1. In IMG, activities for which SAP cannot deliver default settings?
2. At what level the regulation of employees are defined in SAP?
3. To integrate the PA and OM we use a switch, specify?
A: PLOGI ORGA X, X contains integration between OM and PA via 0001.
4. In which T-CODES feature are maintained?
5. What is the use of a Feature?
A: To determine default values. The system suggest these values when you maintain infotype that effect employee master data.(PE03 RPUMKG00)
6. The employee subgroup grouping for CAP allows you to assign different employees SUBGR to different…?
A: CAP allows to assign different employees to different pay scale types.
7. Employee subgroup grouping for PCR is done to…?
A: PCR is allows one wage type to be processed in different ways in payroll accounting.
8. In which feature, default wage type is defined for Basic pay infotype?
9. The wage type that starts with ‘/’ is known as …?
A: Secondary wage types or Technical wage types. ,which defines the wage type value during payroll process.
10. Permissible check for wage type is performed for each…?
A: Permissibility for each wage type is performed for each personnel sub areas and employee subgroups and also define which wage types to be entered for groupings.
11. In SAP one can control the initiation of actions when maintaining infotype by..?
A: User parameters are used to maintain infotype
12. How to know the user authorizations?
A: SAP access menu à Tools à Administration à Information systems à Authorizations ( authorizations by complex selection criteria).
13. Position inherits the task of which object?
A: Job (C).
14. How do you transfer data from PA to OD?
A: Use report RHQINTE1 is used to transfer the data which records data records. Path IMG à P.M à P.D à Integration à Transfer qualification from PA.
15. RHINT30 used for what?
A: To transfer the Organisation assignment from organization management to Personnel administration , use this report.
16. Feature PACTV performs?
A: PACTV performs parameterization for applicant activity.
PERSK performs parameterization for applicant range.
17. What is the use of Feature NUMKR?
A: To determine internal personnel numbers through Number Range Intervals.
18. What is the use of control record?
· A: To determine current payroll period for exact dates
· To determine payroll past for the retro active accounting reorganizations.
· To locks the master data and time data of the employee changes during payroll run
19. Are you able to perform more than one action in the same day?
A: Yes Additional Action
20. Whether system will allow the Hire and Terminate actions on the same day?
A: No (PA40)
21. While perform the Hire action, customer don’t want to go the further with out entering the data into the infotype i.e. few infotypes data’s are mandatory. How to proceed?
A: IMGà P.Mà Customize User interfaceà change screen modificationsà check module pool and screen numberà go to detailsà control the screen.
22. What the functionality of Time constraints?
A: The time constraint class is used to check for collisions between Time Management infotypes (2001 to 2012). It allows you to specify different regulations for checking for collisions between individual subtypes.( V_554Y_B ) ( global T.C reaction V_T554Y)
23. Customer doesn’t want to give the display authorization for few fields in the infotypes. How to resolve this issue?
A: same as answer of 21.
24. To implement SAP payroll what are the mandatory modules for HR?
A: To implement SAP payroll , following SAP HR modules must be completed before – P.A , T.M,
25. What is the difference between Master data and transactional data?
A: Master data is a central component of HR module; it supplies information to all modules and is part of PA and payroll sections of HR.
Payroll information that is stored in long term basis in the system and can be incorporated into transactional data.
26. Employee able to hold two personnel numbers?
A: Yes. In the global employment management either assigning unique personnel number to each personnel assignment one for home country that is unique and another for host country that is followed by unique.
27. How access HRP1000 table?
28. What are the different types of Holidays?
A: There are three types of Holidays …1. Public Holidays 2. Public Holiday calendar 3. Factory Calendar.
29. How to find a bug in a report?
30. What is the personnel calendar?
A: An object that contains all the recorded and absences for the employee, the personnel calendar is based on the monthly calendar which in turn corresponds to the work schedule. A personnel work schedule and those a personnel calendar are created when attendance and absences were recorded that deviate from the general work schedule.
31. What are the types of break schedule?
A: 1.Fixed break schedule – Break taken at a certain period of time
2.Variable break schedule – Breaks must be taken within a specific interval of time. An employee themselves determines the time when there break begins and ends.
3. Dynamic break schedule – Breaks taken after a certain number of hours worked
4. Over time Break schedule – Breaks taken when working over time, it’s indicated by letter ‘O’.
32. Customer required a variant for monthly WS generation with Thursday half day?
A: Yes. By creating the daily work schedule is half day of Thursday , which include them in period work schedule as Thursday is half day , and assign work schedule rule to them and in accordance with these work schedules we can generate to the monthly basis.
33. Holiday and Friday and Saturday’s are weekly off?
34. Define day types?
A: The day type determines the influence on payment and also the relevance of the day for calculating attendance times. It is therefore also used in Absence Counting and to determine wage types.
An indicator that a certain calendar day is payment-relevant, that is, an employee is paid for working that day.
35. To generate a work schedule what are the parameters required?
A: To generate WS Rule -1. Employee sub group grouping .2. Holiday calendar. 3. Personnel sub area grouping. 4. Work schedule rule. 5. Calendar month from /end date of the year.
36. What is the use of counting rule?
A: Counting rules are used to determine the payroll days and hours for an attendance and absences. The payroll days and hours that has been counted and is used to control the deduction of quotas. They can be used in payroll to valuate the absences.
37. Define base and accrual entitlement?
A: To set rules for determining the total entitlement (base entitlement) to an absence quota type. The base entitlement forms the basis for calculating the prorated leave or absence entitlement for each accrual period.
If you determine the base entitlement according to the employee's age or seniority, you enter a constant expressed in days or hours.the period over which you generate employee's quota entitlements is used as the base period (base period = accrual period).
38. How to generate absence quotas?
- A: If you want to generate absence quotas on the basis of accountable attendance times, you must have first:
- Defined the required Time Types: One time type to determine the attendance times and one to determine the factor with which the prorated base entitlement is multiplied
- Added a personnel calculation rule into your time evaluation schema to complete the time types.
39. What is the relationship between job and Position?
A: When a position is described by a job it inherits the characteristics of the job such as associated tasks or qualifications
Job can describe many positions but a position can be described by only one job
40. What are the characteristics of a wage type?
A: Validity period
· Operation indicator
· Minimum and Maximum wage type amounts
· Whether or not wage type amount should be included in the basic pay total
· Default units of time or measurement, minimum and maximum number.
· Input combinations for number and amount
· Indirect valuation and it’s characteristics
41. What is the advantage of a schema?
A: Schemas are composed of a variety of functions which are processed sequentially. Schemas are used in both time and payroll calculations. (PE01)
42. What is the use of QUOMO?
A: Quota type selection takes place in the time evaluation schema using function quota.
43. What is the procedure to develop a new report?
A: Through SAP Easy Access àHR à Information systems àAdHoc query à Drag and drop (Selection/out put fields)à Personalization à All data at a glance ; data out put an AdHoc query screen à Loging à Evaluating personnel planning dataà Switch object selection on and off.
44. What is the use of structural authorizations?
A: It controls access specifically to data stored in time dependent structures ( Org.l structures ,Business Event Hierarchies , Qualification Catalogs and so on) and it enables to access particular data of the employees in their span of control.
45. Differentiate between cluster table and internal table?
A:A group of nodes treated as a unit in a structure graphic.
Cluster Table : it is known as only in ABAP dictionary not in Data Base.
An internal table is one of two structured data types in ABAP. It can contain any number of identically structured rows, with/without a header line.Internal table , it stores data, system imports data to these tables and use them to calculates new data. This data is also saved in internal tables.
46. Module pool programming
A: It is combination of Business event types and associated rules that can be used in one or more programs.
47. How to transfer a variant for a report to production system?
48. What are the activities needs to be completed before transferring the applicant a to Personnel administration?
A: Vacancy assignment to the position
· Vacancy assignment to the applicant
· Applicant Actions – To Be interviewed (PB40)
· To record an applicant's position in the selection procedure( Planned/Completed – PB60)
· Personnel Actions – Prepare to Hire (PB40)
· Personnel Actions – Hire Applicant (PA40), through Transfer applicant data to Master data.
49. What do know the about the R/3 architecture?
A: R/3 system for client/server architectures, distributed applications among multiple computer levels, providing integrated handling of all business routines in accounting, logistics and HRM. R/3 is a multilayer Internet Architecture with an open Three- tier approach: Presentation, application and data base layer.
50. Define Personnel are and Personnel sub are
A: Personnel Area: It is an organizational unit, which represents a specific area of the enterprise and subdivision of company code.
Personnel Sub Area: It is a subdivision of personnel area which represents a specific area of the company and contains business characteristics like pay scale, wage type, planned working hours and appraisal criteria.
51. Give some examples for Employee subgroup?
A: Salaried Employee, Hourly Employee, Retire Employee, Piece work Employee
52. What is the retroactive accounting?
A: A payroll is repeated for a period to which payroll accounting has already been performed in the payroll past, Retro active accounting is triggered during the payroll run for the current period . It certain master and time data effective the payroll past has been changed in mean time .
53. When you perform a off-cycle payroll?
A: Pay roll run that is carried out in addition to regular payroll run for a specific day and for individual employees. The reasons are:-
· Pay an employee in advance before he or she takes leave
· Bonus to an employee for special work
54. What is the significance of DME
A: Data medium administrator helps you to manage the data media that you create in Financial Accounting and in HR(Data Medium Exchange).By this, the system displays all the data media created with the selection criteria which we have specified.
55. How to create a work schedule for a part time employees
A: We can also used existing work schedules rule for full time work force in addition to we can set up especially work schedule rules for particular part time. This can be done by assigning fewer working hours and working days for a period. Generate a work schedule from these elements and then assign it to part time employee in the 0007.
56. How to transfer employee salary from HR for FI
A: . Creating posting run
· Edit positing run
· Check posting run
· Check posting documents
· Release posting documents
· Post posting run
· Check completeness of posting
· Subsequent activities in Financial accounting
Financial Accounting Activities:
· Creation of Organizational accounting structure
· Creation of GL Accounts
· Determination of automatic account assignments
· Determination of related primary cast elements
· Master cost center designation in info type 0001
· Cost center specified in info type 0027(cost deductions)
· Activity allocations and cost distributions in 2002(T.M)
· Clearing cost centers defined for RPCIPO00
· Fixed cost centers defined for RPCIO00à it transfers the HR CALC payroll file to FI/CO
57. If you want to return the Payroll for a specific employee what is the procedure?
A: EXIT payroll
58. Define processing class, evaluation class and cumulation classes
· Processing Class: A wage type characteristics that controls processing during payroll. During the payroll run, the system processes a wage type in a certain processing steps according to individual specifications in the respective processing class.
· Evaluating Class: which controls processing when evaluating and displaying payroll results.
· Cumulating Class:
59. How you calculate the overtime?
A: Employers often use their own formulae to calculate the rate for overtime. SAP has implemented the following formula in the GB Model Company to provide a template:
Annual salary x 7, divide by 365, divide by number of hours worked per week.
The valuation basis /005, which calculates the rate at the formula rate, has been implemented, and a new wage type M019, which pays at double that rate for overtime on Bank Holidays. The formula is implemented in calculating valuation basis /005 in personnel calculation rules G010 and G013 in the schema G000 (subschema GT00).
An employee is on an annual salary of £10,000 and works 40 hours per week.
Normal overtime rate = 10000 x 7, divide by 365, divide by 40 = £4.79
If the employee works on overtime on Christmas Day, he or she will get double that rate, so in effect will be paid at £9.58 per hour.
60. How to calculate transport allowance for employees who has worked as per work schedule and who took few leaves (employer don’t want to pay transport allowance where the employee was absent)?
· A: Employee Remuneration Information provides payroll with time- and person-related time wage types. These time wage types form the specifications for the financial valuation of work performed further on in payroll.
· You can include information on a different payment with the employee remuneration information. If you do, the specified wage types are valuated according to the different pay scale group/level or the different position, for example, further on in the payroll run.
· This enables you to use this component as an interface to external time management systems. In this case, a Business Application Interface (BAPI) is used to supply the employee remuneration information with time wage types.
· You can use the Cross-Application Time Sheet to supply Human Resources with information on bonuses (for example, travel allowance).
61. Differentiate between Positive and negative Time?
A: Positive T.M: a method of time recording which not only uses deviations from monthly work schedule ( absences, O.T),but also actual clock in /out time of an employee to determine attendances and absences time.
Negative T.M: Record only deviations from the work schedule.
EX:- Illness, schedule and record substitutions and enter employee’s standard annual leave.
62. Mention the processing types in Time evaluation?
A: An indicator in time evaluation and time data processing in payroll that controls the selection of wage types.
You can select different wage types for times determined in time evaluation to have the processing type "M" (for overtime) than for times for which the processing type "S" (planned working time) was determined.
63. Give brief information about time wage types and balance reflects into cluster tables
A: Primary wage type that: The system makes available by means of time data information.
Time wage types are only written with a number (usually of hours) to the payroll program and, it is only at this point that they are evaluated.
The standard system contains a model wage type Overtime Bonus 50%. You can use the customizing system to define conditions that must be met before the Overtime bonus 50% time wage type can be assigned to an employee.
Such conditions could be as follows:
- The employee must have worked at least 2 hours of overtime.
- The employee must have worked on a weekend.
- The employee must have worked on a public holiday.
Whenever the conditions you defined are met, the system automatically selects the time wage type Overtime bonus 50% for the employee in question.
Using the report Display Cluster NS (RPCLSTNS), you can display the content of the Cluster NS for a certain evaluation period. Based on this data, you can answer the following questions for the personnel number you selected:
- How often did the employee work nightshifts of heavy labor during the month?
- How often did the employee work nightshifts of heavy labor during the leave year?
- In how many leave years is the employee entitled to additional leave?
- How often was the employee absent from (planned) nightshifts of heavy labor?
- How many months are added to the employee’s entitlement to a special pension?
The cluster NS was created/updated by running the report RPTNSHA0 (Nightshift Heavy Labor Law [NSchG]) for the employee in question.
64. Where you will find the Error Message?
A: The database log is a central log file, in which critical actions and error messages are stored. You must check this log when analyzing errors.
1. In the System Administration Assistant click
or call Transaction ST04.
2. Choose Detail Analysis Menu.
3. Choose Database message Log.
4. In the next window that appears choose Diagnostic error messages.
5. The system displays the contents of file E:\db2<sid>\db2dump\db2diag.log if it is available. (The path is based on Ready-to-Run systems.)
6. Repeat steps 1 to 3 and now choose Alert Messages. The file E:\db2\<SID>\db2dump\db2alert.log is displayed if it is available.
7. Compare any error messages you see to the DB Message Reference
65. What are the infotypes data involved in Time evaluation
A: 0001, 0002,0007,2001,2002,2006,2007,2011,0050
66. Time events and Time pairs are stored in which tables?
A: The time postings stored in the SAP system, such as clock-in and clock-out or start and end of working time, that employee enter at a time recording terminal. Time events are uploaded from a time recording terminal to the SAP system. Time pairs are formed so that time events can be processed in time evaluation and each duration of time worked can be determined.Tables to maintain time events are: T705F; T705P
67. How to valuate the time wage types
A. You need this function to valuate time wage types.
During the payroll run, the system reads various time wage types from tables. These time wage types contain only one number (NUM). To calculate the amount (AMT) of the time wage type, the number must be multiplied by a rate (RTE). The system calculates the rate for each unit
using averages
An employee has 14 days leave. The vacation allowance should be made up of the pay and 10% of all overtime bonuses from the last six months. To do this the system must calculate an average value .
using a valuation basis
Your employee works overtime between 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. In accordance with the company agreement, these two hours of overtime entitle the employee to an overtime bonus in addition to his or her basic remuneration.
Your Time Management system provides you with a Bonus for overtime wage type, which only contains the number of hours of overtime (2 hours in this example). The payroll program requires a rate by which to multiply the number in the Bonus for overtime wage type. To do this, you must define a valuation basis
68. Derive the wage type with 50% and 25%
69. How to change the employee basic pay from wage type MM20 to 5231
A: Through Copy function and Test Run
70. What is the use of counting classes?
A: The class for absence and attendance counting to specify different methods of counting according to the period work schedule
Ex: use the valuation class of the period work schedule as a feature to distinguish between employees who work 4-day weeks and those who work 5 days.
71. What is use of Day rules
A: The rule for day types is used to determine whether the day in question is a working day, Saturday, Sunday or public holiday
72. What are the partial period factors
A: The factor required to calculate partial remuneration.
The factor is a variable value, calculated using different formulas depending on the company and situation. During the customizing, partial period factors are defined in personnel calculation rules for a specific situation and assigned to wage types for a particular period.
Multiplying the partial period factor by the fixed remuneration amount for a particular period, gives you the actual remuneration amount to be paid.
- Working hours (S)
- Work days (A)
- Calendar days (K)
73. In which tables Payroll constant will be stored and through which T- code you are able to view records?
A: T510H (Payroll constant for Time Unit) ; T-Code : SM30
74. Write the formula for partial period factor for /802
A: Formula: Planned working time / flat rate period working time - absence/ D
Divisor: flat rate/ individual wage type
75. What the use of factoring in payroll?
76. Are you able to run a payroll for ex-employee
A: YES, by using Control record and Retro active accounting through Payroll Status info type (0003)
77. What do know about averages in payroll?
78. Through which T-code you are able to create a remuneration statement
A: PC00_M10_CEDT
79. Explain break transfers and check processing?
80. What are the Time recording methods?
· Time administrator record the time data
· Time managers work place
· System interface
81. How to implement a decentralized scenario into an organization?
82. How to get the master data from SAP to SAP and Non-SAP?
83. Qualification catalog consists of which objects?
A: Qualifications and Qualification Group
84. What is the key feature of IT0003 which is maintained by system automatically?
A: Payroll Area
85. How to hold two different bank accounts for an individual employee to distribute salary?
A: It is possible by defining payment methods.
Path:- PMàPAàPersonal dataàBank detailsàDefine Payment MethodàBank AccountsàNew entries. ….
86. What are key aspects defined for dynamic actions?
A: Dynamic actions are automatically performed by relating info type records of employee status.
87. Employee subgroups are used in Time to control what?
A: This allows you to categorize employee groups and subgroups for time recording.
Ex:- 1 = Hourly-paid employee 2 = Salaried employee
88. What is the purpose of assigning a Daily work schedule class
A: The daily work schedule class is a feature used to define daily work schedules. You use it to create evaluation criteria for a daily work schedule. According to the evaluation criteria, daily work schedules can be used in differen ways in time wage type selection, attendance and absence counts, or in time evaluation.
89. How is a day type determined in a day type rule
A: The rule for day types is used to determine whether the day in question is a working day, Saturday, Sunday or public holiday.
· specify which day types apply on which days for each day type defined in the system.
· Each work schedule has its own rule for determining day types.
· You define these rules in the customizing system in the Rules for day types view.
90. What is the use of a Quota multiplier in a Counting rule
A: quota multiplier to specify how you want absences and attendances to be counted
You can specify different percentage values for the calculation of payroll hours and payroll days under Hours and Days.
91. What are the methods by which Quota can be occupied?
A: In three methods we can generate the quotas time off entitlement:-
1. Manually – by using Default Values
2. Automatically – by generating report RPTQTA00
3. Automatically – by generating Time Evaluation Report RPTIME00 (TM00, TM04).
92. When do you use a reduction rule for an absence quota?
A: If an employee has taken leaves beyond the time off quota entitlement. we can specify reduction rule with minimum and maximum unit to be reduction to the particular employee.
93. Elements of Enterprise structures are…?
· Company
· Company Code
· Personnel area
· Personnel Sub area
94. What type of information payroll accounting area provides the payroll driver?
A: A payroll area is used to define the time at which the payroll run takes place , the earliest possible retroactive accounting period, retroactive recognition , and the payroll periods for which payroll is to be run. An exception is the “No payroll” payroll area. Payroll is not performed for employees assigned to this payroll area.
Ex:- Industrial workers- monthly, on the 4th day of the following month.
95. Infotypes are logical groups of…?
A: Employee Data.
96. Work schedule generated from..?
A: The monthly work schedule is generated by applying the Period woek schedule to a horizontal time axis – the public holiday calendar – until the month or months has been covered.
97. Which infotypes act as a payroll administration for the individual employee
A: 0008 ; 0014 ; 0015
98. What are the applicant activity
A: You use the Applicant Activities infotype (4003) to enter the activities that have been created for an applicant.
Activities carried out for an applicant within a selection procedure are entered, logged and planned in the Recruitment system by means of applicant activities. In other words, applicant activities are administrative stages through which an applicant passes during the course of the application procedure. Correspondence with applicants is also handled by means of applicant activities.
You can only display applicant activities in applicant master data (you cannot edit them here). To create or change applicant activities, choose Applicant activity Maintain.
The time constraint for this infotype is 3.
99. Explain ASAP methodology
A: A connection between the customer's requirements identified in the project scope and the Customizing settings in the SAP system.
You generate the Project IMG using the project scope set in the Question and Answer database. The Business Process Master List then allows you to go from individual processes directly to the relevant IMG activities to make the required system settings.
ASAP methodology focusing on system upgrades.
100. What are the logical databases belongs to HR module?
A: HR Master data and Payroll results.
101. What are the modules for wage type characteristics (indirect valuation).