Display Changes
KS07   SAPMKMA1       Execute rough entry of cost center
KS08   SAPLKMA1       Execute list editing of cost center
KS12   SAPLKMA1       Change Cost Centers
KS13   SAPLKMA1       Cost Centers: Master Data Report
KS14   SAPLKMA1       Delete Cost Centers
KS30   SAPLKMA1       Cost Centers: Change Management
KVA0   SAPL0KOZ       Maintain Assignment Cost Ctr./KF
KVA1   SAPL0KOZ       Display Plan Assignment CCtr/KF
KVA2   SAPL0KOZ       Maintain Actual Assignment CCtr/KF
KVA3   SAPL0KOZ       Display Actual Assignment CCtr/KF
KVA4   SAPMKWM1       Transfer Plan Statistical Key Figur
KVA5   SAPMKWM1       Transfer Actual Stat. Key Figure
KVA6   SAPL0KOZ       Copy Assignment CCtr/KF
KVBI   RKAEP000       Sales Documents: Line Items Actual
KVBO   RKAEP000       Sales Documents: Commit. Line Items
KVB0   SAPL0KOZ       Maintain Plan Assignment Process/KF
KVB1   SAPL0KOZ       Display Plan Assignment Process/KF
KVB2   SAPL0KOZ       Change Actual Assignment Process/KF
KVB3   SAPL0KOZ       Display Actual Assignment Process/K
KVB4   SAPMKWM1       PROZ: Copy Plan Stat. Key Figures
KVB5   SAPMKWM1       PROZ: Copy Actual Stat. Key Figures
KVB6   SAPL0KOZ       Copy Assignment Processes/KF
KVC0   SAPL0KOZ       Change Plan Assignment CObj/KF
KVC1   SAPL0KOZ       Display Plan Assignment CObj/KF
KVC2   SAPL0KOZ       Change Actual Assignment CObj/KF
KVC3   SAPL0KOZ       Display Actual Assignment CObj/KF
KVC4   SAPMKWM1       KSRTG: Copy Plan Stat. Key Figures
KVC5   SAPMKWM1       KSRTG: Copy Actual Stat. Key Figure
KVC6   SAPL0KOZ       Copy Assignment Cost Object/Key Fig
KVD0   SAPL0KOZ       Maintain Plan Assignment ATyp/KF
KVD1   SAPL0KOZ       Display Plan Assignment ATyp/KF
KVD2   SAPL0KOZ       Change Actual Assignment ATyp/KF
KVD3   SAPL0KOZ       Display Actual Assignment ATyp/KF
KVD4   SAPMKWM1       LSTAR: Copy Plan Stat. Key Figures
KVD5   SAPMKWM1       LSTAR: Copy Actual Stat. Key Figure
KVD6   SAPL0KOZ       Copy Assignment ActType/Key Figure
KW3P   SAPLKW3P       WWW: Internal Price List
KXH1   SAPLKKHI       Create Group (Hierarchical)
KXH2   SAPLKKHI       Change Group (Hierarchical)
KXH3   SAPLKKHI       Display Hierarchy (Hierarchical)
KZA1   SAPMKACZ       Select Overhead