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SAP MM Questions

  1. Tell me about SAP Material Management? and its importance in SAP R/3?
  2. How SAP MM module is integrated with other SAP modules?
  3. What is a Client?
  4. How to create a Client in SAP Material Management module?
  5. What is SAP?
  6. What is IDES?
  7. Difference between SAP R/1, R/2,R/3 ?
  8. What are the different modules in SAP R/3 system?
  9. What is mySAP ERP?
  10. What are the Important Components of SAP MM module and how they are used in SAP?
  11. Tell me about Organisational Structure of SAP MM?
  12. Define Company and how to create company?
  13. Define Company Code and how company code is created?
  14. How do you assign “company code” to company?
  15. Define Plant?
  16. What are the important Prerequisites for creating a plant in SAP?
  17. How do you assign plant to company code?
  18. Which Organization unit is entered when creating Purchasing view of any material
  19. What is Storage Location? how to maintain storage locations?
  20. How Storage Locations are created automatically?
  21. What is Valuation Areas?
  22. What is Purchase Organisation? How it is configured?
  23. What is Chart of Accounts in SAP?
  24. How many charts of accounts can be assigned to a single company code?
  25. What are the different types of master records data in SAP MM module?
  26. What is a Material Master?
  27. What are the Data is maintained in Material master at client level and company code level?
  28. How to delete materials permanently from material master?
  29. How to extend materials to a new plant ?
  30. What is a Batch? How to create a Batch Record?
  31. What is a class type and how to configure in SAP system?
  32. How Vendor Master Records are created?
  33. What are the Special Stocks available in SAP?
  34. What is a Consignment stock?
  35. Explain Differences between Externally owned and company owned special stocks?
  36. Explain Procurement cycle in organisation?
  37. Explain how Purchase Order (PO), Purchase Requisition (PR), MRP  are created?
  38. Define consignment cycle?
  39. What is Subcontracting? How subcontracting PO is created?
  40. What is Material Type? How to create Material Type?
  41. How to Create material movement type in SAP?
  42. Explain Purchase Requisition (PR), Purchase Order (PO)
  43. Define Tolerance Keys?
  44. Explain Pricing Procedure?
  45. Define Scheme group and Scheme determination?

SAP MM Interview Questions

1. What is the difference between the stock transfer between two plants belonging to same company code and those belonging to different company code?
2. What are the fields in Purchasing view?
3. What are the steps in automatic account assignment config.
4. How do you create movement types? What are the steps involved? When will you recommend a new movement type?
5. What is meant by access sequence? When it is used?
6. How does the PO pick up the pricing schema?
7. What are the steps involved in creating a pricing procedure?
8. What are the types of special stocks available?
9. What are the types of inforecords?
10. What is meant by consignment stock?
11. What are the steps involved in consignment cycle?
12. Tell me about the subcontracting cycle.
13. How is scrap accounted in subcontracting?
14. How are the byproducts taken care of in subcontracting?
15. Tell me about the various movement types and usage.
16. What is meant by scales? Can scales be used in standard purchase order?
17. What is the difference between a contract and a scheduling agreement?
18. How does the system calculate taxes?
19. How does the system calculate nondeductible taxes?
20. What is meant by batches? How can the batches be searched?
21. How is a shelf-life item managed in SAP? What is the full cycle?
22. What are the settings required for quota arrangement?
23. What is meant by MRP Type and lot sizing?
24. Can it be configured in such a way that the external requisitions can also be taken into account while MRP runs in consumption-based planning if VB is selected as MRP type?
25. What is a reference purchase organization? When can it be used?
26. Explain the concept of split valuation and when can it be used? What are the settings required?
27. What are valuation area, valuation category and valuation class?
28. What is meant by a credit memo?
29. How are free items managed in a PO?
30. What is meant by a release strategy?
31. What are release groups and release codes?
32. What are the differences between release procedure with classification and release procedure without classification? When are they used?
32. Is it possible to have a release procedure without classification for a PO?
33. What is the maximum number of levels available in SAP?
35. Is it possible to have scales in a quotation?
36. What is GR blocked stock? When it can be used?
37. What is the movement type for return to vendor? How to reverse it?
38. How are the variations in subcontracting taken care of in SAP?
39. What are the tools available for data migration in SAP?
40. What is LSMW?
41. What is the difference between LSMW and CATT?
42. How to give specifications for developments?
43. How do you plan for a vendor rating system and move about?
44. What is RTP?
45. What is the movement type used in receipt of RTP?
46. How is an item with serial no. managed?
47. How do you make variants?
48. What are the types of tables in SAP?
49. How to inventory excise duty in SAP?
50. What are the documents generated in the MIGO 101 movement type? What are the accounts hit?

SAP PP Real time interview questions

1.     The parameter(s) which determines which specific data will appear in the Material Master is/are
(a)           plant
(b)          company code
(c)           material type
(d)          industry sector
2.     Which department can enter data in Material Master is determined by
(a)           department
(b)           plant
(c)           material type
(d)           storage location
3.     The level at which classification view in Material Master is defined at
(a)           storage location
(b)           valuation type
(c)           plant & client
(d)           client
4.     The alternate unit of measure is defined in Material Master in
(a)           Basic data 1 view
(b)           Additional data screen
(c)           Storage view
(d)           MRP view
5.     With backflushing
(a)           we can post goods issue for the for the components of a Production order
(b)           we can post a goods receipt for the by-product
(c)           we can create a Material Master
(d)           all the above are true
6.     The characteristics of materials is defined in Material Master in
(a)           MRP1 view
(b)           Work Scheduling view
(c)           Classification view
(d)           None of the above
7.     Production Scheduler is maintained in Material Master in
(a)           Production view
(b)           Storage view
(c)           Work Scheduling view
(d)           MRP view
8.     If a material has to be backflushed only in specific Work Centre, then the data has to be maintained in
(a)             Material Master
(b)            Routing
(c)             BOM
(d)            Work Centre

9.     What is the field length of material number in Material Master?
(a)             40
(b)            18
(c)             12
(d)            16
10.   BOM is called recursive when
(a)             the BOM contains two identical components
(b)            the base quantity is unit
(c)             the components are non-stock item
(d)            the component and header item are same
11.   BOM can be used for
(a)             MRP
(b)            Inspection plan
(c)             Costing
(d)            All the above
12.   Variant BOM has the following features
(a)              it has different header material
(b)              components has to be identical
(c)              component quantity can be changed
(d)              components can be changed, added or deleted  
13.   Technical type of Alternative BOM is
(a)                A
(b)                V
(c)                D
(d)                M
14.   Standard value key in Work Centre is attached to Work Centre in the Screen of
(a)               Basic data
(b)              Capacities
(c)               Scheduling
(d)              Costing
15.   Default values maintained in Work Centre is/are
(a)              Standard value key
(b)              Control key
(c)              Backflushing
(d)              Standard text key
16.   Which of the following statement(s) is/are false
(a)              One Work Centre can be assigned to maximum six Cost centres
(b)              One Cost Centre can be assigned to only one Work Centre
(c)              One Work Centre can be attached to only one Cost Centre
(d)              One Cost Centre may be assigned to multiple Work Centre
17.   What is/are the object(s) that can be maintained through Engineering Workbench
(a)              Material Master
(b)              BOM
(c)              Work Centre
(d)              Routing

18.   PRT is assigned at the level of
(a)                Routing header
(b)               Routing operation
(c)                Component
(d)               All the above
19.   Engineering Change Management is used to
(a)                document the changes in different objects
(b)                display master data
(c)                display multi level BOM
(d)                display Product Structure
20.  Different type of sequences of Routing are
(a)               Master Sequence
(b)               Standard Sequence
(c)               Parallel Sequence
(d)               Alternate Sequence
21.   If components are not assigned to operations in a Routing, it is automatically assigned to
(a)                most critical operation
(b)               first operation
(c)                operation with shortest duration
(d)               last operation
22.Confirmation options of operation are defined by
(a)                Operation detail screen
(b)               Standard value key
(c)                 Control key
(d)               Sequence of Routing
23.Activity type is attached in the following screen of Work Centre
(a)                Basic data
(b)                Costing
(c)                Default values
(d)                Scheduling
24.Move time can be defined in
(a)                 BOM
(b)                Material Master
(c)                 Operation of Routing
(d)                Work Centre

25.Order floats are defined by
(a)                 Standard value key
(b)                Schedule margin key
(c)                 Standard text key
(d)                Control key       

26. Bom items can have following item categories
(a) Stock item
(b) Non-stock item
(c) PRT item
(d) Class item
(e) Document item
(f)  Intra material
(g) Variable size item
(h) All of above

27. Material Bom’s can be created
(a) Specific to plant
(b) Independent of plant
(c ) So that it has more than one variant BOM

28. For BOM’s there are reports in SAP
(a) To compare 2 Alternate bom’s of same material and their components
(b) To carry out mass changes in component quantity
(c ) To see multilevel Bom explosion

29. A Material with multiple Boms
(a) Has more than one alternative Boms
(b) Has number of Variant Boms
(c) Has a super BOM
(d) Can have more than one items

30. Following are various task list types
(a) Routing
(b) Rate            Routing
(c ) Master Recipe
(d) Network
(e) Inspection plan
(f) Activity
(g) Operations

31. One routing can
(a )Be valid for multiple materials
(b)Have Multiple operations
(c)Have alternate operations
(d) Have parallel operations
(e) have more than one reference operation set

32. Standard Value key
(a) Are  defined in Routing and given values in work centre
(b) Are assigned in work center and given values in routing
(c ) Can have max. 6 parameters.
(d) Can be more than one per work center or operation

33 . In SAP-APO
a.     Always one resource is created for one work center in R/3
b.     More than one resource can get created for one W/C in R/3
c.     Finite Scheduling indicator comes from R/3 W/C
d.     Working hrs of  resources are same as of R/3 W/C.

34. One Work center
a.     Can have more than one capacity category
b.     Can be scheduled based on more than one capacity category
c.     Can have different formulas for capacity requirements and scheduling

35. In PPM
a.     R/3 routing sub-operations can be transferred
b.     Parallel sequence can be transferred
c.     Alternate sequences can be transferred
d.     R/3 Non stock items of BOM can be transferred

36. Engineering workbench can be used for
a.     Material master maintenance
b.     Bom maintenance
c.     Routing maintenance
d.     Transfer of data from R/3 to APO
e.     Making mass changes in Boms & routings

37. Production versions are
a.     Combination of routing, bom, validity period and lot size ranges for a material
b.     Only Bom and routing
c.     Only Bom, Routing and lot sizes
d.     Only Bom, routing, lot sizes and validity period
e.     None of above
f.     Required for routing and BOM transfer to APO as PPM
g.     Can only be defined in material master create/change transaction

38. Following cannot get transferred to APO from R/3 while transferring routing
a.     Phantom assemblies
b.     Operations without work center or control key values
c.     Operations with formula for scheduing
d.     Engineering change management

39. Activities of  PPM in APO can have
a.     Primary resource
b.     Secondary resource
c.     Multiple mode
d.     Relationships between them(activities)
e.     Input components
f.     Output products

40. Arrange time elements of order in right sequence
a.     Set-up time
b.     Tear down time
c.     Processing time
d.     Move time
e.     Goods receipt processing time
f.     Queue time
g.     Float before prod
h.     Float after production

41. For CIF interface , Business system groups are maintained in
a.     R/3
b.     APO
c.     Both
d.     None

42. Logical system name are maintained in
a.     R/3
b.     APO
c.     Both
d.     None

43. MRP type X0 is used to
a.     Plan materials in APO
b.     Ensure no planning of material in R/3
c.     Both of above
d.     None of above
44. APO relevant changes in R/3 master data can
a.     Only Update master data in periodically and need to be triggered manually
b.     Update APO master data on line (real time)
c.     Update periodically in background automatically
45. What effect does goods issue of a production order component have on the components stock requirement list?
(a) The planned order is reduced
(b) The production order is reduced
(c) The dependent requirement is reduced
(d) The reservation is reduced

46. The settlement profile is defaulted through
(a) Order type
(b) Material type
(c) Work centre category
(d) material master

47. When a production order is split the original order is described as ____a______ and carries the status as ____b____ whereas the orders that are split off are called _____c______ and they carry a status as ___d___.

48. Reading PP master data is not possible for split orders.
(a)  false
(b) true

49. Automatic goods receipt can be maintained through
(a)  order type
(b) order category
(c)  production scheduler
(d) production scheduling profile
(e)  control key

50. Over/under delivery tolerance is maintained in
(a)  MRP view in material master
(b) Work Scheduling view in material master
(c)  Routing header
(d) BOM item details

51. In standard SAP system under delivery beyond tolerance is possible
(a)  false
(b) true

52. In standard SAP system over delivery beyond tolerance is possible
(c)  false
(d) true

53. Printing order document is possible when the system status of the order is
(a)  REL
(b) CRTD
(c)  PRC
(d) SETC

54. In a production order individual operation can be released
(a)  true
(b) false

55. Triggering of printing of order documents automatically on release can be set in
(a)  Production order
(b) Production scheduler
(c)  Routing
(d) Production scheduling Profile

56. User status can influence System status
(a)  true
(b) false

57. Material availability check of components in a production order depends upon the
(a)  material master of header item
(b) material master of component item
(c)  order type
(d) production scheduling profile

58. It is possible to have an external number assignment for a Production Order
(a)  true
(b) false

59. In order to create a Production Order for a material, the procurement type in Material Master should be
(a)  E
(b) F
(c)  X

60. Backflushing indicator of a component in a Production Order can be set in Production Order
(a)  true
(b) false

61. Schedule Margin key in Production Order defines the floats at
(a)  order level
(b) operation level
(c)  component level (lead time)

62. What is the relevant Special Procurement type for collective order?
(a)  32
(b) 31
(c)  52
(d) 01

63. In collective order we can switch over to child order through parent order
(a)  true
(b) false

64. ‘Scope of check’ is defined per
(a)  checking group & checking control
(b) checking rule & checking control
(c)  checking rule & checking group
(d) checking group & MRP type
(e)  MRP group & checking rule

65. In scope of check we define the elements to be considered are
(a)  stock element
(b) cost element
(c)  receipt element
(d) issue element
(e)  time element

66. What is true or false for serial number?
(a)  Serial number can not be assigned without batch number
(b) Serial number can be controlled at movement type level also
(c)  Only internal number assignment is possible
(d) Serial number can be assigned at the time of creation order, release order and posting GR.

67.In MAKE TO ORDER production, when can you see the cost of the production order in the sales order.
(a) When production order is settled
(b) When goods receipt is posted
(c) When sales order is settled